A Course Correction: Astrology Forecast May 2nd – 9th, 2021
On the heels of last weeks’ Super Full Moon, we are now entering eclipse territory when the ripples from these cosmic wild cards can already be felt a month beforehand.
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
May is going to bring a potent Buddha New Moon, Jupiter exiting Aquarius for Pisces, a total lunar eclipse and both Saturn and Mercury turning retrograde. Knowing that time-line shifts are inevitable, make the very most of this week to take stock and do a course correction.
On May 3, the Sun in Taurus makes an exact square to Lord of Time and Karma Saturn in Aquarius – both of them Fixed signs. Think back to January 24th when the Sun made a conjunction to Saturn at 4 Aquarius. Look at where and how you’ve had to accept reality checks and come to terms with what can and can’t be changed. If you’ve been resisting the process of adjustment, or waiting for things to get back to “normal”, it’s now past time to acknowledge which old habits, relationships, jobs or circumstances are dead in the water and to channel your resourcefulness into building something more sustainable.
Both Venus and Mercury will be active all week aligning with Pluto and Jupiter-this is an opportunity to find signs of new growth in old places.
Chandra Symbol for Sun 14 Taurus

An old lady selling bunches of violets on a street corner.
“Caught inside a strange predicament–you no longer belong to worlds you always dreamed into before and you have only a slight connection with worlds calling you forward from here. Caught in a time warp, being neither this nor that. Your heart is divided between memories and visions, sentiment and knowledge. Inside this quandary, something else is going on. You are distracted from all solid allegiances in order to overhaul your way of being, even while remaining stubbornly adamant and resistant. Make yourself ready for deeper challenges ahead by stripping away your self-importance; you who have leaned back hard on self-importance for your very identity and who now must let go despite not wanting to at all.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
With your personal planet Mars moving through fellow cardinal sign Cancer and crossing the base of your chart, life at home is going to see much more activity than usual. Family could be very much to the front of your mind. Use this energy boost to get your home the way you want it – the way you need it to work for you and those you share the space with. This could mean renovating, building, de-cluttering, letting in more light or changing the energy by repainting the walls. This is all about strengthening your physical and emotional foundations and creating a deeper sense of belonging. With Mercury very active all week in your angle of communication, invest your time in listening more than you talk and really connecting with those who matter.
Rooting where you are.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
Your birthday month is going to ring the changes, so be ready to look for the green shoots of growth and possibility wherever they appear. Happily, your own planet the lovely Venus will still be in Taurus until May 9th, so if you feel the urge to have a makeover, a new hairstyle or to indulge in something special, why not go for it. May 6th when Venus aligns with money planet Pluto is well starred. At the same time with Jupiter in the frame, keep an eye on the bottom line, especially if you’re self-employed. Money may be coming in but also going out just as quickly. Your career plans may benefit from a reality check or slight course correction since Saturn is at odds with the Sun in Taurus.
Investing in yourself.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
On May 4th, your own planet Mercury enters Gemini to stay for until July 11th, a much longer visit than usual as the Guide of souls will turn retrograde on May 29th. You haven’t experienced this since 2015.This is a welcome opportunity to press the refresh button on everything from outdated beliefs and opinions to your appearance. It’s a rare chance to look at life through a new lens. This will be accelerated by the eclipses across your sign and your opposite sign later this month and in early June. These cosmic wild cards bring shifts in circumstances around you which have a knock on effect on you. From next Sunday May 9th, Venus also moves into your sign smoothing your path and restoring some of life’s pleasures.
Taking off an old carnival mask.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
With Mars activating your sign for the first time in two years until early June, your energy and determination should be high. Channel it where it matters-into physical activities or radical de-cluttering, rather than let it build up into a head of steam when your anger is likely to explode over the nearest bystander. That said, around May 3rd when Lord of Time and Karma Saturn is at odds with the Sun in Taurus, you might need to resolve a longstanding problem if you work in a large organisation or company. Jupiter, planet of the big picture, is at a very helpful angle to Mars Be willing to share some of your ideas to try and break the logjam and take the high road. If that meets resistance, don’t make any rash or sudden moves until after the Taurus New Moon on May 11th.
When they go low, you go high.
Leo Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
The Sun along with Venus is lighting up the pinnacle of your solar chart in Taurus, making this the best period of 2021 to make strides in your career, work or business. With this spotlight on you, everything you do will be more visible than usual, so no cutting corners or over promising and under delivering. Since Uranus, the Awakener, will be shaking up your reputation and status for the next few years and bringing unexpected changes and opportunities, start to think outside your comfort zone. Look more closely at fields you’re intrigued by but haven’t really explored in terms of work. With both Jupiter and Saturn in your opposite sign, make an effort to expand your people landscape. On May 3rd, Saturn is at odds with the Sun, making this a good time to review the last 3 months and make some course corrections.
