Seismic Super Moon: Astrology Forecast July 10th – 17th
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
Super Moons are Full or New Moons on steroids and this is the 2nd in a row – the previous one was on June 13th. Wednesday’s July 13 Super Full Moon at 21 Capricorn opens a seismic window between July 10th – 16th. Its impact is planetary in scope, but there are a number of astro-locality lines where the tidal tug on Earth’s atmosphere, seas and crust are more likely to manifest as powerful storms with high winds, extreme tidal surges, earthquakes and volcanic activity. These include Eastern India, Western China and Central Russia, as well as central Canada and the US, plus Eastern Mexico; horizon arcs also sweep across Africa and Russia.
This is not just a Full Moon but a Super Moon conjunct Pluto Retrograde in Earth sign Capricorn trine the Node of Fate conjunct volatile Uranus in Taurus and opposite Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer. It is reactivating the degree of the epochal January 2020 Saturn/Pluto Conjunction which brought the pandemic and social shutdown.
The re-triggering of such a sensitive point in the element of Cardinal Earth is a signal to create a safe harbour for yourself at all levels – physical, financial, emotional, spiritual – by becoming much more connected/attuned/receptive to your body’s constant messages.
With the Sun, Venus and Mercury all expecting slippery Neptune between the 14-17th, switch your lie detector on to high. Little will be as it seems on the surface.
Chandra Symbol 22 Capricorn Super Moon

A bare altar covered with black velvet.
“Death is a force that brings into Earth something from beyond and this something is the X factor in the human equation. Your own previous deaths as major sign-posts which hold you to your noblest and most surrendered ways of being. Mortality has spoken; immortality arises from the ashes. A threshold awareness that hugs the edge between the worlds and bows before a God who presides over the living and the dead. You stride across worlds, in tune with myriad frequencies, and are quite able to make way for the unknown, the infinite, the other side of life. A fiercely-held intention to bow before what truly is and fall for nothing less, no matter how attractive or appealing.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
The emotional intensity builds as Wednesday’s Super Full Moon approaches. Make a note of July 10-16th when the seismic window is wide open. For you as a solar Aries, it’s shining a spotlight right on the pinnacle of your chart, putting your career and public reputation in the frame for some sort of conclusion. A tense work situation could come to a head as emotions boil over. Make sure you stay calm and approachable, be prepared to listen instead of speaking and be flexible enough to change your mind. Look below surface issues to find the truth of the situation.
Diplomacy works better than ultimatums.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
If you have been consistently under earning and or undercharging for what you do, it’s time to put a true market value on your services. With your own planet Venus smoothing your financial path, stop underestimating your contribution and draw a line in the sand. Watch the days between the 10-16th and avoid emotional overreaction. On Wednesday during the intense Super Full Moon in fellow Earth sign Capricorn, step right away from dramas and focus on your own needs. Think about where in your life you need to spread your wings and seek a bigger horizon.
People take you at your own estimation, so raise your game.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
This is going to be quite an emotionally intense week for just about everyone, so stay on your witness/observer perch and stay out of the ongoing soap operas and manufactured dramas. Wednesday’s Super Full Moon activates your 8/2 House axis of finances, security and resources, all of which are in increasingly short supply at the moment. Given that your own planet Mercury is in Cancer conjunct the Sun, start generating practical and innovative ways to increase your income streams. Anything connected with communications is very well starred.
The more you reach out, the more others will invest in you.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
Knowing that the days between July 10-16th are likely to be extra intense, be ready to make the most of your Cancerian ability to withdraw, retreat and stay out of the fray. Wednesday’s Full Moon is a Super Moon on steroids conjunct Pluto opposite the Sun and Mercury in your own sign. Events may remind you of the emotional stressors early 2020 when the world shut down virtually overnight. If you are in a close personal relationship, your partner may need extra love, kindness, care and attention. Happily, on July 18th, Venus returns to Cancer to remind you to stop and smell the roses, no matter what is going on around you.
On July 17th, your intuition is your superpower.
