Instead of Going After Her Clients, Court Quietly Reduces Ghislaine Maxwell’s Sentence
After what is still arguably quite questionable trial proceedings, while all eyes are turned into the latest distraction America's justice system continues to allow the vilest of predators to get off easy.
By Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project
For years, Ghislaine Maxwell rubbed elbows with the elite. She frequently visited Donald Trump’s Florida retreat, Bill Clinton’s White House, and was a good friend to Prince Andrew for decades. During her sex trafficking trial, a number of high profile associates of Jeffrey Epstein had their ties to the paedophile ring exposed. They include not only Trump, Clinton, and Prince Andrew, but also Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Bill Gates, and others.
Last December, Maxwell was found guilty for her crimes — which consisted of delivering children to rich paedophile men. Unfortunately, however, it is extremely likely that the men who participated in this child sex trade, will never face any consequences.
Instead of pressing Maxwell to reveal her clients, last month, a court quietly decided to reduce her sentence by ten years. Seriously.
At the end of April, trial judge Alison Nathan heard an appeal from Maxwell’s attorneys in an attempt to have the guilty verdict overturned. Her defence claimed that the trial was tainted because one of the jurors had been a victim of sexual abuse. Luckily, the court did not overturn the verdict.
“The Government at trial presented extensive witness testimony from multiple victim witnesses and others, as well as corroborating documentary and physical evidence,” documents said. “The testimony and other trial evidence established the Defendant’s role in grooming and recruiting underage girls and using the cover of massage to perpetrate sexual abuse.”
Though Nathan didn’t overturn the verdict, she did knock ten years off of Maxwell’s maximum sentence and upgraded her living conditions in the Metropolitan Detention Centre (MDC) in Brooklyn, New York. The judge agreed with the defence that three of the five guilty charges against Maxwell were similar and in turn reduced her sentence.
“I am finally going to be able to see Ghislaine,” Maxwell’s brother Ian told The Telegraph after the upgrade. “Apart from a few seconds of snatched conversation I had with her at the bar of the court, we have not had any meaningful interactions. I will be able to do that because she has been released into the general population.
“She finally has access to things she has not had for almost two years starting with human company. The prison guards were told not to talk to her. She has had no human interaction; she has had no human company.”
As Maxwell has her sentence reduced and her living conditions upgraded, her long list of elite paedophile clients continue to enjoy protection from the establishment — free from investigation and media scrutiny.
This sentence reduction should come as no surprise as Judge Nathan has provided Maxwell with privilege throughout the trial.
As we reported back in March of 2021, Maxwell’s privilege began to show through as her requests to redact evidence were allowed. Judge Nathan issued a ruling on redactions that Maxwell had asked for regarding transcripts the government filed under seal in February 2021.
According to the judge, the evidence was too “sensational and impure” to reveal to the public.
“Those portions of the transcript, which were redacted in the civil matter, concern privacy interests and their disclosure would merely serve to cater to a ‘craving for that which is sensational and impure,’” Nathan wrote in the order.
After granting Maxwell her request, in November, Judge Nathan was nominated by President Joe Biden to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Coincidence?
As TFTP has reported, since Epstein’s arrest, multiple revelations have come to light which show how difficult it is to hold those accountable who aided and abetted this trafficking ring.
The revelations led to a myriad of connected insiders getting exposed for their roles in helping to cover up the abuse but none of them have fallen.
In 2019, a federal judge made a bombshell ruling which stated that the prosecutors who worked under former Miami U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta—later appointed to Trump’s Labour Secretary—broke the law when handling the case of the billionaire paedophile.
However, instead of accountability, Acosta was ruled to have used “poor judgement” and was allowed to step down from his position and quietly fade away without going to jail.
This has been the status quo since Epstein was first convicted. This man was a convicted child molester and sexually abused no less than 40 underage girls. Despite this fact, Acosta protected him while serving as a U.S. Attorney in Florida.
Instead of going to prison for life, as he should’ve considering the evidence against him, Epstein only got 13 months and was allowed to stay in the Palm Beach County Jail in his own private cell where he was allowed to leave the prison six days a week for “work release.”
This is why no one else will likely go down and the little black book with everyone’s name in it will fade into the background, eternally in the shadow of the “current thing.”
About the Author
Matt Agorist is an honourably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project.
Follow @MattAgorist on: Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.
She’ll be dead before she gets out so no matter. Her clients will face their days in court as well.
Very possible John!