Hitting Psychological Bedrock: Astrology Forecast January 2nd – 9th, 2022
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
Those pre-2020 New Year’s Days of compulsively hitting January 1st running, weighed down by self-help resolutions and linear must-reach goals, now seem like a distant memory… now we know better, we do better.
As Venus retrogrades in Capricorn until January 29th, the astrology of January 2022 is all about strengthening your psychic bedrock of magnetic physical healing, repair and integration. Don’t jump straight into the Next before you experience the Now. You need to be rose rooted before you can create next season’s growth and deeply planted ahead of the creative high-water mark of April’s Jupiter/Neptune conjunction.
Frame it as a wonderful opportunity to wake up from the deep sleep of your blind spots and repetitive karmic loops; as a chance to become fully present in Now. If you cling to or fall back into the old fictions you used to fool yourself with, the present with its potential is inaccessible. If you keep trying to second guess or project yourself into the future, you lose your power to act Now.
On Sunday January 2nd, a stealth Super New Moon at 12 Capricorn squares Chiron and trines unpredictable Uranus. This is the first of 4 Super Moons in 2022 – a New Moon on steroids at its closest to the Earth, bringing geo-magnetic disturbance, high tides and storm surges. These geo-physical manifestations also fritz and fry your nervous system, making you extra-sensitive, so channel this earthy Capricorn Moon into practical clearing, sweeping away anything that is preventing your energy and creativity from flowing freely. Gift yourself with gentle body work, being outside in nature, eating well. Jupiter in Pisces activates the karmic Nodes of Fate, giving you a glimpse of the big picture, the view from the mountaintop, evoking bright faith and fierce hope in the rising Jupiter/Neptune waters of new life just up ahead.
There is some important soul searching to be done now with Venus retrograde in Pluto’s underworld until January 29th and Mercury Guide of Souls retrograde alongside her between January 14 to February 3rd.
On January 8th, Venus will literally black out, occulted by the Sun as she morphs into the Morning Star aka Lucifer, the light bearer. At this Venus Star Point, something may have to die in order to be reborn. It is all about seeing what really matters when all your usual props and distractions have been taken away and working with the energies to permanently clear away the dross, the superficial and the unnecessary.
Chandra Symbol Super New Moon Capricorn 13

A very old wrinkled brown paper sack.
“When personal karma matches collective patterns, we combine forces against ourselves from within and from without. We spring a trap upon ourselves. Yet inside this steel trap, something is cooking. We can be fed by what it cooks up if we can stay with ourselves in the very midst of abandoning ourselves. It may take many crises and the wearing away of old disguises before we are willing and able to realise that we can shift our stance considerably. All we have to do is recognise that part of us is moving through this dilemma, not stuck in it. The most subtle shift in perspective has long range reverberations down the line which are massive. We can discover here that this is an old syndrome, something we’ve been through before, just the same way. It is wearing out. If we come to know this, we can cast it off before it wears us out.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
The main thing for you to keep in mind this month is that, although you may be ahead of the pack in terms of motivation and new thinking, now is not the time to put the pedal to the metal. Your chance to break new career ground will arrive from the 24th when your personal planet Mars crosses the top of your chart for the first time in two years. The Capricorn New Moon on Sunday 2nd starts a promising new work cycle and a possible change of direction- set your intentions but don’t make any big leaps. Venus is retrograding across the pinnacle of your chart until January 29th, so expect extended negotiations over pay, a promotion and also in your personal relationships.
Know what is negotiable and non-negotiable.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
A powerful Super New Moon in fellow Earth sign Capricorn on Sunday 9th gives you a vision of what might be possible in 2022. Now that expansionist Jupiter has moved into your angle of friends, networks, groups and alliances, your people landscape is about to grow. Over the next few months, the more you share your big picture thinking, the more clients, followers, collaborators and mentors will be drawn to your social circle. As your own planet Venus is traveling back over old ground until January 29th, go back over old ideas and projects that have been left by the wayside and mine them for gold. Make a note of January 8/9th when the Sun blacks out Venus as she morphs from Evening Star to the light bearing Morning Star-something that you will mirror in 202 as you move further into the public domain.
Heart overhead.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
The welcome news for you is Jupiter arriving at the pinnacle of your chart to stay until May. Expect more recognition for your talents and to become more visible in your field. If you hate personal exposure, dial it down-it’s always your choice. Meanwhile, in January, starting at the Super New Moon on the 2nd, there’s a huge amount of activity in your 8th House of money, joint assets, taxes and inheritances. Venus is retrograding here until January 29th, excavating secrets and bringing your true motives and desires into the light of day. Make a note of Saturday 8th January when the Sun blacks out Venus to avoid big purchases and be alert for cyber scamming. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
Show me the money.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
For you, this is a month all about other people in your life. How could it be otherwise with a New Moon in your relationship zone and your annual Full Moon in Cancer? Not to mention Venus travelling retrograde in your partnership zone until January 29th.It all points to an extended trip down memory lane to bring your true feelings into the light of day and befriend them, even those that you’d rather not face. As you look back over the last two years, find and hold on to the gold amongst the wounds. This week, around the New Moon on Sunday 2nd and the Venus Star Point on the 8/9th, is the perfect time to reconnect with former partners to acknowledge the part they played in your life. You never know, you might just rekindle a flame from the ashes.
