Mariah Carey’s Sister Highlights The Reality of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse & Murder
Do you believe her? Let us know in the comments.
By Arjun Walia | Collective Evolution
Mariah Carey’s sister, Allison, claims that her mother Patricia, 83, forced her to perform sex acts on strangers when she was just 10 years old. She claims she was molested many times, and ‘pimped’ out by her mother on multiple occasions. She also claimed to be in attendance for multiple satanic ritual ceremonies where she had to watch children not only being sexually abused but physically abused and even stabbed to death.
Her abuse claims were outlined in a Summons with Notice – a document typically filed before a lawsuit under local law – at New York State’s Ulster County Supreme Court in February. In it, Alison says Patricia “allowed and encouraged other male persons . . . to engage in sexual acts” while she was “approximately ten”. It adds that Alison was allowed to “witness adults engaged in sexual acts with both adults and children during middle-of-the-night satanic worship meetings that included ritual sacrifices,” according to The Sun.
There are multiple videos on YouTube of Allison speaking about this, here’s one.
Her claims corroborate with those of a survivor of an elite level child trafficking ring, whom we interviewed.
Our Interview With A Survivor
One of the main reasons we keep covering the this topic is to draw attention to our interview with a survivor of child sex trafficking. The phenomenon is much deeper than what we are getting from the mainstream, and goes into mind control, brainwashing, ritual abuse, paedophilia, blackmail, murder, torture, organ harvesting and more.
The interview is with Anneke Lucas, who is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims, founder of the non-profit organization Liberation Prison Yoga, and creator of the Unconditional Model. Her work is based on personal experience of a 30-year healing journey after surviving being sold by her family as a very young child sex slave to an elite level paedophile network.
The interview is deep, and goes into the consciousness aspect of her experience and why that aspect is so important.
You can access the full interview and start your free trial here on CETV, a platform we created to help combat internet censorship and allow us to continue to do our work and get the word out about various issues and topics.
Why This Is Important
Why are we writing about this? Because whether or not Allison Carey’s claims are true or not, the reality of satanic ritual abuse, in fact, elite level satanic ritual abuse seems to be quite prevalent and hard to deny for anybody who has done any research into the topic. A number of innocent children are and have been suffering for years, and the reality of elite level child trafficking is getting attention like it never has before thanks to the Jeffrey Epstein case, and multiple others that involve ‘high-ranking’ people. There are countless examples to choose from, hundreds of people within the Pentagon, for example, have been implicated, and let’s not forget the NIXVM, which like Epstein, had strange political and elitist ties.
The Rolling Stone reported:
“There are strange political connections as well. Mark Vicente, a documentary filmmaker and former high-ranking member of the group, testified at the trial of NXIVM head Keith Raniere that Clare Bronfman, the billionaire Seagram’s heiress and alleged benefactor of the organization, approached him and a few other members of the group to help her make a contribution to a Clinton campaign.” (source)
A paper published in European Psychiatry titled “The cremation of care ritual: Burning of effigies or human sacrifice murder? The importance of differentiating complex trauma from schizophrenia in extreme abuse settings” by Dr. Rainer Kurz, explains, a chartered occupational psychologist (Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) at The University of Manchester. Master of Science (MSc) Industrial Psychology at The University of Hull) explains:
In the wake of institutional abuse enquiries and the ‘unbelievable’ child abuse perpetrated by celebrities like Jimmy Saville and Ian Watkins, a ‘new reality’ is setting in that child abuse is pervasive and knows no limits. Reports of elaborate rituals with ‘mock’ human sacrifices at the highly secretive annual ‘Bohemian Grove’ summer festival point towards a pervasive interest in the occult in high society. Mental health professionals have a ‘duty of care’ towards their service users. Unless clear and irrefutable counter-evidence is available it is inappropriate to claim that disclosures of extreme abuse and/or human sacrifice rituals are ‘delusions’ and indicative of Schizophrenia.
Epstein, Schwartz & Schwartz (2011) described cases of ‘Forced Impregnation’ by cult members which were followed by Human Sacrifice rituals. They also described UK based abuse groups forced ‘child-on child’ sex abuse salient to the case. Scott (2001) described the casual ease with which some abuse perpetrations torture and kill. 36 survivors completed her survey of whom 34 claimed abuse by members of their immediate family, and 21 by one or both parents. For 34 ritual abuse in childhood involved murder and for 16 involved forced childbirth/abortion. Bekker, Karriker, Overkamp and Rutz (2008) found in their extreme abuse survey that ‘forced impregnation’ by 40 % of 1041 of adult survivors and 33 % of 82 child survivors, and disclosed to 70% of 221 professionals bearing witness. Murder of a ‘breeder baby’ by the perpetrators was reported by 26%, 18% and 55% respectively. Witnessing murder by perpetrators was reported 56%, 43% and 77% respectively.
Research eventually led to the Franklin scandal that broke in 1989 when hundreds of children were apparently flown around the US to be abused by high ranking ‘Establishment’ members. Former state senator John W DeCamp, cited as one of the most effective legislators in Nebraska history, is today attorney for two of the abuse victims. A 15 year old girl disclosed that she had been abused since the age of 9 and was exposed since the age of 9 and was exposed to ‘ritual murder’ of a new born girl, a small boy (who was subsequently fried and eaten) and three others.
This time of activity seems to be, based on my research, quite prevalent within the Vatican, Royal Families, Big Politics and Big Finance. If you want to dive a little deeper and read about some more examples, you can refer to this article:
The Takeaway
At the end of the day we have to ask ourselves, how many of our ‘leaders’ and people who have been made out to be idols, in places like the Vatican and more are involved in this type of thing. For this type of abuse to take place, especially with children, shows a great lack of empathy and morality, so I ask you, are those who are making major decisions for our planet lacking the same? Is the activity they engage simply a glimpse into the overall feelings these people have for human life? Do they really care about us, or do they simply want to use us, control us, and continue manipulating our perception of major global events so we obey their orders?
Every two to four years we continue to give our power away to presidents and prime ministers, and their handlers, believing that voting is the key to change. Voting simply upholds and perpetuates a system that is so plagued with corruption that it is not capable of making the right choices for humanity. We have to create something new, and not keep reinforcing the idea that we have to give our power away and let the government take care of us. We are capable of more than we know.
This article (Mariah Carey’s Sister Highlights The Reality of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse & Murder) was originally published on Collective Evolution and is published under a Creative Commons license.