Mind /Body /Spirit
Are The Benefits of Probiotics Overstated?
Probiotic use is largely misunderstood by consumers and even researchers, making many of the benefits…
Who Was The Real Moses?
The hypothesis that the Egyptian Crown Prince Thutmose could have been the real Moses is…
Science & Tech
Nikola Tessa’s Secret Inventions That Were Lost, Stolen or Censored
The FBI has finally declassified its files on Nikola Tesla, but questions remain.
14 Things That Everyone Needs To Know About The Great American Eclipse of 2024
2024 Could be a year of ALL …
Science & Tech
Why People Think The World Is Flat, And Why Science Says They Are Wrong
Our Earth is not flat and here we provide undeniable evidence!
World News
2024 Will Be A Year of Historic Natural Disasters
We have finally reached the year that so many of us have been pointing to…
The Lost Pyramid of Egypt: Confirmed, A 4th Pyramid Discovered Near Giza
EGYPT historian Matthew Sibson says he has discovered evidence of a fourth Pyramid of Giza,…
USA News
Red Alert: Tap-To-Pay Terminals Can Reach Into Your Wallet or Purse & Charge You For Things You Haven’t Even Purchased
The truth is that credit cards and debit cards are never going to be 100%…
Scientists: Geological Evidence Shows The Great Sphinx Is 800,000 Years Old
This scientific research means we know hardly anything of our true history!
Science & Tech
NASA Astronaut Makes Amazing Radio Transmission: “They Are All Over The Sky”.
I firmly believe that it's no longer a matter of "will they come," but rather…
Mind /Body /Spirit
Re-Imagining What’s Possible: Astrology Forecast December 31st – January 7th
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week
The Book of Giants Describes How Nephilim Lived On Earth
According to the Book of Giants, the Nephilim were unusually tall and powerful, causing chaos…
Science & Tech
FBI Releases Document With Details of Alien Bodies, Spaceships & Planets
The Document declassified by the FBI states: “…Part of the disks carry crews, others are…
Science & Tech
Fungi That Absorbs Radiation Has Been Growing All Over Chernobyl Plant
The organism could be used to protect humans and equipment on the International Space Station.
Seventeenth-Century Shopping List Discovered Under Floorboards of Historic English Home
Penned in 1633, the “beautifully written” list hints at household life 400 years ago
The Reality of The Supernatural
We really are living in the end times.
Science & Tech
Did Nikola Tesla Discover The Secrets of Antigravity?
Somehow, Tesla had all of it figured out!
Science & Tech
Alien “City” Found On The Moon State UFOlogists: Here Is How To Find It Yourself
You can also check the source and findings for yourself!
Archaeologists In Israel Unearth 3,800-Year-Old Skeleton of Baby Buried In A Jar
Researchers are unsure of the unusual funerary practice’s purpose, but one theory posits that the…
Science & Tech
Researchers Discover A ‘Stonehenge’ On Mars
Stonehenge-style rocks spotted on MARS: Bizarre circular stone formation on the red planet resembles the…