At The Sensitive Midpoint of Two Eclipses: Astrology Forecast May 31st – June 6th, 2021
We have reached the sensitive midpoint of May 26th’s total lunar eclipse and June 10th’s near total solar eclipse – this means that the seismic field is very active. Both Saturn and Mercury are now retrograde in Air signs so these eclipse wild cards are extra- Tricksterish. Expect tangled webs of miscommunication, cross purposes and fake news.
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
The Sun conjuncts the Node of Fate and opposes the Great Attractor whose strapline is “On the Wavelength of the Creator’s Voice”. The most potent source of electromagnetic radiation in the known universe, the Great Attractor bends both space and time, giving a simultaneous view of the past, present and future.
On June 2, Mars is at odds with Disruptor Eris and on June 5th with Great Eliminator Pluto, suggesting that the stakes are high and political rows liable to break out.
Everything is up in the air. Hold a calm consistent zero point, pay attention to what aligns and what drops away.? Zero judgment on what is dismantling and dropping away, both externally and internally.
Chandra Symbol for Sun conjunct Node of Fate Gemini 11

A stag with golden horns.
“Staying tuned in for further developments. You bear an expanded capacity for future vision and for picking up on the most fantastic things. Given to sunbursts of revelation or inward remembrance. Often attempting to make light of this extra-dimensional quality. But then there are times when it just becomes irresistible. You can only keep the light at bay so long. For here you are innately gifted with a wild array of powers and multisensory treasures, to grow into and share lavishly. The primary lesson involved lies in taking seriously and to heart what instinctively seems so natural and free and prodigal that it is just always there. When you focus and distil this cosmic awareness into something firm and clean and steady on, nobody will be able to deny that dazzling things are right here, illuminating all the missing places and restoring wholeness, just like that.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
Last week’s wild card eclipse in Sagittarius is tuning you into new perceptions, way beyond your usual range of thinking. This will continue to gift you with many insights as the Sun conjuncts the karmic Node of Fate-the exact eclipse midpoint-in your 3rd House of Mind. On June 10th, a near total solar eclipse lands at 19 Gemini, shutting down then rebooting your view of the world. Time to review, re-imagine and re-evaluate recent events to understand the pattern behind them. Bring the big picture down to the level of daily life and apply your insights
A veil is lifted and everything is the same but entirely different.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
This week we are at the exact midpoint of 2 very potent wild card eclipses. On May 26th, the total lunar eclipse activated your 8th House of life’s big issues-money, inheritance, taxes, sexuality-and these issues will preoccupy you until late November. On June 10th the second eclipse is a New Moon in your 2nd House of income and resources. Put this together with Lord of Time and Karma reworking your 10th House of career and public recognition and Awakener Uranus in your own sign and you are entering a season of rising to meet your dharma or calling by becoming even more disciplined yet experimental, all at the same time.
Committing to your path.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
Your sign is the focal point of two potent eclipses -one on May 26th and the 2nd arriving on June 10th.On top of that, your personal planet Mercury turned retrograde also in Gemini on May 29th until June 22nd.This is a gift of rare breakthroughs and understandings or, as the Buddhists call them, realisations. A New Moon eclipse near your birthday is a shut down and reboot of all things that define you as a Geminian. This year, veils will be lifted and your world view will start to change forever. It may feel shaky as your old anchors and certainties disappear but by the next eclipses in November/December, the freedom it gives you will be priceless.
Stay wide open to what comes.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
You are right in the midst of a trip into unknown aspects of yourself which has the potential-if you collaborate with it-to liberate you from all that heavy emotional baggage that you’ve been carrying around as if it was a sacred task. This week when the Sun conjuncts the karmic Node of Fate in Gemini is the exact midpoint of 2 potent wild card eclipses-May 26th and June 10th. It is shining a light in your secluded deep 12th House-the engine room of your psyche-where all that uncomfortable stuff gets hidden, such as unconscious desires, defences, shame, forgotten dreams. This is a gilt -edged invitation to wander through these dusty rooms and get rid of aspects you don’t want in your current life once and for all by the June 10th New Moon eclipse.
With Venus entering Cancer on Wednesday, your path is being smoothed.
