Lost In Translation: Astrology Forecast June 11th – 18th, 2023
What to expect this week?
By: Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
In linear calendar time, we’re halfway through 2023 already. The now continuous high frequencies are changing our energy fields and then our realities from the inside out as we physically absorb the new planetary harmonics.
This week’s astrology sees Pluto retrograde back into Capricorn, Saturn station retrograde in Pisces, Mercury enter Gemini and a Gemini Full Moon exactly square slippery Neptune-past master of smoke and mirrors. Be alert for deliberate disinformation, crossed wires and mixed messages and tighten up your cyber security software. Crosscurrents will be strong and nothing will be as it seems.
The Men in Black Saturn and Pluto are going back over old territory – Pluto until October 11 and Saturn until November 4th – shining a clear unrelenting light on what needs to change, grow and evolve. No more procrastinating…in the next few months, you will reach tipping points when you can no longer live with certain situations and end up doing something unexpected. Some of your long-held dreams, roles and surface identities are dissolving back into the ethers.
This is a reminder that nothing grows in comfort zones. There is no room for cruise control, flakiness, fatalism or waiting to be rescued.
Stop doing what you don’t want to do. If you’re serious about embodiment, then one of the most powerful keys is to consistently not do what you don’t want to do. You identify what you don’t want to do – what no longer resonates with you – and you stop doing it. “No” is a complete sentence. “NO, I am not going along with my self-created misery for another second longer. NO, I am not going to paper over my feelings just to be liked. Enough is enough. I am walking with what I know to be true. How do I know? By intuition, by scanning my body and feeling what is arising there.” There have been too many weak yeses and not nearly enough big NOs.
Chandra Symbol New Moon Gemini 27

Chandra Symbol New Moon Gemini 27: Much food stored in a cool cave.
“There comes a time when the gap between the inside and outside is intolerable. And then a mighty task awaits – to break old habits, turning one’s world inside out. Nothing less will do. The sharp edge of change is to recognise that all that vast internal resource can be used to free itself of itself, as soon as you stop holding on so tight. When the inner begins to flow out, there will be a cataract of fresh life forces from source and of truly multi-dimensional soul gifts on every hand. And it is such a relief to get it out there, to stop clinging to the doubts of the past and the fears that accompany them. To tap the wellsprings of soul is to be in touch with something long forgotten. It is to delight in what once weighed you down.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
As everything shifts into new patterns around you, take refuge in your creativity. Mars and Venus together in fellow Fire sign Leo are prompting you to immerse yourself in a new project-one that has meaning for you and allows you to express the truth of who you are. The Gemini New Moon on June 18th lights up all your connections, reminding you to secure and upgrade your communication platforms ready for a different future.
Trust your intuition.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
In a week when so much seems hidden and confusing, focus on your personal ecology. That includes your physical environments such as your home, your garden or your office, your relationships and your health and wellbeing. With Jupiter in Taurus and Mars and Venus in Leo sparking a stream of ideas for making everyday life more fulfilling, take it one step at a time, safeguarding your energy. The Gemini New Moon on June 18th aligns with Neptune, so monitor your spending and be alert for scams.
Creating a secure base camp.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
Your own planet quicksilver Mercury returns to Gemini just ahead of the annual New Moon in your sign. Gemini ‘s soul work is about moving out of the unevolved egoic stage of collecting and spreading information to make yourself appear interesting or clever into seeing through the illusion of polarities-such as black and white political opinions-to the unity of all things. When that happens, you become wise. Be careful at the New Moon to avoid coming across as messianic or preachy.
Focus on what speaks to you…let others do the same.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
It’s going to be a confusing or even a tricky week for just about everyone, as everything is occulted and occluded. As Pluto returns to late Capricorn for a few months, old issues with authority may recur. If so, imagine whoever is blocking your way or causing problems as the wizard of Oz and realise that their power is just a projection on their part. Sunday’s New Moon is in the most hidden part of your psyche-your 12th house, the engine room of your chart. Might it be time for a long overdue clear out of outgrown habits, defence mechanisms, old dreams and limiting beliefs?
Be kind and sensitive to the more vulnerable, messy or chaotic parts of yourself.
