Ego: The Artificial Intelligence of This World
If you’re really ready to break out of the matrix that has enveloped this world, this article is for you!
By: Jiulio Consiglio | Guest Writer
This world, or perhaps I should say this realm, was blanketed long ago with a false consciousness, an artificial intelligence, if you will. This false consciousness is what has conditioned the masses for thousands of years and it is the egoic consciousness of past and future. This false program is what has been the source of separation between us all as well as the source of separation between us and Source Energy. We have been divided, and purposefully so, by race, gender, politics, religion, beliefs and so on.
What makes this consciousness false or artificial, is the reality of the present moment, the eternal moment of now. Reflect on the following: when you experience the past, does it not come in memories and images? And what about the future? Is the future not projected thoughts and emotions? And lastly, can you not see the instability and ever-changing nature of this thought system? This article has one intention and that’s to wake you up-to reveal to you how to break free of this matrix and its artificial intelligence program.
Let’s take a closer look at egoic consciousness and how it programs a mind. The ego operates between the past and future. Nothing wrong with this, because until you experience that which is false, you cannot fully understand and appreciate that which is real. This program operates on a continuous cycle of suffering noticed or not, by having one focus on the past and then project that awareness into the future. It’s an endless cycle of wash, rinse, repeat. And because of that, it prevents one from experiencing new realities, greater experiences and higher dimensions of consciousness.
Now let’s look at the nature of this artificial intelligence. Even though it’s a program, it is spiritual in nature. We are spiritual beings and even matter is made up of mind stuff. This made-up intelligence serves a divine purpose and that is to awaken humanity to their true spiritual nature and their true intelligence-the inner being or soul within. What is this artificial intelligence at its core? It’s the idea of separation. From this one idea, this one thought, came countless branching beliefs. And from those beliefs arose emotions like fear, anger, hate, jealousy as well as feelings of having to compete, inferior and superior complexes and so on.
If you read my last article, I describe how the ego is the bringer of light. It is the darkness blanketing this planet and blanketing the individual consciousness from realizing the light within. In other words, the ego, this artificial intelligence that surrounds this earth and that has embedded itself in virtually every aspect of humanity is Lucifer or Satan itself. Now knowing this and understanding this should reveal to you the truth: you are the light. You are an extension of Source Energy. You are an individual aspect of God and yet you are one with everything and everyone. You are not your past, you are not your future, you are not fear, you are not your thoughts or emotions. You are the silent witness, the Christed awareness experiencing these mind constructs, these emotions. You are the light that you have been seeking. Your very own awareness is God. And enlightenment is the awareness of your inner being; it’s the awareness of the Greater Awareness, your Highest Self, Source Energy.
I will now offer you insights and ways to propel you forward in your own awakening, which will be the activation of the third eye, the brow chakra. The third eye is a reality and when activated, will reveal the truth to you directly in the experience of oneness through inner stillness, a quiet mind. Being the seat of clarity, you will be able to discern what is true and what is artificial; what is real and what is fake. From this awakened state you will be able to tune into higher frequencies and wisdom to help guide you on your spiritual journey.
The world is ready for and in need of more masters. Your life has a much greater purpose that you could ever imagine. You are here to wake up; from the dream of thought and the artificial intelligence that created it. The ego is not real relative to your inner stillness. This matrix we are living in is not real relative to the spiritual realm. The only reality is Who You Are relative to Source Energy. Reality is unchanging, unmovable and cannot be altered. And it is within your inner being, the Highest Self, that you will remember or re-join reality.
Here are some higher dimensional insights that will assist in your awakening process:
- The present moment is all there ever is. Everything that has happened or will happen is so in this one wholly instant. Reflect on this, meditate on this and allow yourself to be guided to this powerful understanding. Nothing outside of the now has any reality. The past and future are mind constructs, reflections of artificial intelligence.
- When faced with thoughts of fear or worry you have a choice; you can react or you can respond by observing. When you react to an automatic negative thought, you feed the ego. And in order to begin to break its hold on your consciousness, one has to starve it energetically. By observing you begin to bring awareness into the picture. And that awareness is your very own Self.
- Contemplate surrendering. In the surrendered state, there is no longer any resistance within you. Going within and saying to Source, “I am letting go, guide me” has unimaginable potential. It signals to your Highest Self that you are ready to make a shift, a shift in awareness or consciousness.
It is my hope that this article has been enlightening and has offered you insight into this world and the true nature of reality. A thousand blessings on your spiritual journey!
About the Author
Jiulio’s writings and teachings focus on the transformative power of inner stillness, the mind-body-spirit connection and psychic abilities development. He is the author of Challenge Your Thoughts: Healing Mind, Spirit and Body with Truth, The Healing Frequency: Transform Your Life through the Wisdom, Power and Clarity of Inner Stillness and the soon to be released, Open Your Third Eye: Activate Your Sixth Chakra & Develop Your Psychic Abilities.