A Microchip Containing Your Vaccine Passport Information Can Now Be Embedded In Your Hand
Things are starting to get really weird.
By Michael Snyder | Guest Writer
Things are starting to get really weird. What I am about to share with you sounds very strange, but it is all true. Before I get into it, let me ask you a question. If you could have a vaccine passport permanently embedded into your hand, would you do it? Amazingly, some people in Sweden are willingly doing this to themselves. They are putting microchips that contain their vaccine passport information into their hands, and they are raving about how convenient this is. You can actually watch a video of this being done to someone right here. The video is not in English, but you will be able to understand what is happening.
Sweden: Get your vaccine passports in a chip in your hand or elsewhere under the skin.
It is increasingly popular to insert an #IoB chip into the body with different types of data and now you can insert your covid certificates in the chip.https://t.co/woSzB6zeRC pic.twitter.com/6QWEYlgRlz
— SikhForTruth (@SikhForTruth) November 29, 2021
I was absolutely floored when I first watched that.
Do they not understand where this could lead?
Society is increasingly being divided into two classes of people, and the class of people that is willingly conforming is being granted many “privileges” that the other group is being denied.
Many believe that this is “just a phase” and that things will eventually go back to normal.
But the truth is that this is not “just a phase” at all.
For a long time, health authorities were promising us that if we all did exactly what they asked that the pandemic would come to an end.
Unfortunately, now they are openly admitting that COVID is going to be with us permanently…
The White House’s chief medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, says it’s unlikely that the Covid-19 coronavirus will ever be wiped out, and insists the world is just going to have to start living with it.
During an interview with CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’ on Sunday, Fauci said he didn’t believe Covid-19 was ever going to entirely go away. He noted that the world had only ever eliminated one infection completely: smallpox.
“We’re going to have to start living with COVID. I believe that’s the case because I don’t think we’re going to eradicate it,” Fauci told CBS.
If we are “going to have to start living with COVID”, that means that all of the infrastructure that they are now putting in place will be with us from now on.
That means that there isn’t going to be an end to the vaccine passports, the mandates or the injections.
In fact, the CEO of Pfizer says that “we’re going to have an annual revaccination”…
“I think we’re going to have an annual revaccination and that should be able to keep us really safe.”
You are going to keep getting shots year after year after year in order to keep earning the “privileges” that you have been granted.
How sick is that?
They want to make their authoritarian measures a permanent part of our lives, and this is what our society is going to look like from now on unless we take a stand.
The good news is that some courts here in the United States are starting to reject the mandates that Joe Biden tried to implement. On Monday, a federal court blocked Biden’s mandate for health care workers in 10 states, and on Tuesday a different court blocked that same mandate on a nationwide basis…
A federal court has issued a nationwide injunction protecting health care workers across the country from Joe Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate.
Yesterday, in response to a multi-state lawsuit led by Missouri, a federal court barred the Biden administration from enforcing a vaccine mandate for health care workers in 10 states who are employed at federally-funded health care clinics. That means they doctors and nurses can’t be fired for refusing the COVID vaccine despite Biden’s federal mandate requiring them to get it.
Today, a federal court in Louisiana expanded on that ruling and blocked the vaccine mandate nationwide.
But just because they have a legal setback or two does not mean that they are going to stop trying.
Over in Germany, it is being reported that incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to impose a vaccine mandate on every single German starting in February…
Germany’s incoming Chancellor Olaf Scholz is in favour of introducing mandatory coronavirus vaccination for all Germans as early as February, an official close to Scholz said.
During a crisis meeting Tuesday between the outgoing government of Chancellor Angela Merkel and the premiers of the German federal states, Scholz “signalled his sympathy for such a regulation,” the official told POLITICO.
Such a measure would have to be approved by the German Bundestag, the official said, adding that the mandatory vaccination could come “at the beginning of February.”
Other major industrialized nations are considering similar measures.
If I was living in Germany, I would leave. Of course the same thing could be said about Australia, New Zealand and a bunch of other countries that have gone in a deeply authoritarian direction.
Once vaccines become mandatory for an entire population, vaccine passports will be absolutely necessary for anyone that still wants to live anything that even resembles a “normal life”.
Whether it is on your phone, on a card that you show or actually embedded in your skin, you will need to take it with you wherever you go in case you are stopped by law enforcement authorities.
Needless to say, all of this sounds eerily similar to what we witnessed back in the 1930s.
The people that are doing this to us have taken their masks off and they are showing us who they really are.
These are such dark times, and I have a feeling that they are about to get a whole lot darker.
About the Author
My name is Michael Snyder and my brand new book entitled 7 Year Apocalypse is now available on Amazon.com. In addition to my new book I have written five others that are available on Amazon.com Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America, The Beginning Of The End, Get Prepared Now, and Living A Life That Really Matters. (#CommissionsEarned) By purchasing the books you help to support the work that my wife and I are doing, and by giving it to others you help to multiply the impact that we are having on people all over the globe. I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.
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