Leo Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
As a Fixed sign, you prefer things to be clear and straightforward, so you know-or think you know-what or who you’re dealing with. This week is going to be the opposite-full of mixed messages, confusion and crossed wires. Forewarned is forearmed. Take a step back, sit on the side-lines and think about how it’s up to you to rebuild bridges or create rapport, instead of waiting for others to come round to your way of thinking. The New Moon on June 18th in your 11th House of friends, alliances and networks is a golden opportunity to shift permanently from a Me-oriented way of seeing the world to seeking a win/win perspective
Ask yourself-who is lost in translation?
Virgo Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
You are in a period of learning to integrate new realities, to move from trying to tidy and control events to allowing life to move freely. Stop clinging to the riverbank and let the river support you. With both Neptune and Saturn in your opposite sign of Pisces, it’s time to listen closely to your soul’s nudges. A flood of ideas, inklings and inspirations for new roles or new projects is arising and Sunday’s New Moon in Gemini at the pinnacle of your chart marks a moment to commit to a different path.
Incubating new dreams.
Libra Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
Very little will be cut and dried, let alone straightforward this week. Knowing that in advance, create the time and space to rest and regenerate. As Pluto returns to late Capricorn for a few months, issues at home that you thought you’d resolved may come back around for a final resolution. It could be a power play with a family member or difficulty in balncing work and at home. Should it present as an either/or choice, take the 3rd option and find a way through on your own terms. As Saturn turns retrograde in your 6th House, know what you want and renegotiate any responsibility or contract that creates imbalance.
Be at cause, not at effect.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
As a solar Scorpio, you prefer to be in control and to manage situations, but now everything seems to be in a constant state of flux and your old strategies are no longer working. Instead of trying to stop the tide, see it as a sign of progress that you are opening to new realities. The more you allow life to flow, the more possibilities appear. Once you operate from the understanding that the future doesn’t have to be like the past, you’re free. As your idea of home and belonging changes, talk with those closest to you and step into their moccasins to see life through their eyes.
What you discover may surprise you.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: une 11-18, 2023
Suspend judgment this week if you are presented with an opportunity that seems too good to be true and wait until after the Gemini New Moon on June 18th before responding. Until then, everything is shrouded in Neptune’s fog creating lost in translation scenarios. Now that archetype of wealth Pluto is back in your 2nd House for a few months, focus on your finances. First, do an audit of your resources-income, possessions, assets and skills-then look at your outgoings and debt. Identify your key priorities then design a financial strategy around them-not the other way around. Know that your dreams, goals and direction are all changing in line with the new realities.
It’s not a meltdown but a reorientation.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
Nothing will be clear cut, definite or consistent this week. Knowing this in advance, claim some quiet time and space to reflect on your inner world. Sometimes, it takes a while to realise that your old dreams, goals or direction have faded or disappeared whilst you were busy in the outer world. Now that Pluto is returning to the last degrees of Capricorn for a few months, you have a rare opportunity to get up to date with yourself and your soul. What has ended, completed or failed to come to fruition? Let it go. Then pay attention to those inklings, nudges, intuitions and synchronicities that could be subtle clue to new beginnings.
Listen deeply and be curious.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
It’s a time to restore your home and, at the same time, strengthen your sense of belonging. Jupiter, the Node of Fate and Awakener Uranus in your 4th House are revealing options and possibilities for happiness where none existed before. How about creating a sanctuary or a quiet space or growing a garden? How about using colours and textures that resonate with you and reflect who you are now? Engage those you share your space with and listen carefully to their hopes and dreams. Perhaps, between you, you can create harmony, peace and beauty.
Home is not a place but a feeling.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: June 11-18, 2023
You, out of all the signs, will be able to navigate this week’s foggy energies most easily. You were born attuned to Neptune’s mystic wavelength and now, with Saturn also in Pisces, you know how to swim through the crosscurrents without getting confused by them. Channel your ability to see the flickers of the future before others do into guidance. With Guru Jupiter and Awakener Uranus transforming and expanding your communication skills and reach, you are becoming a teacher. The New Moon in Gemini at the base of your chart on June 18th aligns with Neptune, downloading insights into a possible new path.
Just follow the stepping stones…
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About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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