Angel-Like Giant Winged Humanoids Sighted In Space!
This incident was not only documented, photographed, it was also reported by NASA in detail to the Vatican!
This concept completely blew my mind, as there have been several if not more occurrences in the past where humans in space witnessed giant humanoid beings following their spacecraft, and approaching their space stations!
What really got me to take a second look was the reported size of these beings…
In 1985, six crewmembers on board the Soviet Salyut-7 space station witnessed something incredible.
A flash of bright white light blinded all the cosmonauts on board for a short time. After a few seconds when they could see again, the cosmonauts saw silhouettes of seven figures outside the station.
The silhouettes looked like humans, but were huge, at least 90 feet. They also had large wings and luminous halos above their heads, the creatures looked like angels.
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They were glowing, they reported…
“We were truly overwhelmed.”
“There was a great orange light, and through it we could see the figures of seven Angels.”
“The entire Space Station became filled with a feeling of peace and calm”
“These glorious beings were sent by God to watch over us during our long mission”
The Angels kept pace with the space station for some 10-minutes before vanishing.
Later in the mission, some 167 days later, the crew were joined by another three cosmonauts from the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft: Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov.
Shortly after joining them, the Salyut 7 was once again visited by the Angelic beings. All cosmonauts on board the Space Station related the same story, in detail, and all were profoundly moved by the experience.
After this strange incident occurred, some of the crew stayed on the vessel for another 237-days before abandoning it.
Safely back on Earth at the end of their mission, all the Cosmonauts were subjected to vigorous psychological and medical tests, which found no abnormalities at all.
The incident was quickly classified Top Secret by the Soviet Union, and the entire crew were cautioned never to speak of the event publicly.
Many US astronauts on board NASA’s space shuttle, and the International Space Station have also encountered angel-like beings, and strange creature’s while on missions. As with the Russian encounter, Astronauts are unable to relate their experiences, under the threat of death in some cases.
But wait there is more! While it would appear that astronomers had captured a new star cluster, in reality they quickly realized they were imaging giant glowing humanoid beings in space!!!
As you know, the Hubble Telescope has been operating for a while. One of the things that certain officials or scientists connected to/or in your government are not telling you, and that the Vatican now knows, also, and has known longer than the United States Government, the Soviet Government, and the French Government, is that the Hubble Telescope in space has sent back the pictures of ethereal beings, bathed in this orange glow seen by the occupants of Salyut 7.
These “angels,” according to scientists and astronomers, would cause a world panic and confusion because the Vatican knows that they–AND HERE’S THE VATICAN CONNECTION–are truly, “beings of light.” But, these computer enhanced images have convinced scientists and astronomers alike that they are real, live angels. The Vatican’s interest in the Hubble Space Telescope is that these beings are real, are being seen, but they are not the benign, friendly angels watching over us that the scientists think they are.
Scientists first thought they were a newly discovered star cluster because of the magnitude and brilliance of their colours. It became obvious, with the computer enhanced pictures, “that these were creatures we were seeing,” according to one scientist at NASA. They–now get this–were, “a group of 7 angels flying together,” in the NGC-3532, (CARINA) three-billion-year-old star cluster.
The scientists showed these pictures to the Vatican, and there were, “seven giant figures. All had wings and mist-like halos,” reports one engineer. “They were about 80 feet tall and had wing-spans as large as airplanes. Their faces were round and peaceful, and they were all beaming. It seemed like they were overjoyed at being photographed by the Hubble Telescope. They seemed to be smiling at each other as if they were letting the rest of the universe in on a glorious secret.”
NASA finally revealed to the Vatican that this was not the first time such a thing has occurred through the Hubble Telescope. In the Souz 8 mission a few years back, after 120 days into the mission, Soviet cosmonauts of that flight also encountered similar smiling angels.
The Vatican’s interest, as they have told the three governments in secret meetings above, is that these “angels” are truly those that are assuming the guise of an “angel of light” as spoken of by the Apostle Paul. The figure “7” represents the 7 churches of Asia and their problems that will soon come upon us. It also represents The Seven Periods of the Church, of which we are now into the Fifth Period. This is the bad period, the period of pain, suffering, and destruction. The Period to follow, the Sixth Period, will be a period of consolation.
Pope John Paul II is well apprised and advised of the above and has been for some time. He feels that we will see UFOs landing soon across the world. He further feels that these are not the benevolent beings they have been made out to be.
So was it only Russia that has had encounters, or did NASA have their own sightings of these giant space beings?
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The Vatican is the central point for the world’s largest denomination of Christianity, Catholicism. With its nearly 2,000 years of existence and its secretive nature, it’s no wonder that over the years, the Vatican, and the Catholic Church it represents, has been rumoured to have in its possession many items of intrigue.
From real life magical artefacts, to the devil, to aliens, the Vatican is rumoured to have pretty much anything and everything. And, the supposed location of these things is the very real Vatican’s Secret Archives.
So, today, we will delve into the rumours and see just how many hold any water.
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