Weekly Astrology Forecast For July 28th – 4th August 2024
Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week.
By: Lorna Bevan | Hare In The Moon
“The way we pose our questions often illusorily limits our responses… there is always an alternative between every ‘this’ and every ‘that’.” – Gary Zukav The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Get ready to have your mind blown! Gas giant Jupiter in Gemini – expanding how much stuff you can get your head round-is aligning with the karmic Great Attractor in Sagittarius – a dark star cluster and psychic transmitter that bends both space and time, giving you a simultaneous view of the past, present and future.
The pulse of the collective’s ability to take in “different” and far-reaching concepts is quickening – a reminder that we are all part of Indra’s Net-the Great Web of interdependence.
With Venus trine the Galactic Centre and Mercury at his most tricksterish stationing retrograde until August 28th at Sunday’s Leo New Moon, insights, inspirations, light-bulb moments and synchronicities abound:
- Tune in to your sensory acuity, your intuition, your gut feelings.
- Trust your knowing over your logic.
- Make curiosity your superpower.
- Listen deeper.
- Ground your insights and cultivate an instinct for knowing how and when to present these “far out” ideas.
- Shift into the next cycle of remembrance by releasing yourself from expired karmic contracts and past entanglements, deliberately re-routing your entrained and conditioned responses.
- Begin by insourcing everything you’ve been outsourcing and deconditioning yourself.
- Feel the flickers of a new reality, a new energy in which you can be free and still live in a world that is not yet free.
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“I subscribed to your Reports because they speak deeply to these times of great metamorphosis without fear and ask us to hold what we cannot know while we walk our individual paths. I liken it to you showing me a map and I chart the journey, my journey.” – EB H UK
Chandra Symbol New Moon

Chandra Symbol New Moon LEO 13: A man painting scenes on a ceiling.
“Inspired soul gifts. You are endowed with a great wealth of talent and ability–the natural artist and visionary. Everything overflows. Huge scope, bigger than life; issues of ego; can the self be selfless? Raw vitality and virtuoso performance. This calls for a ripening and deepening to be fulfilled. When still bold and wild, you experience great struggle against constraints; when clear and steady, there are no limitations on what can come through.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast
Expect to be communication central this week, as messages, texts and invitations to meet-ups arrive like confetti. Make your watchword:” Connect, connect, connect” and see just how far you can expand your people landscape.
Taurus Weekly Forecast
You’re torn between coming up with innovative and creative ideas for increasing your income and the urge to put a closed sign on the door and have fun doing things you enjoyed as a child. Is there a pastime or hobby you used to love but left behind? Try it on again for size to see if you can recapture the magic.
Gemini Weekly Forecast
If you feel as if you’ve got one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake, it’s down to Mars and Jupiter in your own sign pushing you to get physical while your own planet Mercury in Virgo is slowing to turn backwards and creating roadblocks. Find the middle path.
Cancer Weekly Forecast
In your world, a shower of Jupiterian insights is re-arranging your inner life. Your personal philosophy is being expanded beyond recognition from the precepts and rules you were taught as a child. Trust your instincts-as a Moon-ruled Cancerian, they are your superpower.
Leo Weekly Forecast
You won’t need much encouragement to get out there and socialise this week. With both Mars and Jupiter in your angle of friendships and alliances, actively seek out new groups and like-minded people. Just don’t splash the cash, as Mercury is turning backwards until the end of August and your finances could benefit from an audit.
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Virgo Weekly Forecast
Your own planet messenger Mercury in Virgo is slowing down all week and turns retrograde until August 28th. With so much happening in your career, welcome the chance to say a big NO to stress, perfectionism and micro-managing your time. Look at the bigger picture and regain your perspective.
Libra Weekly Forecast
If it feels as if your head is about to explode, take heart. Mercury is slowing to turn backwards until August 28th in the engine room of your chart-it’s time for rest, retreat and restoration. Find some enjoyable somatic activities to return you to your body, your feelings and the natural world-perhaps music, dance, nature bathing. Get out of your head and back into embodiment.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast
Mars and Jupiter in your 8th House of life’s big questions are expanding or even blowing wide open some of your long held inner rules and beliefs. This is a time for helicopter vision, taking a 360 degrees big picture perspective so you can see both the wood and the trees and spot a whole new way to solve what has been a persistent financial or partnership problem.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast
This is a wonderful season for your closest relationships, touched as they are by the optimistic magic of both Mars and Jupiter. Together, you can dream big, ready to turn your most heartfelt hopes and dreams into reality at the September lunar eclipse.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast
Work for you rarely feels like work, as if does for the other signs. This week and this month, with both action planet Mars and expansive Jupiter acting as your support team, you’re on a roll. There might even be a cash boost or a payback for previous efforts.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast
Time to get out of our head and into your five or 6 senses. Twin optimists Mars and Jupiter are nudging you to seize the moment, stop and smell the roses and do whatever makes you feel alive and happy. Recapture some of those activities you loved as a child. Re-awaken the magic.
Pisces Weekly Forecast
Your quiet life is suddenly becoming a lot busier. Mars and Jupiter are making life at home feel like a three -ring circus with people popping in and out, family gatherings to be arranged and possibly a large celebration. At the same time, as Mercury slows to turn backwards until August 28th, it’s a good for you and a close partner need to make sure your shared visions for the future dovetail.
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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.
We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.
Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”
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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship
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