5D Ascension Shift: The Human Genie Emerges From The Bottle
Not everyone is ready for the shift into 5D. Plenty are a long way from it, and if somehow they were forced into that tremendous metamorphosis in just a short period of time, it would be for them highly destructive. Plenty are willingly choosing the synthetic reality to manifest and express something in their karma to unravel through.
By Open | Contributing Writer
In a recent Livestream I foretold that I felt there was a 6 month window to keep the field open to support a widespread emergence of consciousness out of lockdown and the bogus pandemic measures. As we progress through Easter, the signs are positive: in various countries, groups of people, especially the young, are emerging in party mode. I’ve no doubt the shadow-state has plenty more shenanigans up its sleeve, however, when I feel into the field, what comes to me is that “The Genie is out of the Bottle”…
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The Badger, the Snake and the Fox
In my LiveStream (which you can watch here… Energy Workers Unite) I recounted the parable of the honey badger, the snake and the fox, based on an actual event you can watch on youtube.
A very diminutive and humble honey badger (that to me in the parable represented humanity) is suddenly seized upon by a humungous python and constricted in a vice like grip. The end looks nye, until that is, along comes a wily old fox, who for some inexplicable reason decides to intervene. The fox takes a firm grip of the python’s tail and starts to yank on it. The snake is distracted and just for a moment relaxes its grip on the honey badger; just long enough for the badger to ease around a little, so as to take a fierce bite at the snakes only weak point – just behind the head. The badger sinks in his teeth and holds on for dear life. Now the tables are turned. The snake weakens and in short order, unravels dead on the ground. The diminuitive badger then drags the huge python off to its den, to no doubt provide a welcome meal for its cubs for several days to come.
For me the story spoke directly into the current situation on the planet – I’m always shown these metaphors from nature. Everything is interconnected and speaking to us, assuming we’re prepared to take notice and inquire. In the story, to me, the fox represents the countless unseen energy workers around the planet, quietly working the field “off the radar”. They’re opening up flows of consciousness, which I believe plenty are now tapping into. I get the feeling sense, that as I connect into the field this Easter, there’s a wave of freedom rippling around the world. People are departing the bogus mainstream narrative in droves.
2020 was the Years of the Great Parting
When we look back through history, as we rest on 5D beaches someday, we’ll most likely recount the year 2020 – the year of the pandemic, the parting of the waves. Plenty will no doubt head into the synthetic reality being created in the name of the 4th Industrial Revolution. As sad as this is, nevertheless, I encourage all light workers to accept the choices that some people are clearly making.
Not everyone is ready for the shift into 5D. Plenty are a long way from it, and if somehow they were forced into that tremendous metamorphosis in just a short period of time, it would be for them highly destructive. Plenty are willingly choosing the synthetic reality to manifest and express something in their karma to unravel through.
And that’s entirely necessary for them.
The most important thing light workers can do is to embody your soul, shine the light, and walk your path. No matter what. It is not your responsibility to drag people along with you. No matter how much you love and care for them, and even if they are biological family. Their path is theirs to walk, just as is yours. As they witness your shining light, yes, they’ll no doubt be encouraged to wake up, but you can’t force that on anyone. It will happen to the soul when the timing is right. And let’s be clear, no one can be carried into the 5D. That’s a path each has to walk by themselves, when they are ready.
2021 is the Years of Eagle Eye Focus
There is still much shenanigens going on around us, and no doubt for some time to come. The external situation is confused and confusing, the mainstream media little more than propaganda for the shadow-state. It’s essential therefore to turn inwards and to shift your orientation in life.
How do I mean exactly?
Whereas 2020 was all about reclaiming sovereignty, now it’s walking the path with spiritual alignment. It’s time to shift how we create reality. Rather than struggling to fix the outer world in some way, which merely contracts you into it, instead, it’s about focussing on the inflow of your soul and paying attention to that. The outer world starts to shape from the inner flow of soul consciousness itself.
As you witness more signs and synchronicity, as you feel the subtle perceptions and nuances of interrelation, then the outer landscape weaves itself miraculously from what you’re perceiving. All you have to do is now step into that new shaping reality as a path of light is forming under your feet.
This is what I meant by having Eagle Eye focus in 2021 – focus within, feel the soul, make aligned choices accordingly. Focus on the path of light.
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Becoming the Genie
It’s time to take the lid off your bottle and become the spiritual genie. If you’re reading this, you can do it. You’ll be amazed at just how alchemical and powerfully creative your soul consciousness is. But you do have to trust, like never before, and commit – commit to the feeling sense that now wants to illuminate your world and the next step.
My friends we have a golden opportunity unfolding before us. Release the grief you might feel for those who will head into the synthetic reality. That might well be their path and what their karma chooses. But YOU don’t have to go that way. And assuming a strong wave of humanity does wake up to challenge the state narrative, as I believe it will, then they’ll be enough 3D freedom for us to function and operate. We’ll be able to move around the planet and connect with each other in the field, to uplift us to ever greater heights.
I wish you all well at this pivotal point. Open the bottle on your consciousness. Let your soul out to express freely and without limitation – with joy and uplifting lightness. Shine your light out into the world. Watch for the universe sending you loving reflections of signs and synchronicity. Bathe in those and ripple that light far afield for plenty more to experience. I have a clear sense, that when we look back in years to come, we’ll say, “yes, that’s when the battle for the freedom of a new humanity was won”.
5D Ascension Shift: The Human Genie Emerges From The Bottle
If you resonate with my sharing, do consider getting involved in Openhand’s 5D Ascension Program. It’s all about unleashing your spiritual genie for your own personal good and that of the planet:
Originally published at www.openhandweb.org and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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