Seeding The New: Astrology Forecast April 11th – 18th, 2021
The week ends on Sunday 18thwith a new Sun/Mercury cycle at 28 Aries square Pluto in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Aquarius.
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
Feel a sense of possibility and potential this week seeded by the fiery Aries New Moon on 11/12th in a Super Conjunction of Chiron-Mercury-Ceres-Sun-Moon-Eris and Venus. Cardinal Fire sign Aries works through the 1st Ray of Will and Power, so it’s time to engage in birthing what is emerging. This means identifying new paradigms just appearing over the horizon and following the clues. If it feels right, gently initiate something new and untried in your life-no matter how small it may seem.
Pluto’s shamanic drums will be beating loudly and insistently from now until he stations to turn retrograde on April 28th just after the extremely potent Scorpio Super Full Moon. From the 11th to 17th April, Venus, Sun and Mercury conjunct Disruptor Eris in Aries square the Great Eliminator one after the other. Expect a rise in public protests against the restrictions of governments across the world. Witness it playing out in the reignited street warfare of tribal conflict in Northern Ireland and in the changing power dynamics of Britain’s Royal family following the death of its patriarch.
The week ends on Sunday 18th with a new Sun/Mercury cycle at 28 Aries square Pluto in Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Aquarius. So much has been taken away since the January 2020 Saturn/Pluto Conjunction-lives, jobs, incomes, freedoms – and now it’s time to identify the shape of what’s left and nurture the green shoots that are pushing through the rubble of old lives gone dark.
The Chandra Symbol for Mercury Conjunct the Sun 29 Aries

Dr Jekyll drinks the poison.
“The unconscious mind bears seeds of worlds which the conscious mind has yet to penetrate. These worlds can turn from dark to light and back again, but they are there, crying out to be fathomed, accessed, given their part in the dance. It is no longer possible to push into far shadows that part of the light which dwells in darkness. Now you must bring up all of the hidden places. Nobody can deny how much of our energy and resource dwells below the surface and how all of our being longs to be known, to be seen, to be activated, to participate freely in the dance of life.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
The New Moon in your sign on April 12th begins the astrological new year alongside your own with a firework display. With Venus at odds with Pluto at the top of your chart, it looks as if it’s time for a permanent parting of the ways with someone or something. It doesn’t need to be dramatic-a graceful disentanglement is better than a confrontation. This will free you up for new people, plans and projects. After April 14th, your finances could get a boost as Venus lights up your 2nd House of money and resources. If a career change or pay rise is overdue, strike while the iron’s hot.
Endings and beginnings.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
The Aries New Moon is the last before your birthday and, as it falls in your deep 12th House, you’ll find yourself reflecting on the last year and how it has affected you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Put it into perspective then let it be. On Wednesday April 14th, your personal planet Venus returns to Taurus smoothing your path and warming your heart. Take extra good care of yourself, take some down time and focus on enjoying life’s small pleasures. It’s time to fully acknowledge your own grace and resilience during the many challenges of the last year.
A deep in-breath.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
The New Moon at the beginning of the week is the time to leave behind friendships and alliances that have run out of steam, creating a space for you to meet more likeminded people. Groups, networks and collaborations of all kinds are very well starred. On April 14th, Venus moves into Taurus followed by Mercury on the 19th.This is the engine room of your chart, a place to retreat and reflect on the last 12 months and their impact upon you. Take your time -you have another month to prepare before the Sun returns to Gemini and your personal New Year begins.
Adjusting your perspective.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
With Mercury flitting right across the top of your chart until April 19th, you have a green light to put forward ideas, launch a side business or just generally remind the world you exist. Monday’s stunning New Moon polishes up your public image and makes your career, work or service highly visible. For you, it’s one of the most supportive Moons of 2021 to break the habit of tried and tested ways of doing things and to bring something new and intriguing into being. You might wind up a business or contract or sell it on, leaving you free to launch your next bright idea. On Wednesday 14th Venus moves into Taurus, smoothing the way for you to expand friendships, networks, groups and alliances over the next few weeks until May 21st.
Collaboration is the name of the game.