Nostalgia and acceptance.
Leo Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
Lucky you! You are getting a boost of rocket fuel from Mars in fellow fire sign Sagittarius aligning with sparky Uranus at the very top of your chart. Put your heart and soul into whatever brings pleasure-whether it’s playing board games with children, going for long walks in nature or sky diving. This will help to balance out all the work you’re doing. At the Super New Moon in your work zone on Sunday 2nd, find ways to update and streamline your working practices and routines. With Venus retrograde all month, make your office space more attractive. De-clutter and lift your energy for the year ahead. Relationships with colleagues may need re-negotiating if you are thinking about changing to more flexible hours.
Work and play.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
Your year opens with a Super New Moon in your 5th House of love, fun and creativity, reminding you that it may be January but you can still stop and smell the roses. It’s time to throw a monkey wrench into your ordered routines and do something you’ve always wanted to do just for the sake of it. There’s more positive news. Jupiter has returned to your partnership zone until May and will start to expand both your personal and social life. This week, January 2nd, 5th and 8th are very well starred for relationships. Take your time. Venus is retrograde here until the end of the month and your own planet Mercury is also slowing down, helping you to dig a little deeper to discover your heart’s desires. That means knowing what you want, not what others tell you to want.
Heart overhead.
Libra Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
Your personal planet Venus spends until January 29th backtracking across the roots of your chart, so for you as a Libran, this month is all about looking inwards rather than outwards, exploring issues around home, family, ancestry and roots. The last time Venus was retrograde was at the start of the pandemic in May 2020.Take some time to think about how you, your values and your life have changed since then and notice how you’re feeling emotionally, mentally and physically. Channel the Super New Moon on steroids on Sunday January 2nd to de-clutter, opening all the windows to let in fresh air and new energy and remove anything that reminds you of unhappy times. On the 8/9 Venus is occulted-blacked out-by the Sun in Capricorn, emerging as the Morning Star. This is a day to have a heart to heart with someone close.
Your heart speaks-listen.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
With a New Moon on steroids starting the New Year on Sunday 2nd with a whoosh of energy in your 3rd House of connections, expect to become communication central. This week looks well starred for catching up with old friends or relatives who may have dropped off your radar and for mending fences. Now that Jupiter has returned to fellow Water sign Pisces until May, your thoughts turn to fun, leisure and life’s pleasures. Seize any invitations for shared activities, especially with children. Do whatever makes you happy and your world will expand beyond the recent restrictions in ways you never imagined.
Just watch out for the urge to splurge and keep tabs on your spending.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
The good news is that your personal planet Jupiter has just returned to Pisces for the next 5 months, turning anything connected to your family, your home and your tribe to gold. This is a lucky transit for you and an opportunity to create the home you’ve always longed for and to share it with those close to you. It will come as a relief from the stress of 2021. Of course, all this takes money and fortunately the Super New Moon in your financial zone on Sunday January 2nd gives you the motivation to start streamlining your expenditure. Look at where your money goes and prune away anything that is not essential or adding real value. You’ll be amazed at how much you can save.
Home is where your heart is.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday, Capricorn. A stellium of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in your own sign is making this your month to shine. On Sunday January 2nd the annual New Moon in Capricorn is a Super Moon on steroids at the midpoint of your sign. This entire week feels full of possibilities, as long as you stay grounded and set your intentions wisely. With Venus retrograde until January 29th, there’s rarely been a better time to upgrade your appearance and/ or your surroundings. On Saturday 8th, when Venus is reborn as the light bearing Morning Star, permanently de-clutter anything that reminds you of unhappy times or lost relationships.
Create a meaningful personal ritual to mark your New Year.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
If it’s not feeling like a buzzy New Year for you, take heart- you’re not missing out but being given the chance to enjoy a break from the stress of recent times. Jupiter exited your sign on December 29th moving into intuitive Pisces until May, about to boost both your finances and your resources along the way. Meanwhile Venus is travelling retrograde through your deep 12th House until January 29th, taking you down memory lane on a nostalgic trip through times past. You’ll return with warm reminders of how much you are loved. On Sunday the 2nd, the New Moon in this same part of your chart is a chance to recover old dreams left by the wayside and to breathe new life into them for 2022.
Engage in emotional repair, mental restoration and physical healing.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: January 2-9, 2021
Lucky you and I mean that literally! Jupiter, the Santa Claus amongst the planets, returned to Pisces on December 29th to stay for 5 months until May 10, 2022 and again from October 28 to December 20, 2022. This means that your life, love, reputation and hopes will expand out of all recognition this year. Meanwhile Mars is crossing your career zone until January 24th for the first time in 2 years making you much more visible and in demand than usual. Take your time in responding to offers as Venus is retrograde until January 29th and something better might come along. As the Sun and Venus align with visionary Neptune in Pisces this week, capture your ideas and inspirations before they float away.
Trust your intuition-your super power-it’s at an all-time high
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1