Denial Is Not An Option: Astrology Forecast July 4th – 11th, 2021
Are you ready for the new week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
Expect to be feeling thin skinned and extra-sensitive as Sun squares Chiron while Venus/Mars in Leo intensify the harsh Saturn/Uranus clash across Aquarius/Taurus. Outside events-such as the North American heat dome- are making each of us realise what really matters, so that we adjust our values and former sense of entitlement to the Earth’s resources. Keep your feet firmly on the ground. Make the care of your physicality, your personal ecology and stability your main priority.
The Cancer New Moon on July 10th collaborates with Jupiter and Neptune retrograde in oceanic, mystical Pisces – amplifying your emotional intuitive, sensory and somatic feeling/body states and awareness. As the New Moon opposes Pluto in Capricorn, old scar tissue will re-surface for permanent healing. Remind yourself that your body tells the truth and is the vector for your enlightenment.
During the turbulence of these intensifying Chaos Nodes, personal neutrality and consistency are your super powers. Get clarity on what stays and what goes in your chosen reality.
Chandra Symbol for New Moon

An opossum comes out into the moonlight.
“Inside-out. Massively vulnerable and strictly unreachable. A verge in destiny where the innermost soul is revealing its true colours in a magical display. However, it is a ritual performance and heavily guarded and veiled all the while. You give a glimpse of the unarmoured underbelly, yet mask so many things in order to make this excruciating edge safe and secure and something to dream into at many angles, but remain alone within. Becoming ready to open to threshold states, vastly afraid of myriad dangers. And therefore, placing a small part of yourself into the light of the shared arena while retaining control over the rest. A testing of the waters with such underlying super-sensitivity that there will be a lot more hiding than seeking before you discover how to put yourself forward freely, face the shadow of your fears, and live to tell about it.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
You may run into some conflict or disruption to networks and groups you belong to as Mars and Venus have a standoff with heavy hitters Saturn and Uranus. Rather than jumping into the fray, think about whether it may be time to move on to more like -minded communities. There will be plenty of opportunities for socialising, having fun and squeezing the juice out of life, so make the very most of it. The New Moon in your 4th House in Cancer on Friday July 10th is all about your living space- it’s time to clean the windows to let in more light, to de-clutter and to make your base camp exactly as you want it.
Trust your instincts.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
As both Venus your personal planet and Mars in Leo are at odds with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus and restrictive Saturn in Aquarius at the pinnacle of your chart, you could encounter some opposition in your career, most likely from family members who would like more of your time. This year, you are breaking new ground, dropping old limiting roles and stepping on to a bigger stage, all of which may make others quite resentful or even jealous. Keep your eyes on your big picture and keep going. A changing of the guard in your alliances is on its way. Friday’s Cancerian New Moon aligned with change agent Pluto is the moment to launch a new project, a podcast, a blog as your angle of communication is being re-booted.
Pay attention to your helpers and not your unbelievers.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
As your personal planet Mercury clears his retrograde degrees your life picks up pace again after several weeks of you feeling somehow side-lined. Mars and Venus in outgoing Leo are boosting all your connections and speeding up communication. If you have a project -a blog, podcast or seminar- that you want to move forward, anything to do with self-publicity is well starred. Friday’s Cancerian New Moon is all about money, specifically earned income. Get ultra- clear on the big financial picture, call in money owed to you and start a savings plan, no matter how small.
Big oaks from little acorns grow.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
The huge wave of inspiration that is Neptune and Jupiter retrograde in fellow Water sign Pisces is making you awash with creativity combined with the longing for something bigger than you are. You might be drawn to new forms of spirituality or mysticism as your values and philosophy of life change and deepen. With the Sun illuminating your sign until July 21st and a Cancerian New Moon aligned with Great Eliminator Pluto on Friday 10th, you are beginning a new 12 months cycle. The question to ask yourself is: “What do I no longer need to do and what do I no longer need to have?”. Mercury enters Cancer on Sunday 11th -time for some fresh thinking about new services or income streams that are a truer reflection of who you are.
Are you offering your insights to your tribe or just scattering them around?
Leo Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
Lucky you with Mars and Venus lighting up your sign together for the first time since 2015.They will make you more attractive, appealing and approachable, smoothing your path and giving you the fire in your belly to work towards some big goals. With the lovers aligned with both relentless Saturn and unpredictable Uranus, you can move mountains and physically get stuff done. The days around July 11-14th are perfect for upgrading your appearance, enhancing your wardrobe, getting your hair styled. These might sound superficial but will lift your spirits. Friday’s New Moon in your deep 12th House sets you thinking about and maybe researching your ancestry and your roots.
