Visionary Realism: Astrology Forecast May 28th – June 4th, 2023
What to expect this week?
By: Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
“Start with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey
The week begins with a reality check between the Sun in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, then on June 3/4th, the Sagittarius Full Moon is ripe for visioneering, for taking flights of imagination then grounding them in reality.
This shamanic Full Moon is amplified by the karmic supermassive Black Hole of the Great Attractor whose strapline is “On the Wavelength of the Creator’s Voice”. The Moon is ruled by Jupiter newly arrived in Taurus conjunct the Node of Fate. It is in a dynamic T-Square to Saturn in far sighted Pisces, trine Mars in fiery Leo with a Grand Fixed Cross between Pluto, Mars, the Nodes and Jupiter.
Release anything that has outlived its purpose then turn your face towards the future and commit to practical visionary activism.
Each year at this time, the Sagittarius Full Moon marks the Gemini Festival of Goodwill and Humanity. Gemini is the sign of the interplay of light rays – our world is coalesced light – that carry messages of Goodwill to humanity. The Gemini Festival takes forward last month’s Taurus Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival on May 5 – a lunar eclipse. During the Gemini Festival, the Light of the Buddha generated at Wesak is streamed to humanity, so that those of us are awakened can recommit to being World Servers.
Vision boarding is fine as far as it goes but you need stepping stones to turn wishes into reality.
Play around with the NLP Walt Disney Strategy-the basis of his creative genius:
Step 1: Be The Dreamer
In your Dreamer mode, enjoy free association, brainstorming and generating ideas. Anything goes here. It’s your chance to let your imagination run wild!
Step 2: Step Into Your Realist
Next, it’s time to be realistic and decide which of your ideas are actually possible or practical. What would you need to do in the real world in order to make them happen?
Step 3: Call On Your Critic
Use helicopter vision to look first at the big picture then the details from a neutral critical viewpoint. Make sure that your plan is as comprehensive as it can be.
Begin by day dreaming and imagineering, followed by planning, followed by helicopter vision and constructive critiquing.
New! JUNE’s astrology is a rare window of opportunity for Personal Reinvention before multiple retrogrades slow everything down in July and August. Don’t miss out on my JUNE 5D Report which includes Master Coaching on how to Reset to your New Self/New Story Reality……

Chandra Symbol Full Moon Sagittarius 14: A terrarium filled with carnivorous plants.
“We are captured inside a world where every life form consumes every other life form. We take this as a given. And we adapt ourselves to it so greatly that we no longer sense the cues our body gives to us when we are in danger, when we have gone too far, when we are swept away by plans and ideas and lost to this world. The funny part is that as soon as we show up for this level of confronting reality, it entirely changes into a different story altogether. What had seemed previously to be self-evidently an attack, a terrible predicament, a lost momentum, turns right around and shows us that the gift is as bright as the outlook was bleak. And we can embrace the gift as enthusiastically as we adapted to the blight. Then, we crack through to a different reality than any we have known before, in any world. This is a stunner. All the chaos is outside, all the turbulence cannot reach through to us. Instead, we are in the eye of the storm and we are cooking up a different world to be in.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
The dynamic Full Moon in fellow Fire sign Sagittarius is a call to action, to innovation and time to switch on your superpowers of pioneering-daring to go where no one else does. As it illuminates your 9th/3rd Houses, it’s time to step into the role of world server and teacher. Synthesise your experiences, your knowledge and your skills into a way of working that adds value to others. Become a mentor, a coach, a tutor or simply a role model in this ever-evolving world.
Making a leap of faith.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
Guru Jupiter is illuminating your practical and spiritual gifts, no longer hidden in the shadows, nudging you to step up to the leadership role Pluto is offering you as the Transformer begins his passage back and forth across the pinnacle of your chart. This means gradually embodying a whole new identity, on whichever stage or quiet corner of the world you prefer. Your deep creativity is unsurpassed as is your ability to bring what is in the ethers through into reality, into form. This is true magic.
Be the sorcerer, not the apprentice.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
The esoteric Mantra for Gemini is: “And the Word said: Let instability do its work. I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow”. Translated, this means that as you evolve your ego fades while your soul self grows brighter. Feel the truth of these words as the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3/4th opposite your own sign connects with Lord of Time and Karma Saturn at the pinnacle of your chart. Since you try always to share your knowledge with others, you often feel depleted and exhausted. Think of rest and regeneration as necessary downtime to replenish your compassion.
