University Mathematician Decodes The Crop Circle With A Binary Code & Extraterrestrial Face
Miia Pitkonen, a physicist from the University of Helsinki in Finland, offers an interesting analysis. A fascinating design, it's real, regardless of whom you believe made it!
By Arjun Walia | Collective Evolution
Did you know that crop circles are actually real? How they’re made and who or what is making them is up for debate, but the existence of intricate, remarkable and very complex designs that are “sown” into crop fields all around the world is a fact that’s not open for debate. Looking at some of these designs, especially footage taken from a plane or a helicopter, should give you goose-bumps.
Why? Richard Taylor, a physicist from the University of Oregon, outlines it best. Despite ridiculing any type of ‘supernatural’ explanation for these designs, he states that this is “the most science-oriented art movement in history.” It’s also interesting to note that many of these designs have been studied in a laboratory setting, as some of the nodes of these stalks are blasted out on one side. Not many people know this about crop circles, but the crops are not simply flattened. It’s quite clear that some sort of high level technology is being used. (source)
This ‘blasting’ effect has been replicated by highly localized microwave heating, which causes water inside the crop to vaporize and dislodge. As a result, the stock flops completely over to one side. Because of this, Taylor concludes that crop circle artists are using GPS devices, lasers, and microwaves to create these astonishing patterns of geometric forms due to the measurements he found in his research.
There will always be those who reject some sort of supernatural hypothesis, but for those who actually look deeper into the crop circle phenomenon, it’s hard to argue that something strange isn’t happening. Personally, I would say it’s obvious.
The crop circle you see above appeared in 2002 in a field near Crabwood, United Kingdom. Yes, it was real. It’s been filmed, documented and photographed. There is footage all over the internet. It made a lot of no is and has been researched by multiple scholars all over the world. Here is some great helicopter footage of the Crabwood circle with Terje Toftenes, an award-winning Norwegian filmmaker and video producer.
HERE is some more astonishing helicopter footage taken by the photographer of the photos posted below, Lucy Pringle. You can see people standing in the crop circle here as well, it’s quite detailed footage.
Who could do something like this? Who could design a binary code and implant a face within a crop in the dead of night in only a few hours, leaving no entrance or exit marks, while being artistically and mathematically precise?
Miia Pitkonen is one of many scholars who have examined this particular circle. She is a physicist from the University of Helsinki in Finland, specializing in medical physics. You can view her curriculum vitae here.
Clearly, she has an interest in this phenomenon because she published a paper titled “Crop Circles and Life at Parallel Space-Time Sheets.” It’s a two part series, and in it she examines the CraBwood crop circle. (source)
She explains:
“Crabwood message consists of two parts. An alien picture and a picture representing spiral like bit sequence starting from the centre of the picture and proceeding counter clockwise. It has been proposed [59, 60] that the message is coded using 9-bit code and that 8-bit portions obey ASCII code. With this assumption the message reads as:
‘Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELI!UVE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING\’
Obviously there are one or two incomprehensible words involved (EELI!UVE). There are also two variants of the message in the net. OPpose appears at Paul Vigay’s homeopage and Oppose at Martin Keitel’s homeopage. In the following both options are considered. One could consider the possibility that the message has much deeper layer than the somewhat oracle-like statement in ASCII code, and that the presence of the little inconsistency might be intended to make clear that a deeper level is involved. What these aliens would like to communicate is something very essential about themselves as a life form. The image of an alien accompanying the bit sequence indeed suggests this. This something very essential could obviously include the code for translating ordinary DNA triplets to amino-acids. Perhaps also the code for translating the exotic RNA doublets to the analogs of amino-acids. These analogs could be even electromagnetic waves. There could be also other codes: just at the time when the Crabwood message had arrived I developed entire hierarchy of cognitive codes based on Mersenne primes and regular polygons constructible using only compass and ruler. The first guess is that the message should be represented by some universal code. The appearance of 3 × 3 = 9-bit code words decomposing naturally to 3 sequences of 3-bits suggests that a cognitive code consistent with genetic code might be involved. This guess was very useful in that it led to the identification of the genetic code of exotic RNA and the decomposition of 3 3-bit portions also suggests immediately that information about RNA is in question. It however turned out that ASCII code is the proper manner to interpret the message, ninth bit serves as a separation sign only. The interpretation relies on extremely general aspects of the ASCII code: capital and small letters correspond to amino-acids and capital and small forms of a given letter denote for the same amino-acid. Control signs denote the amino-acidic counterparts for the code associated with the exotic RNA. The ordering of the symbols does not matter. One could also use different kinds of symbols: only the numbers of various kinds of symbols telling how many code words are mapped to a particular amino-acid (or whatever counterpart of it) matter.”
It’s quite complicated, I know. Paul Vigay, a British computer consultant notable for work in developing and supporting RISC OS software and long-time researcher in the field, was the first to discover that the message was encoded in ASCI binary code. He also worked with Mel Gibson on the film Signs, but unfortunately died a very mysteries death.
“Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. (Damaged word.) There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing (bell sound).”
Below is another great screen shot taken by a helicopter.
Pitkonens paper is quite in-depth and states that the makers of this circle, whoever/whatever they are, could be using this type of specific code, and much more. One thing is for certain: Whoever made this circle is extremely artistically, technologically, and mathematically advanced to a point beyond belief.
Below is a screenshot of the last part of her paper expressing the same conclusion that many of us have come to, the realization that something amazing is going on here.
Pitkonen, in her paper, also goes into great detail and analysis regarding a broadcast (known as the “Arecibo” message) that was put together by Carl Sagan and his colleagues in 1974. It was sent into space via radio waves at a special ceremony to celebrate the remodelling of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. It was the most powerful broadcast ever deliberately beamed out into space. Directed at a star cluster sitting approximately 25,000 light years away, it consisted of a pictorial message depicting our planet’s location in our solar system, the core principles of our math and science, and the NASA antenna used to transmit the signal in the hopes that it would be interpreted by an extraterrestrial intelligence. The message also included details about human beings, such as our physical appearance and DNA code. The signal was a million times stronger than the typical TV transmission.
27 years later, in 2001, the crop circle phenomenon gained some well-deserved attention when a pattern in the form of a response to the 1974 broadcast appeared right next to Britain’s largest telescope, the Chilbolton, and observatory, home to the world’s largest fully steerable meteorological radar.
The Takeaway
Why are such discoveries and phenomena ridiculed in the mainstream? And when the mainstream does engage in a discussion about the crop circle phenomenon, why don’t they address the facts presented in this article? Why are these considered to be hoaxes when some of the designs are so complicated, precise and complex that they baffle some of the world’s greatest minds? What’s going on here?
There are facts about our reality that are so mind-altering that the human mind, in many cases, will instantly dismiss them. On a collective level, clearly we are all not ready to examine this phenomenon, and no matter how much evidence is in support of it, it always be greeted with ridicule and scepticism.
Something extraordinary is happening here, and it has been happening for years. It could have tremendous implications for humanity as we continue to slowly but surely open our minds to concepts that do not yet fit within the framework of accepted knowledge.
This article (University Mathematician Decodes The Crop Circle With A Binary Code & Extraterrestrial Face) was originally published on Collective Evolution and is published under a Creative Commons license.