A welcome boost.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
Your closest relationship may be making you feel all at sea, as both Neptune and Jupiter turn backwards in your opposite sign. Your partner may be making all the right noises but something doesn’t sit quite right. Time to take off those rose-tinted glasses and cut through to reality. Your wellbeing-emotional and physical-needs some loving attention as the on-going clash between Saturn, Uranus, Mars and Venus is taking a toll on you, raising your stress levels. Friday’s New Moon in watery Cancer will help soothe your emotions and start a new social cycle for the coming year. Take some quiet time out around July 10th to reflect on who and what needs to go and who and what you’d like more of.
Trusting your own instincts.
Libra Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
July is set to be a much more sociable time for you with the lovers Mars and Venus merging in outgoing Leo for the first time since 2015.This is lighting a fire under your 11th House of friends, groups, networks and alliances and that’s where your best times are to be had- having fun and collaborating with other people. The Cancerian New Moon on Friday 10th at the pinnacle of your chart will raise your profile career-wise and make you much more visible. The days following are prefect for making a move, starting a different job or pitching for a pay rise. Be as persuasive as possible in making your case or, if self-employed, in raising your fees.
A busy, happy time.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
As your personal ruler Mars clashes with hard headed Saturn and unpredictable Uranus, sparks may fly. You hate feeling restricted and current circumstances could do just that. Mars in fiery Leo is sitting at the very apex of your chart along with Venus for the first time since 2015.This is a two -edged sword. On the one hand, you’ll feel a surge of momentum to do something-anything-to break the logjam; on the other, people will be unreceptive to your demands. Tread diplomatically. This applies especially to your closest relationship as your partner may pull the rug out from under your feet by acting out of character. At Friday’s New Moon in fellow water sign Cancer, take refuge in in the big picture by making plans to broaden your horizons.
Softly, softly.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
With your personal planet Jupiter traveling backwards with Neptune in your angle of home and family, it’s almost impossible to make any hard and fast plans. Linear time-tabling simply won’t work-like it or not, you’re going to have to go with the flow. If you’re feeling stuck and unable to take a trip to a faraway place- travel being like oxygen for most Sagittarians- do the next best thing and get out and about where you live. With both Mars and Venus together in fellow Fire sign Leo this month, ring the changes where you can by being as spontaneous as possible. Friday’s New Moon in emotional Cancer is a good time to check in with yourself, to see if the dreams you’re chasing still have juice or if it’s time to create a new blueprint for happiness.
Breaking up your routines.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
Until July 22, the Sun is lighting up your opposite sign of Cancer, giving all your relationships a boost. Whether it’s business or personal, events will remind you that people matter above everything else. The New Moon on Friday 11th in this same angle opposes Pluto in Capricorn and it will be very obvious who is for you and who is against you. Time to leave any toxic relationships behind permanently. Recognise them by feeling drained rather than energised when in their company and by imbalanced dynamics of give and take. If money is in the equation, Venus and Mars together in Leo for the first time since 2015 could bring some heartening news.
Changing of the guard.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
If the first week of July has been rather fraught, blame it on restrictive Saturn in your sign at odds with Mars/Venus and unpredictable Uranus. Clashes of opinion and authority could have sprung up out of nowhere. Happily, this week as Venus moves closer to Mars, your most significant relationships grow closer, warmer and more open hearted. But don’t wait for people to come to you, take action, issue invitations, plan a trip, book a table for a meal out. Friday’s New Moon in Cancer nudges you to open to fresh experiences by clearing and de-cluttering your workplace and home. It’s time for a literal clean slate.
Being proactive.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: July 4-11, 2021
If you’re a typical sensitive Piscean, you’ll be feeling the wave of dissolution as Jupiter and Neptune moving backwards through you own sign. This is a time of endings, when the ties that bind loosen and drift away, when what used to seem important loses its attraction. Let go of what needs to be released, the better to notice the green shoots of the new. Music, art, romance, ancestry and emotional healing are ways to make direct contact with something much bigger than you are. Just trust and follow your impeccable instincts. The Cancerian New Moon on Friday 11th is in a compatible Water sign in your 5th House of leisure, pleasure, love affairs, children and self-expression. Try to take some time out to enjoy experiencing what makes you feel most alive.
Enjoying the here and now.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1