Are You Stuck Or Stable? Astrology Forecast January 31st – February 6th, 2022
One full month into 2022, and the astrological energy is a little bit stuck. Or stable. Depending on your point of view.
By Nikki Harper | Guest Writer
This week, we have an Aquarius New Moon on Tuesday, which usually brings a rush of innovative, exciting, original thinking and a progressive desire to move our collective narrative forward. This time, however, the New Moon conjuncts Saturn. Depending on your own personal natal chart, this may add determination to your desire to switch things up, plus a stabilizing base from which to start your campaign of change…… or it may hold you back, dragging you into quicksand and effectively killing off your attempts to move ahead.
Tuesday is also Chinese New Year, the year of the Water Tiger. This is strong, purposeful, revolutionary energy which wants to change the world, with an eye on what is best for humanity. This suggests that the Saturn conjunction in Western astrology can be harnessed for good, rather than being a stuck-in-the-mud hindrance. However, water tiger energy is overly impulsive and overly self-confident, so we should tread carefully if we don’t want to rush into chaos.
On Thursday, Mercury turns direct in Capricorn. While this moves thinking forward and frees us from communication blocks, this is cautious, slow, step-by-step thinking. Meanwhile on Friday, the Sun’s powerful conjunction with Saturn again promises either determination or stability.
Mars sextiles Jupiter on Friday in much more vibrant energy; as the week rounds out, it seems that our challenge is to move ahead cautiously and slowly rather than in a dramatic rush. The change you want to see can happen, but you need to work towards it gradually and incrementally for the best chance of success.
For those who are feeling stuck this week: rethink your objectives and find something small you can do, every day, which moves you forward. For those who feel stable, harness the progressive energy vibes and dare to reach out beyond your comfort zone.
Tap into the collective consciousness to discover where your focus should be this week. The New Moon urges you to do what’s best for society, which is not necessarily the same thing as what’s best for you personally. Communication improves in your career, and stress recedes in this area of your life, but the universe wants you to be open to a change of direction. Does your career match what you sense if your life’s calling? If it doesn’t, the Mars-Jupiter sextile is your best bet for a while in terms of re-aligning your path.
There’s a lot of personal success on offer this week, especially in your career. The New Moon brings prosperous ideas and grand ambitions, but you may feel afraid to take the required leap of faith. When Mercury turns direct, think about beginning a new qualification or brushing up on your skill set. This will give you the confidence you need to pursue your ambitions to the max. Networking in an educational or training setting could also prove very fortunate this week.
You’re definitely among those feeling stuck or even slightly trapped this week. Harness the power of the New Moon to break out of your self-imposed rut. Go somewhere new, even if it’s only local, because travel is one way to refresh your spirit. Seeing new places and new faces always energizes you. Meanwhile, be mindful of how others have helped you get to where you are today. Is it time to pay back what you owe? Be sure to repay favors with kindness and humility – or to pay them forward by helping someone else who is on their way up.
This week’s New Moon is empowering and energizing for you, showing you resources and strengths you didn’t even know you had. In that sense, you’re enjoying the stability of this week’s vibe, as you grow strong foundations. With Mercury turning direct in your love zone, you’ll also enjoy improved communication with your other half. Listen to your partner’s wild and fancy ideas later in the week. Even though their suggestions are off the wall crazy, there are some nuggets of genius in there too.
All that stuck-or-stable energy occurs in the love zone of your chart, so this week your relationship is likely to be either enjoying a better foundation than ever before, or mired in boredom, routine and apathy. In order to find out which, it’s vital that you listen to your partner. What you think is going on, might not be at all what they think is going on. When Mercury turns direct, power ahead by sharing your wellness goals with your partner. Together you can work on a holistic partnership that benefits your minds and spirits as well as your bodies.
You’re weighed down by responsibility right now, and definitely at the stuck end of the week’s stuck-or-stable options. However, the New Moon gives you the chance to delegate. Your responsibilities are not yours alone, and should be shared with other interested parties. Make sure other people do their bit. When Mercury turns direct, a chink of light appears, and you should be able to find more leisure time and a chance to simply relax. Later in the week, Mars and Jupiter combine forces to spice up your love life too, which is energizing in itself.
This week’s New Moon is all about risk-taking for you – there’s not a great deal either stuck or stable about your chart right now. You’ll want to push the boundaries, be impulsive and walk on the wild side. This is all well and good, but when Mercury turns direct you may discover that your family life suffers through your own slightly volatile actions. Is it time to tone things down a little bit? There is such a thing as too much freedom. Lean into your responsibilities as the weekends, and find joy in doing what you’re supposed to doing.
This week’s energies are rooted in the past for you, and you are in danger of becoming stuck there. The New Moon highlights positive factors from your past, from which you could forge a fresh future, but you’re hung up on going over old ground, again and again. When Mercury turns direct, you’ll get a slightly clearer picture of what could be, which might spur you on to look at the future and away from the past. However, it’s probably not until the weekend that you’ll finally be motivated to move ahead. Don’t allow the past, and all of its mysteries, to become your prison.
You’re just too busy to be either stuck or stable right now. The New Moon highlights the dozens of items on your to-do list and urges you to keep on going, but it’s exhausting work. You are making progress, for sure, but probably at a cost to your mental health. When Mercury turns direct, there is at least some financial relief on the way. You may also receive financial or practical support from your extended family as the week draws to a close – this gives you the breathing space you need for a rest. Let the world turn without you, briefly, while you recharge your batteries.
Abundance and prosperity are yours for the asking this week, putting you very much at the stable-and-growing-thanks end of the week’s energy scale. A very promising New Moon in your money zone brings ideas for new income streams, a new business, or new ways of maximizing your bank account. Meanwhile, Mercury turning direct in your own sign clears your thinking and shows you the value of gratitude. Towards the end of the week, look for an opportunity involving writing or editing; something quite abstract and intellectual is likely to come your way.
As an Aquarius, you’re the very embodiment of the stuck-or-stable dilemma, being frequently the former and almost never the latter. This week, stability calls, but are you even interested in hearing it? The Aquarius New Moon invites you to create careful, planned out, sensible strategies for the future, but your urge to change everything, all at once, leaves you stuck once more as well as stressed out. When Mercury turns direct, look to dreams and synchronicity for ideas on how you can calm down and take things more step by step. When you do, you’ll find that both your abundance and your peace of mind increases.
There’s nothing terribly stable about your increasingly vivid psychic abilities this week – but you may be stuck in how you are dealing emotionally with your gifts. The New Moon urges you to take a fresh look at your spiritual life and to handle it in a more holistic, joyful, healthy way. Your gifts are blessings, even though it may not always feel that way; to make the most of them, you must drag yourself out of depression and up into the light. When Mercury turns direct, friendships or a community will help with this, but you must be willing to be helped in the first place, especially later in the week.
About the Author
Nikki Harper is a spiritualist writer, astrologer, and Wake Up World’s editor.