Last Commander-In-Chief of The Soviet Navy Saw UFOs Coming Out of The Ocean
A video is making the rounds of an interview with a Russian admiral who was the last Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Navy from 1985 to 1991.
By Paul Seaburn | Mysterious Universe
A video is making the rounds of an interview with a Russian admiral who was the last Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Navy from 1985 to 1991. While the video appears to be a few years old, its content is relevant today – the commander discusses encounters between UFOs and a Soviet submarine in 1945 and a US Navy sub in 1947, and those UFOs appeared to be capable of traveling underwater as well as in the air. Even more interesting, he claims the subs were attempting to explore underwater caves off the coast of Antarctica. Will the Pentagon report have anything about this? Will the current Russian military? Anyone? Bueller?
“A squadron of Soviet submarines in 1945, and then a US Navy one in 1947, were severely attacked by flying saucers while trying to gain access to underground caves in Antarctica.”
The video opens with that big announcement. According to the site Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, it is an interview conducted by journalist Khaled Al-Rushd for RT Arabic with Vladimir Nikolayevich Chernavin, a former officer of the Soviet Navy, its last Commander-in-Chief the only Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of Independent States Navy from 1991 to 1992. He commanded the November class submarine K-21 in 1959, later commanded the submarine flotillas of the Northern Fleet and was awarded a title of the Hero of the Soviet Union before retiring 1992. Chernavin is currently chairman of the Soviet submariners association. Does he sound like someone who would know about UFOs and USOs?
“I remembered an interview I had with the commander of the Soviet naval forces, Vladimir Chernavin. He also told us about flying objects that were diving under water and at high speed coming out of its depths.”
The video is in Russian with English subtitles. It appears to be a recent production by Khaled Al-Rushd where he reminisces about that previous interview with Chernavin and was prompted by Al-Rushd first remembering a quote from US Naval Admiral Richard Byrd about “flying saucers” in which he said, “It is quite possible that these UFOs, whether man-made or of alien origin, come from several underwater bases, including the possible underwater bases in Antarctica, off the coast of California and off the coast of Puerto Rico.” When asked about this, Chernavin dropped this bombshell:
“There have been hundreds of such reports. I saw this phenomenon, including when I was captain of the submarine during our time in the Atlantic and the Caribbean, I clearly saw a flying object over one of our Soviet positions appearing in various forms, but mainly in the form of a round hat.”
“It was especially glowing, this light was changing, but the dish was moving at a tremendous speed, then it would stay hovering in one place and disappear immediately to appear in another place, and then dive into the water and disappear from view, and after a while it came out of the water but in another way, we were watching like this phenomena, as I saw it, the extraordinary phenomena cannot be ignored.”
Does this sound familiar? Chernadin’s next comment hits even closer to home… to the Pentagon report and the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
“A committee of this kind was formed. Especially since it was formed, I knew that the Americans had such a committee as well, and the decision was taken to collect and analyse this information in the military field for the first time from my side.”
Whoa! Chernavin claims Soviet sailors were the first to report seeing UFOs, the first to see them in mass numbers, the first to follow them and to have an “operational directive” to monitor them – with the approval of the Minister of Defence. He claimed the system of monitoring and recording UFO dta “must be signed by the Commander in Chief personally. He recounts an encounter by a nuclear submarine and an escort fleet in the Pacific with “a disk-shaped object with a diameter of about 70 meters” – an encounter Chernavin assured Al-Rushd was documented. He concludes with this warning:
“This was a very serious problem. The decision had to be taken carefully and with balance, and this problem still exists today.”
Indeed, it does. Are we waiting for the wrong report?
About the Author
Paul Seaburn is the editor at Mysterious Universe and its most prolific writer. He’s written for TV shows such as “The Tonight Show”, “Politically Incorrect” and an award-winning children’s program. He’s been published in “The New York Times” and “Huffington Post” and has co-authored numerous collections of trivia, puzzles and humour. His “What in the World!” podcast is a fun look at the latest weird and paranormal news, strange sports stories and odd trivia. Paul likes to add a bit of humour to each MU post he crafts. After all, the mysterious doesn’t always have to be serious.