The Cage Door Is Wide Open – Astrology Forecast April 14th – 21st 2024
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week.
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
Circle April 18th – 26th 2024 in your diary. On those dates, the rare and auspicious Jupiter / Uranus conjunction at 21°/22° Taurus will be exact, starting a new 13-year financial cycle. As it is activated in the seismic aftermath of a fierce Aries eclipse first by Mars at 21° Pisces, then April 25th Scorpio Full Moon and May’s Taurus New Moon, expect shocks and reversals on the world stage and later the seeds of social reforms.
This is the first Jupiter / Uranus conjunction in financial sign Taurus since the 1940s, which led to Lend Lease to help rebuild Europe and the tide turning against the Nazis.
Using the symbology of the Tarot, the Magician (Uranus) and the Hierophant (Jupiter) are creating pure alchemy together – turning lead into gold. Jupiter is lucky and Uranus surprises. Taurus rules love, money, values and your self-esteem. The bull symbolises stock markets, gold bullion, your bank account, your assets. All these will be electrified.
This is nothing less than a ride on the Wheel of Fortune breaking you out of scarcity consciousness.
If you have planets or angles between 18°-24° Taurus, this is going to be an exciting, electric, buzzing time. But it’s much bigger than that. Collectively, everyone can benefit – people stuck in bad situations could suddenly discover a way out.
Depending on which part of your life the conjunction lights up in your birth chart, you might get an unexpected promotion, meet someone new or begin a meaningful creative project.
All boats are being lifted on this Jupiter/Uranus high tide, so raise your sails. Jupiter opens doors but you have to run through them. Uranus unshackles you. Luck increases when you run on the fuel of curiosity and generosity.
The Jupiter-Uranus Formula for a true breakthrough:
- At every choice point, choose new over old, then boldly act on it.
- Be ready to bargain and negotiate your way to a better situation.
- Don’t simply sit back and wait for shiny things to drop in your lap, it will be too late-the wave will have passed.
- Be resourceful – sell old unwanted clutter to make energetic space for the new.
- Find your flow magic – the sweet spot between surrender to life as it unfolds and full- on engagement/participation. Notice what’s inspiring your imagination or pressing the accelerator on the engine of your creative expression.
- Plant an acorn that will grow into an oak tree. Remember, this is Taurus – the biggest gamble will take time and investment before you see the results.
Note: Iran sending missiles to Israel overnight is only the first fallout of the fierce warlike Aries Solar eclipse of April 8th. As I wrote on April 6th: “The collective, global and personal impact / repercussions / fallout of this total eclipse will be felt for the next 6 months to the next solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 2024. With the Sun / Moon / Chiron / Mercury / Eris all clustered in Martian Aries linked to a heavyweight Mars / Saturn conjunction in Pisces and volatile Uranus in Taurus, the stakes will be very high amid threats of war and brinkmanship.”
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Chandra Symbol Jupiter

Chandra Symbol Jupiter / Uranus 22 Taurus: A blindfolded woman who sees the future
“Witnessing dispassionately the flow of time. Standing outside of all linear progression and knowing what is likely to happen here. Supremely disengaged from surface affairs, even lightly dismissive of all secondary considerations, but tuned right in to the thread of prophecy and inner vision. Granted a certain grace to follow the inner track. And serving a larger function as part shaman, part seer, and part commonsensical advisor. Salty wit, earthy and pithy, no nonsense. You know where the bones are buried. Penetrating insight. A throwback to simpler worlds. One who warns of dangers ahead, and is not amused by factions and fragments and phantoms of common assumption.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
Your luck comes from updating your skills, expanding your communication platforms, and deliberately creating more income streams. Jupiter / Uranus is lighting a spark – make sure you turn it into a blaze.
Start something new and watch it grow.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
The Jupiter / Uranus conjunction in your own sign is a once in a lifetime convergence of luck with opportunity. Take any chance you can to expand your field of operations, to liberate yourself from outgrown roles and identities, to escape from the shackles of routines and duties that have been keeping you small.
This is the start of an entire 13 years personal cycle – invest in yourself and watch it return dividends.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
The alchemy of Jupiter / Uranus together in your 12th House of the unconscious could deliver epiphanies and insights into the importance and meaning of messages from your night time dreaming life. Which part of you is trying to get your attention?
There is nothing to do, be, practise or ritualise – just trust your knowing.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
This rare Jupiter / Uranus merger in practical Taurus has a message for you in neon flashing lights: your path to prosperity and personal growth lies in expanding your people landscape. Become a hub for connecting others. Create new platforms. Collaborate with like-minded groups.
You’ve been craving more freedom – the cage door really is wide open.
Leo Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
As a solar Leo, your sweet spot for personal growth at this once in a lifetime Uranus / Jupiter conjunction in Taurus, is through renewing your career, your purpose and your life direction. Whether employed or retired, break away from stuck roles and routines and take a leap of faith.
Look for opportunities and trust your instincts.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
As Jupiter and Uranus create electricity and magic, be alert for out of the blue offers and opportunities to shake you right out of your comfort zone. If it involves travel, teaching, study or publishing, grab it with both hands.
Whenever a choice point arrives, take the road less travelled.
Will Much of The Middle East Soon Be Turned Into “A Pile of Smoking, Radioactive Rubble”?
Libra Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
The electric conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is shining a spotlight on your 8th House of hidden secrets, sex and intimacy, death and inheritance – all fairly taboo topics in our culture. It’s a rare opportunity to identify the roots of recurring emotional issues and find surprising ways to resolve them once and for all.
Liberating yourself from old ghosts.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
This week’s once in a lifetime meeting between Jupiter and Uranus in your opposite sign of Taurus is a wake-up call where your relationships are concerned. Your personal freedom is going to feel far more attractive than same old, same old. Listen to your heart, not your head and, instead of putting all your emotional eggs into one basket, expand your circle.
People who need people.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
With Jupiter / Uranus creating sparks in your 6th House, be ready at a moment’s notice to change roles, titles, job descriptions or even your entire career trajectory. You’ve been feeling shackled by the same routines for months – now’s the time to grow wings and fly free.
Start things moving.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
The clap of thunder and lightning created by the rare Jupiter / Uranus meeting this week lights up your angle of enjoyment, pleasure, romance and self-expression. Children could play a starring role-either by arriving in the family or leaving the nest. Drop your predictable routines and do something just for fun.
Escaping from the boring and routine.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
Your world may be shaken this week and beyond by an unexpected piece of news and family is at the heart of it. A sibling or cousin may reveal a secret that changes your perspective on your ancestry and heritage. Ring the changes at home by updating it to better correspond to who you are now.
Surround yourself with things that have personal meaning.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: April 14th – 21st 2024
The electric Jupiter / Uranus conjunction this week is setting your neurology alight, helping you see patterns and make connections that illuminate old problems. Known as the Genius conjunction, let some of its magic rub off on you. One caveat: make sure you have a trademark or copyright before you launch your insights into the world.
Polish up your blueprint until after the Taurus New Moon on May 8th.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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