Mind /Body /Spirit
Virgo Compatibility: Exploring Love Connections
Virgos are known for their attention to detail, making them compatible with signs that appreciate…
Science & Tech
The Real Men In Black: Researchers Are Certain That They Are Not Human
The enigmatic Men in Black are a mysterious faction that wields control over the information…
USA News
More Problems With The Banks: JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America And Wells Fargo Have All Had Their Ratings Downgraded
Can our system handle this much stress at this point?
10 Bizarre Events In The Age of Reason That Defied Reason
Very interesting!
4 Key Areas To Focus On As You Prepare For The Chaotic Events of 2024 & Beyond
Are you preparing for what lies ahead?
Mind /Body /Spirit
In Limbo: Astrology Forecast November 19th – 26th, 2023
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
Interesting Claim: “Antarctica Is The Place Where Fallen Angels Are Still Alive But Locked In”
You can tell that the creators put a lot of time and thought into it,…
Mind /Body /Spirit
Gallbladder Disease Often Comes After Heavy Holiday Meals, Doctor Warns
Some patients with no risk factors or history of gallbladder problems find themselves seeing a…
Ancient DNA Charts Native Americans’ Journeys To Asia Thousands of Years Ago
Analysis of ten Eurasian individuals, up to 7,500 years old, gives a new picture of…
World News
Are You Prepared For The Cataclysmic Earth Changes That Are On The Way?
Are we living in the end days?
Famed 5,300 Year Old Alps Iceman Was A Balding Middle-Aged Man With Dark Skin & Eyes
Genetic analysis shows that Ötzi was descended from farmers who migrated from an area that…
Mind /Body /Spirit
The Agony of Anxious Attachment & How To Attract Better Relationships
Start by being one
The Ancient Tech, Bizarre Ruins, And Strange Discoveries Scientists Won’t Explain
Delve into the mystery of "out-of-place artefacts" scattered across the globe. Do they offer evidence…
Unknown Language From 3,000 Years Ago Unearthed In Turkey
At this excavation site at the foot of Ambarlikaya in Boğazköy-Hattusha in Turkey, a cuneiform…
USA News
10 Examples From 10 Different Cities of The “Mad Max” Environment That Now Reigns In America’s Streets
If America had chosen a better path, things could have turned out much differently.
Antarctica’s Enigmatic Secrets: What Lies Beneath The Frozen Surface?
Why is Antarctica forbidden to the public?
World News
Why Is Volcanic Activity Starting To Go Crazy All Over The Planet?
Are we living in the end days?
Archaeologists Find 24 Bronze Statues, Preserved In Tuscan Spa For 2,300 Years
Collection of bronzes dating back 2,300 years sheds light on transition between Etruscans and Romans
Mind /Body /Spirit
Pluto & Kali Dancing: Astrology Overview November 13th – 19th, 2023
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
Science & Tech
Alien Named Akon Took Woman For 4 Months To His Planet In Alpha Centauri, Where She Gave Birth To Alien Child
The history of Elizabeth Klarer is one of the most bizarre and unusual in UFOlogy.…