Leo Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
After a long period of wading through treacle, Monday’s stunning Aries New Moon is just the boost you need to stop focusing on what you’ve lost and start discovering the opportunities in the spaces left behind. Anything connected with study, travel, teaching, learning or publishing is very well starred. Think about what can you distil from your experience of the last 12 months that would help others and put it out there via a blog or podcast. Then from Wednesday 14th as Venus crosses your angle of career and service making you more visible than usual, take every chance to get yourself noticed, not for your ego but to make a bigger contribution.
Following your own clues.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
There is a large gathering of planets at Monday’s New Moon in your deep 8th House, suggesting that some important decisions can be made in the days immediately after. This part of your psyche is where your approach to money, joint assets and intimacy is hidden away in your unconscious. Luckily, with the planetary spotlight illuminating some old issues to be resolved, Venus moves into Taurus on April 14th, bringing you a welcome rebate, bonus or the repayment of a debt. No matter it plays out, the next few weeks is your chance to stop and smell the roses.
Carpe diem.
Libra Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
For you as a Venus ruled Libran, Monday’s New Moon in your opposite sign is one of the most important this year. It’s a time to turn away from dwelling on who or what’s gone, what’s not working and to focus on allowing in the new. This might mean the start of a love affair or taking an existing relationship to a new level of commitment. Make every effort to socialise, to get in touch with old friends and catch up on all the news. That’s the way surprising connections are made. On Wednesday 14th, Venus moves into your angle of partnerships and finances. This is a perfect opportunity to find new ways to attract money, perhaps setting up a passive income stream.
Who and what really matters?
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
Monday’s stunning Aries New Moon lights up anything connected with your work, your routines and your wellbeing. If you are looking to move roles, leave your workplace or close down a business, start on April 13th. Make the most of your home work space, perhaps redecorating it or filling it with plants and generally personalising it. On April 14th, Venus enters your opposite sign of Taurus to be followed the week after by Mercury and the Sun. Your closest relationships are very well starred for the next 3 weeks, so reach out to those who matter and remind them how important they are.
Feeling the love.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
It’s time to stop and smell the roses. At the New Moon on the 12th in fellow Fire sign Aries, a cluster of planets lights up your 5th House of fun, leisure, romance and creativity. Squeeze the juice out of this week’s astrology by doing more of what you enjoy, preferably with someone close. Any kind of sport to burn off that excess energy will pay dividends. Find a new shared hobby or interest and you’ll see new aspects to your partner. Get projects finished and off the books, freeing you up to explore all those intriguing ideas of yours.
Life is for living.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
The first 3 weeks of April are paving the way for changes in how and where you live. If you’re buying or selling, the days straight after the New Moon on the 12th could seal the deal. Even if you are staying put, some redecorating and changing things around will create a place you can relax in. The restrictions of the last 12 months have proved in spades just how important your family and tribe are to your wellbeing, so make it a collective effort and strengthen the bonds. After April 14th when Venus moves into Taurus, ahead of the Sun and Mercury, more fun, leisure and joie de vivre is on the cards.
Bringing life into your home.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
With such a gathering of planets in your 3rd House of communication, Monday’s stunning new Moon is all systems go. Now is the time to launch a podcast, start a blog, learn a new skill or a new language. Whether it’s designing a new website or posting on Instagram, anything digital that expresses who you are is golden. Siblings, friends and neighbours are likely to be helpful so ask for their input and welcome the feedback. From April 14th, Venus crosses the base of your chart followed by the Sun and Mercury next week and your focus turns to your roots, your family, your tribes.
What can you do to increase your sense of belonging?
Pisces Weekly Forecast: April 11-18, 2021
This is your best opportunity all year to find new additional ways to attract more income. Monday’s New Moon is very supportive and also lucky. You might find something you no longer use and sell it on eBay for a profit or scoop a surprise tax windfall. You might start thinking about setting up a savings account or investing in property. No matter how it plays out, your mind will be focused like a laser on ways to boost your finances without working yourself into the ground. And that process will reveal what’s worth your investment of effort, time and money and what has outlived its usefulness.
Distinguishing between needs and wants.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1