No more coasting.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
Your personal planet Mercury is busy all week and beyond, making a helpful aspect to both Pluto and Jupiter before starting to cross the pinnacle of your chart on May 4th.If there’s something you want to get off your chest, have that conversation before Tuesday. On May 3rd, the Sun is at odds with Lord of Time and Karma Saturn in your 6th House of work, habits and health. Take time to do a reality check to see which aspects of your life could do with a course correction. This could be as simple as a tweak to your exercise routine or an insight into ways you are sabotaging yourself. Think of it as closing the gap between what you say and what you do. This will pay dividends from midmonth when Jupiter lights up all your one -to -one relationships, bringing new and interesting people into your circle.
Clearing the air.
Libra Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
May is set to be a busy time for you as a Venus -ruled Libran, starting now as Mars crosses the pinnacle of your solar chart until June 12th.This is a once in two years opportunity to enhance your reputation, go for gold and to stand up and be counted. With the planetary spotlight on you, you’re not going to be able to hide your light even if you want to. Given your visibility, make sure you don’t cut any corners an don’t come on too strong. This aspect might also require you to spend more time than usual with your parents. With a cluster of planets in your 8th House in practical Taurus, tackle head on any niggling issues to do with money, resources or partnerships before the Taurus New Moon on May 11th.
Getting your voice heard.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
For the first time in two years, your personal planet Mars is back in fellow water sign Cancer, so now is definitely the time to start planning a trip, a break or even a holiday. If restrictions prevent this where you are, then expand your inner horizons instead by taking on a new project or field of study. Teaching what you know is also well starred. Your personal relationships are in for a refresh with some interesting new people appearing on your radar courtesy of planet of the unexpected Uranus. On May 3 the Sun is at odds with Saturn at the base of your solar chart. Time for a reality check in your life at home, where you might be feeling stir crazy and confined. Or it could be someone in your tribe needing support and advice.
Lifting your eyes to the horizon.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
Although we’re at the beginning of the month, be aware that eclipse season is starting and the ripples will travel backwards affecting you as early as now. This time these will impact you more than any other sign except for Gemini, so a heads up is useful. The total lunar eclipse on May 26th is in Sagittarius, setting off a period of growth and unexpected change from circumstances changing around you. On May 4th, Mercury enters your relationship zone followed by Venus on May 9th, making life and love much sweeter and helping to rekindle the flames of a close partnership. Work issues may get in the way around May 3 as the Sun and Task Master Saturn have a standoff. All will be fine as long as you do due diligence and don’t try to cut corners. You might even discover a time saving hack or two.
Cosmic wild cards.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
For you as a solar Capricorn the first 10 days of May bring a boost of positive heart-warming energy, thanks to a cluster of planets in fellow earth sign Taurus lighting up your angle of pleasure, leisure and creativity. Energy planet Mars in your partnership zone at a supportive angle to gift bringer Jupiter is nudging you to think out of the box to attract new sources of income. On May 3rd, your own planet Saturn is at odds with the Sun in Taurus, making this the time to look at the financial bottom line and do a course correction, if necessary. It’s worth considering setting up new contracts with consistent, practical and reliable people such as accountants or business advisers. The Lord of Time and Karma will turn retrograde at the end of the month until October 11th,so make sure you build strong foundations now.
Opportunities for growth.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
The first three weeks of May are very home oriented, thanks to planets in Taurus clustered at the base of your chart. Think about how you can turn where you live into somewhere that really reflects who you are now, not who you used to be. De-clutter stuff with bad memories and bring in more light, greenery and colour. Jupiter has only 14 more days in Aquarius before moving into Pisces for a while and you might find it’s a relief-sometimes Jupiter can bring just a little too much drama. Dialling it all down a notch, on May 3 Saturn in your sign is in a standoff with Sun in Taurus and it’s time for a reality check on how you’re investing your time and creativity. Your astrology in the next few months is superb for evolving a long term project that needs focus and skill.
Creating a sanctuary and a workshop.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 2-9, 2021
Rather like the cavalry riding to the rescue, some extremely positive energy is on its way to you. Jupiter, planet of expansion and possibility will exit Aquarius and return to Pisces on May 13th for the first time since 2009.If you were born between 19-22 February, this will be a potent transit although all Pisceans will feel the benefit. Given that farsighted Neptune is also in your sign, this is a huge level of boundless energy to handle, so you’ll need to keep your feet on the ground. It’s going to be like riding a wave of new ideas, people and opportunities. Finally, that vivid imagination and off the scale intuition of yours-your super powers-are going to come into their own.
Learning to surf.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1