The Evasive Nature of UFOs: Is This Benevolent Behaviour?
An article about the evasive nature of the UFO phenomenon.
By Arjun Walia | The Pulse
The world’s leading UFO researchers will all tell you the same thing: the vast majority of UFO encounters with human aircraft, be it civilian or military, perform evasive manoeuvres to avoid our own aircraft. This has been what’s reported for decades, and that’s made clear by going through the literature that describes military and civilian encounters with UFOs.
Regardless of this, much of the sentiment in mainstream media right now still points to UFOs being a threat to national security.
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A statement by General Nathan Twining, the former Chief of Staff for the United States Air Force reads as follows,
The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious…The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, manoeuvrability, (particularly in roll), and actions which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.
So why, if they are performing evasive manoeuvres, have multiple governments tried to take down these craft?
At a 2008 conference in Toronto, former Canadian Defence minister Paul Hellyer emphasized that the protocol for military pilots when encountering a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.”
Colonel Ross Dedrickson, a U.S. Air Force Colonel who had an eight year stint with the atomic energy commission stated his belief ,and ‘inside knowledge,’ that these objects were piloted by non-humans, and that our response to their appearance in our atmosphere was “aggressive.”
David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO Project from 2008–2013, came across some interesting documents suggesting that the UK was desperate to capture UFO technology.
Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked with the Pentagon UFO program stated that he gave a classified briefing to a Defence Department Agency, as recently as March 2020, about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.”
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Would these desires explain our aggressive behaviour?
There have been thousands of encounters exemplifying these evasive manoeuvres. For example, In 1976, residents of Tehran, Iran noticed a big bright object in the sky. The airport traffic controller also noticed. Military jets were scrambled and a game of “cat and mouse” ensued.
Both of the F-4 interceptor pilots reported seeing the object visually, it was also tracked on their airborne radar. Both planes had their critical instrumentation and electronic systems go offline at a distance of twenty-five miles from the object, including when they attempted to fire upon the object.
You can read more about that instance and access the declassified report, here.
The evasive characteristics of these objects had renowned UFO researcher and scientist Dr. Jacques Vallée state the following on the Joe Rogan Show,
We have to stop reacting to intrusions by UFOs as a threat…This is not, should not be looked at as a threat…With the phenomenon that we observe if they wanted to blow up those F18s they would do it. Obviously that’s not what it’s all about, and this idea of just labelling it as a threat because it’s unknown, that’s the wrong idea.
Can we make the assumption that this is benevolent behaviour? It’s hard to say.
If you go beyond simple UFO cases and move into supposed “contact” stories, where individuals have claimed to have contact with and/or communicate with the supposed beings operating these unknown craft, you find that stories of these beings being concerned about the direction humanity is going also seems to be a dominant theme.
The Ariel school encounter that took place in Zimbabwe in 1994 is one of many great examples. Over 60 school children all witnessed beings emerge from a craft that landed near the school. They were heavily studied and all shared very similar stories as one another. Generally, the children were told by these beings that humanity is not taking care of the planet properly, and that if we don’t change, things will get very bad.
That being said, there are also malevolent, or seemingly malevolent contact type of stories out there. That’s a different and much deeper discussion, as these generally break down into stories that might involve perceived threat vs real threat, as well as other key distinctions.
At the end of the day, our aggressive response to the behaviour of these objects, including shooting at them, doesn’t seem like a necessary response. If these objects have been around for several decades and have not demonstrated any clear malevolent behaviour, why do we respond in that manner?
Is our response and behaviour towards these objects indicative of the level of consciousness humanity currently operates at? One where we fear what we don’t understand and instead of being curious we simply attack? If you were an intelligent being from somewhere else observing our planet, the way we treat it, each other, animals and more, what would you think?
The reason it’s so important for us to examine this topic more closely is that secrecy has plagued the UFO story for decades. The more we continue to rely on big government for answers, the more we seem to be deceived and drift further from the truth – perhaps out of a militaristic mind-set, or perhaps for some other reason.
Our perception of major global events, in my opinion, is usually subjected to a great deal of perception manipulation. Will we see the same thing happen with UFOs?
This article (The Evasive Nature of UFOs: Is This Benevolent Behaviour?) was originally published on The Pulse and is published under a Creative Commons license.