Giant of Odessos: Skeleton Unearthed In Varna, Bulgaria
Earlier in March 2015, rescue excavations in Varna, Bulgaria uncovered the skeleton of a giant person buried beneath the fortress wall of the ancient city of Odessos.
By N. Hale | Ancient Mysteries
Earlier in March 2015, rescue excavations in Varna, Bulgaria uncovered the skeleton of a giant person buried beneath the fortress wall of the ancient city of Odessos.
Initial reports indicated that scientists were highly astonished by the size of the bone found in the area, leading them to conclude that the person had lived in the 4th or 5th century.
The skeleton was revealed during rescue excavations conducted by archaeologists from the Varna Museum of Archaeology (also called Varna Regional Museum of History).
According to Prof. Dr. Valeri Yotov, who was in charge of the team carrying out excavations there, the size of the bones was “impressive” and that they belonged to “a very tall man”. However, Yotov didn’t reveal the exact height of the skeleton.
Varna archaeologists also found remains of the Odessos fortress wall, fragments of earthen jars, and a hand mill from late Antiquity.
“As we started to uncover the ancient fortress wall, we started asking ourselves a lot of questions, and, of course, we had to keep digging to reach the wall’s foundations. That’s how we stumbled upon the skeleton,” – Dr. Valeri Yotov

Archaeologists found out that the body was originally buried at a depth of three meters. Since graves of such depth are very rare, they assume that the pit must have been dug up as a construction ditch at the time when Odessos’s fortress wall was being erected.
According to Prof. Yotov, the person died on the work, and the fact that he was buried with his hand resting on his waist and his body oriented toward the east was evidence of a ritualistic burial.
While archaeologists have found nothing particularly noteworthy about their discovery, many researchers wonder where the skeleton came from. Many experts claim that the prehistoric man is an example of the “long extinct race of Atlantis giants.”
It is not the first time that a skeleton of an abnormally large individual has been discovered in Eastern Europe. A giant warrior’s skeleton from 1600 BC was discovered in 2012 near Santa Mare, Romania.

The warrior, known as “Goliath,” stood more than 2 meters tall, which was quite unusual for the time and region because most individuals were short-lived (approximately 1.5 meters on average). An impressive dagger that demonstrated the warrior’s great status was found with him in his grave.
Do all these incredible discoveries prove that giants once really roamed in Europe? Is the race of Atlantis giants a hard reality of human history? Are those mythological stories based on real events occurred in the distant past?
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