Restoring your spirit.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
This week’s powerful Full Moon in Sagittarius across your 6/12th Houses is a planetary nudge to rest, restore and regenerate your energy levels. Look at your current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual markers of wellbeing from all angles to make sure none of them is being neglected or forgotten. This is important since you have so many plans, projects and ideas in the pipeline, you’ll need all your stamina and resilience.
Ask your closest friends and allies for support.
Leo Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
Mars back in Leo after a 2 years’ absence is fuelling a desire to do something-anything! – Just to charge things up. Given that gas giant Jupiter is crossing the pinnacle of your chart expanding your sense of possibilities and options, you might be tempted to rush in where angels fear to tread. Think of the story of Icarus who flew so close to the sun that his wings melted and he fell to earth. Take a deep breath then a step back, restraining yourself from making a dramatic gesture just to take centre stage and focus on what really matters.
Dream large but make sure you are grounded in reality, not wishful thinking.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
In the last few years, your work, your creativity and your passions have taken up much of your love, time and attention. Gradually, this focus is shifting. This week the Sagittarius Full Moon illuminates the base of your chart, your angle of home, tribe and belonging. It aligns with Guru Saturn in your relationship zone pointing to a need to cultivate and develop strong bonds with those who matter most. Saturn is a symbol of Chronos-clock time-a reminder that nothing stays the same and life and other people move on in various forms.
Bear in mind the Buddha’s reminder:” The trouble is, you think you have time”.
Libra Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
As Jupiter meets the Node of Fate in your 8th House, notice how distraction, superficiality and skating across the surface of life is no longer satisfying-if it ever was. Now you are needing to dive deeper, climb higher and explore what makes life meaningful. Allow the shamanic Sagittarian Full Moon on June 3/4th to blow the doors of your imagination wide open. It illuminates your 9th House of exploration-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
The message is clear: nothing grows in comfort zones.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
With Jupiter in your 7th, Mars in your 10th soon to be joined by Venus, life flows much more smoothly. Allow yourself to drop some of your habitual vigilance and put away that umbrella. Hold on to those “glimmers” that restore your vagal system to its natural setting and seek out more of whatever makes you feel balanced inside and out. At the Sagittarian Full Moon on June 3/4th, watch as this new found harmony spills over into a burst of creativity.
In the flow…..
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
Clear out your work space, finish up old projects and make space for the new and the progressive ahead of the annual Full Moon in your own sign. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and you need meaning, purpose and adventures as much as other people need oxygen. Where is yours to be found? With Saturn in your 4th House, start by creating a safe haven at home and strong bonds with your tribe and family. This establishes your base so you can venture out into the world and make a real difference.
Build an inspiring vision and commit to turning it into reality.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
By now you should be feeling some benefits from Jupiter’s recent arrival in Taurus, a fellow Earth sign. If you haven’t already, start by excavating an old passion or two that got left by the wayside and see if you can breathe new life into them. Around the Full Moon in your 12th House this week, think about hobbies you enjoyed as a child, as well as the dreams the younger you used to have. Set aside time for yourself to play, to be imaginative and creative, whatever that means to you. If you have children or grandchildren, teach them some practical skills or tell them stories about their family history.
Get out the camera, the paints, the ballet shoes….and have fun!
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
Since Jupiter returned to Taurus, your home is becoming more and more important to you. This lucky transit will last until May 2024, so there’s plenty of time to relocate or to restore, renovate or redecorate to your heart’s content. But, of course, home is much more than the place you sleep, it’s about your tribe, your family and that indefinable sense of belonging. This week’s Full Moon in your 11th House is the perfect time to invite friends or family round to enjoy socialising and shedding some of that stress that you’ve been under in the last couple of years.
Home is not a place but a feeling.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 28-June 4, 2023
The progressive Sagittarian Full Moon this week is right on the pinnacle of your chart lighting up your career zone. As the Lights aspect Guru Saturn in your own sign, it’s a nudge to up your game, to commit to a personal growth plan and play everything at 100%. Perhaps your current role or type of work feels too restrictive. If so, think about whether your ladder has been up against the wrong tree and what you could do about it. You definitely need some new forms of input-interesting conversations, different people, and varied surroundings-to feed your creative and problem-solving powers.
What if the universe has bigger ideas for you than you do?
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About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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