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Pentagon: “Time Travel Is Real And We Can Visit Other Worlds”

Pentagon: “Time Travel Is Real And We Can Visit Other Worlds”

The Brilliant

According to documents released by the Pentagon, time travel and anti-gravity technologies may be available to humans and could help us visit other worlds.

The recent declassification of 1,500 files sheds light on the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was a secret Pentagon UFO program.

Its publication was made possible after a four-year legal battle following a freedom of information request from The Sun.

One of the papers discusses how anti-gravity technology can be used to create airships and spacecraft, stating that “the effects can be achieved by manipulating space-time.”

How to “manipulate gravity” is also discussed and the report says: “It may be possible to create exotic phenomena such as faster-than-light travel… and time machines.”

It is also added that “wormholes” in space-time can be used for interstellar travel.

The documents, which The Sun called “the bombshell,” were released by the US Department of Defence Intelligence Agency.

These include plans to send multiple single-pilot spacecraft to “colonize” deep space, as well as research into how humans can control robots with their minds.

It has been found that a person cannot fly more than four spacecraft, but in the papers, scientists wonder if our brains can be developed to enhance this ability.

The AATIP has been in operation since 2007 and is headed by Luis Elizondo, who believes that the existence of UFOs has “been proven beyond reasonable doubt.”

10 Photos That Can Prove That Time Travel Exists

Elsewhere in the report, the report explores how nuclear-powered rockets and spacecraft will allow us to “build bridges” over the layers of icy objects surrounding the Sun to find other Earth-like planets.

Also in the documents is information on how we can communicate with aliens, as well as a study on the health impact of people who have encountered aliens or seen UFOs .

Although the project has since been scrapped, Pentagon officials admitted last year that there have been around 150 UFO reports from military pilots since 2004. It further includes “abductions” and “unwanted pregnancies” of civilians.

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The Proof Is Out There: Top 4 MIND-BLOWING Mysteries On Mars

Mars, often referred to as the Red Planet, has long captured the imagination of scientists and enthusiasts alike. One of the most tantalizing questions surrounding Mars is whether it harbours any evidence of alien life.

“Over the years, numerous missions and studies have been conducted, fuelling speculation and sparking debates within the scientific community.”

One of the key factors driving the search for alien life on Mars is the planet’s potential to support it. Despite its harsh environment and barren landscapes, Mars exhibits several characteristics that suggest the possibility of life.

Evidence of ancient river valleys, lakebeds, and even the presence of subsurface water ice hint at a more hospitable past. Moreover, recent discoveries of organic molecules and methane in the Martian atmosphere have added further intrigue, as these compounds are associated with biological activity on Earth.

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