Leo Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
The two potent eclipses of May 26th and June 10th activating your 5/11th axis are shutting down then rebooting your priorities: i.e. what matters enough to you for you to put them at the top of your agenda every day and see them through. At the same time, Saturn and Uranus are sifting the wheat from the chaff in both your relationships and your career and public reputation. People really matter this month and have the power to raise you up or send you spiralling down. Keep reminding yourself to be at cause, not at effect. Change is not an option now, but you need to surround yourself with those who support you, who are happy to see you grow and to weed out anyone whose comfort zone is disturbed by the changes you are making.
A growth spurt.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
You are about to have several veils lifted, revealing that the world bears little relationship to your current inner map of reality. This week is the exact midpoint between two potent wild card eclipses-one on May 26th, the next on June 10th.They are activating your 4th/10th House axis of home and belonging and career and public recognition. This is where the current mismatch is happening and where you need to update your beliefs about what is desirable and possible for you to achieve. Do a thorough audit of what you really want to be investing your time and life force in as a job/calling/vocation. Delete some old goals/dreams-they are a drain on your energy. Watch as circumstances re-arrange themselves yet again on June 10th and beyond and launch your new agenda after June 22nd when your ruler Mercury turns forward.
Removing the blinkers.
Libra Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
This is a time of rare opportunity between two wild card eclipses to make break for freedom. That is, freedom from old restrictive beliefs about what is possible for you and freedom from your self -constructed cage of rules and limitations. With practical Saturn and Awakener Uranus shaking the foundations of your security, things are coming to a choice point. This the moment to realise that you have more attractive options than you were aware of and to make a bid for your most personal deeply held dreams. Refuse to let anyone-no matter how close they are-influence your decisions.
The opportunities will arrive at the New Moon eclipse on June 10th.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
We are at the exact midpoint of two potent eclipses-one on May 26th and the next on June 10th.In your solar chart, these wild cards are shaking up and shaking out your finances, assets, partnerships and earned income. Since unpredictable Uranus is also busy destabilising your closest partnerships, it would be better to collaborate with change rather than dig your heels in. Take a long look at aspects of relationships that are outgrown, draining or out of sync. Re-balance dynamics that have slipped out of kilter. If that doesn’t work, the New Moon eclipse on June 10th will re-arrange situations around you. Money issues will be involved so wait until the dust has settled to unpick contracts.
What is for you will not go by you.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
Last week’s eclipse in your own sign has started a domino effect which will roll out through to December. It is offering you nothing short of a free pass to redefine what you really believe and, more importantly, what you think is desirable and possible for you. You are growing, changing and evolving and that small safe familiar world you’ve created won’t be able to contain you much longer. A second eclipse in your opposite sign on June 10th will re-arrange situations around you so that it will be impossible to ignore your need to grow bigger wings and fly to wider horizons.
Ask yourself:” If I were to put my own highest interest first, what would I do differently right now?”
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
You are right in the midst of a trip into unknown aspects of yourself which has the potential-if you collaborate with it-to liberate you from all that heavy emotional baggage that you’ve been carrying around as if it was a sacred task. This week when the Sun conjuncts the karmic Node of Fate in Gemini is the exact midpoint of 2 potent wild card eclipses-May 26th and June 10th. Last week’s wild card is shining alight in your secluded deep 12th House-the engine room of your psyche-where all that uncomfortable stuff gets hidden, such as unconscious desires, defences, shame, forgotten dreams. This is a gilt -edged invitation to wander through these dusty rooms and get rid of aspects you don’t want in your current life once and for all by the June 10th New Moon eclipse.
De-cluttering leftovers from the past.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
As a solar Aquarian, this year and next are some of the most important for a long time. Saturn Lord of Time and Karma is in your own sign going back over recent ground revealing where old ways of living have lost their juice and nudging you to do something more interesting. You are changing and evolving so how you make a living or invest your time needs to keep up with you. We are exactly between two potent eclipses this week-one on May 26th and the next on June 10th. These are going to re-arrange circumstances around you and invite new projects, new passions and new people into your sphere.
The ball is in your court.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 31-June 6, 2021
This is potent astrology for you as a solar Piscean. You are right at the sensitive midpoint of 2 eclipses across your 4th/10th House axis- which are about to reboot aspects of your home and career. Not only that but Jupiter has just returned to Pisces for the first time since 2009 to bring opportunities for expansion. Start asking yourself for some truthful feedback such as: “How do I really feel about where I live? what I do…?” Get right up to date with yourself. That way you can leave behind old limiting ideas about what is possible for you and be ready to seize new possibilities at the June 10th New Moon eclipse.
All to play for.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1