Leo Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
It’s going to be a busy week for you, one way or another. Wednesday’s Super Moon lights up your 6th House of work, habits and day to day activities. As its conjunct Pluto, you might be finally ending a work – related situation or, more likely, deciding to break once and for all a habit that is sabotaging you or undermining you. It’s also an excellent time to visit the doctor and dentist for a health check. None of which sounds very exciting but needs sorting before you can celebrate your birthday month from July 21st. The important thing now is for you take some quiet time out to recharge your batteries and to listen to that quiet inner guidance trying to be heard.
What needs healing?
Virgo Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
With both Mars and Wednesday’s Super Moon in fellow Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn this week, you are well and truly in your element. The Full Moon lights up your 5th House of creativity, romance and pleasure, asking you to look at where these are missing from your current day to day life and nudging you to do something about it. Happily, as Venus, Sun and Mercury connect with dream maker Neptune, you’ll be inspired to do, be and enjoy more of what makes life worth living. Focus on your physicality, make some delicious food, go for walks in nature, and spend quiet time with someone you love.
Put your to-do list away and stop and smell the roses.
Libra Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
Feelings will be running higher than usual between July 10-16th, peaking at the Super Full Moon on July 13th in Capricorn. For you as a solar Libran, this falls across the roots of your chart, putting the spotlight on to your home, family and extended tribe. Make sure you commit to spending more time at home this week, investing your love, time and energy where it counts. Capricorn is an earthy ultra-practical sign so tackle any outstanding renovation work, dig a garden or start a d-i-y project to beautify your physical surroundings.
Your home is your foundation in an uncertain world.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
With both Mars and unpredictable Uranus in your opposite sign, your closest partnership is likely to be much more volatile than usual. Watch particularly for emotions running high and fast around the Full Moon on July 13th. This is a Super Moon – a Full Moon on steroids- making just about everyone more sensitive than usual, so step carefully around contentious issues. It’s time to listen much more than you speak. With the Sun and Mercury in fellow water sign Cancer, a change of scene could change the mood and put things into perspective far more effectively than long intense conversations.
A short trip could resolve the drama.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
In what is likely to be an intense week, make the very most of Venus in your relationship zone until July 18th to calm the waters and to remind you of how loved you are. On Wednesday 13th, a Super Full Moon in practical Earth sign Capricorn focuses your mind on your money and your resources. It is conjunct Pluto, the God of wealth, so turn your attention to maximising your earning potential, to calling in debts and to creating some profitable new income streams. What skillset are you underutilising? What could you sell that you no longer need? How can you get more interest on your savings?
You have more assets than you think.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
Make a note of the days between 10-16 July and especially July 13th, the day of the Full Moon in Capricorn. This is not just any Full Moon but a Super Moon with seismic effects and it is also conjunct Pluto in your sign. You are likely to feel wired, stressed or drained and definitely stretched too thin. Emotions will be running high, so be careful not to get involved in dramas or soap operas. The Super Moon is the midpoint of your Capricorn year and it’s worth reflecting on what’s making you happy and what isn’t working.
Take some quiet time out -the world will turn without you.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
It’s going to be a busy, intense week generally but, for you as a solar Aquarian, Wednesday’s Super Full Moon may be less stressful than for many others. That’s because the Moon and Pluto are meeting in your deep and hidden 12th House of memories, secrets, spiritual awareness and the unconscious. Around that day or night, make a note of any resonant dreams or insights before they escape back into the ethers. With Venus expecting Saturn in your own sign, allow your imagination and creativity free rein. Given that Mars is in your 4th House of home along with awakener Uranus, you could be coming up with a blueprint for a makeover or renovation.
Trust your intuition-it will be stronger than usual.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: July 10-17, 2022
Just like fellow intuitive sign Cancer, you’ll be feeling the intensity surrounding Wednesday’s Super Full Moon in Capricorn days before it arrives. Luckily for you, it makes a harmonious link to your Sun in Pisces, lighting up your 11th House of friends, groups and networks. You will be feeling the love and probably showing it. Make the very most of this sense of belonging and avoid any soap operas or dramas going on around you. That’s even more important as fiery Mars is making you prone to telling it how it is or to suddenly blurt out something best left unsaid.
July 14 and 17th are well starred for flashes of insight and imagination.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1