Astrology Forecast July 8th – 15th, 2024 – Spiritual Evolution & Heightened Awareness!

Here’s what’s happening in astrology this week

By: Lorna Bevan Hare In The Moon

Welcome to the week of spiritual evolution & heightened awareness!

As we navigate the cosmic currents from July 8th to July 15th, 2024, we find ourselves in a period rich with transformative potential. This week, the universe invites us to deepen our connection to our higher selves, embrace our soul’s purpose, and expand our consciousness to new dimensions. Here’s what the stars and planets are illuminating for us.

Key Transits & Influences:

  1. New Moon in Cancer (July 8th): The week begins with a nurturing New Moon in Cancer, offering a profound opportunity for setting new intentions aligned with emotional healing and spiritual growth. This New Moon encourages us to create a sacred space within our hearts where we can nurture our dreams and plant the seeds for future manifestations. It’s a time to honour our emotional needs and cultivate a more profound sense of self-love and compassion.
  2. Mercury Conjunct Mars in Leo (July 10th): Mercury, the planet of communication, aligns with Mars, the planet of action, in the vibrant sign of Leo. This conjunction brings a surge of creative energy and the courage to express our truth. It’s a powerful time to speak from the heart and take bold steps towards our passions and goals. Use this energy to align your actions with your soul’s purpose and share your unique gifts with the world.
  3. Venus Retrograde in Virgo (July 13th): Venus, the planet of love and beauty, begins its retrograde journey in Virgo, prompting a period of introspection and re-evaluation in matters of the heart. This transit invites us to reassess our relationships, values, and self-worth. It’s a time to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve our highest good and to realign with what truly resonates with our soul’s desires.
  4. Sun Trine Neptune in Pisces (July 14th): The Sun in Cancer forms a harmonious trine with Neptune in Pisces, enhancing our intuitive abilities and spiritual insight. This transit opens a portal to higher realms of consciousness, allowing us to connect more deeply with our inner wisdom and divine guidance. It’s a beautiful time for meditation, creative inspiration, and exploring the mystical aspects of our existence.
  5. Jupiter Sextile Pluto (July 15th): Jupiter in Taurus forms a supportive sextile with Pluto in Capricorn, amplifying our capacity for transformation and growth. This powerful alignment encourages us to embrace our inner power and step into our role as co-creators of our reality. It’s a time to harness Jupiter’s expansive energy and Pluto’s transformative power to manifest our highest visions and dreams.

Spiritual Practices for the Week:

  1. New Moon Ritual: On July 8th, create a sacred space for a New Moon ritual. Light candles, burn incense and set your intentions for emotional healing and spiritual growth. Write down your dreams and desires, and visualize them coming to fruition. Allow the nurturing energy of Cancer to guide you in planting the seeds for your future manifestations.
  2. Heart-Centred Meditation: With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, practice a heart-centred meditation to connect with your inner truth and courage. Focus on your heart chakra, visualize a radiant light, and feel its warmth spreading throughout your being. Allow this energy to empower your self-expression and align your actions with your soul’s purpose.
  3. Relationship Reflection: As Venus goes retrograde in Virgo, take time to reflect on your relationships and values. Journaling can be a helpful tool for exploring any patterns or beliefs that need releasing. Consider what truly resonates with your heart and soul, and set the intention to realign with your highest values in love and self-worth.
  4. Intuitive Practices: During the Sun-Neptune trine on July 14th, engage in practices that enhance your intuition and spiritual insight. This could include meditation, dream journaling, or exploring divination tools like tarot or oracle cards. Trust your inner guidance and allow yourself to be inspired by the mystical energies of the universe.
  5. Vision Manifestation: With Jupiter sextile Pluto, focus on manifesting your highest visions and dreams. Create a vision board, set clear intentions, and take inspired action towards your goals. Embrace your inner power and trust in your ability to co-create your reality with the universe.

Affirmations for the Week:

  • “I honour my emotions and nurture my dreams with love and compassion.”
  • “I speak my truth with courage and align my actions with my soul’s purpose.”
  • “I release old patterns and realign with my highest values in love and self-worth.”
  • “I trust my intuition and embrace the mystical guidance of the universe.”
  • “I harness my inner power and manifest my highest visions and dreams.”

Embrace this transformative week with an open heart and a receptive spirit. The universe is guiding us towards greater alignment with our true selves and our soul’s purpose. Trust in the cosmic flow and allow yourself to be carried towards higher dimensions of consciousness and spiritual growth.

Aries Weekly Forecast

Transformation and Empowerment: This week, Aries, you are being called to transform your inner world and empower yourself. The New Moon in Cancer urges you to focus on your emotional well-being and create a nurturing space for yourself. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, your communication is bold and passionate. Use this energy to express your truth and take courageous steps toward your goals. Venus retrograde in Virgo invites you to reassess your relationships and values. Embrace this time for introspection and realignment.

Affirmation: “I transform my inner world and empower myself with love and courage.”

Taurus Weekly Forecast

Healing and Growth: Taurus, this week is about healing and growth. The New Moon in Cancer illuminates your home and family life, encouraging you to create a harmonious environment. With Jupiter in your sign forming a sextile with Pluto, you have the power to manifest your deepest desires. Focus on personal transformation and expansion. Venus retrograde in Virgo asks you to re-evaluate your daily routines and self-care practices. Make changes that support your well-being.

Affirmation: “I heal and grow, creating a harmonious and nurturing environment for myself.”

Gemini Weekly Forecast

Creative Expression and Inner Wisdom: Gemini, this week, you are inspired to express your creativity and tap into your inner wisdom. The New Moon in Cancer highlights your communication skills, making it an ideal time to set intentions for new projects or learning endeavours. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, your mind is sharp, and your words are powerful. Use this energy to share your ideas with confidence. Venus retrograde in Virgo encourages you to reflect on your relationships with siblings and your immediate environment.

Affirmation: “I express my creativity and inner wisdom confidently and clearly.”

Cancer Weekly Forecast

Emotional Renewal and Financial Alignment: Cancer, the New Moon in your sign, brings a powerful opportunity for emotional renewal. Set intentions for personal growth and self-love. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, focus on aligning your financial goals with your values. Venus retrograde in Virgo asks you to reassess your communication style and how you express your needs. Take this time to refine your approach and ensure it aligns with your true self.

Affirmation: “I embrace emotional renewal and align my financial goals with my values.”

Leo Weekly Forecast

Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Leo, this week is about self-discovery and personal growth. The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to explore your inner world and set intentions for emotional healing. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in your sign, your self-expression is powerful and dynamic. Use this energy to pursue your passions and share your unique gifts. Venus retrograde in Virgo invites you to reflect on your values and self-worth, making adjustments that support your growth.

Affirmation: “I discover and grow, embracing my unique gifts and passions.”

Virgo Weekly Forecast

Spiritual Insight and Healing: Virgo, this week offers profound spiritual insight and healing. The New Moon in Cancer illuminates your subconscious, encouraging you to set intentions for inner peace and emotional balance. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, focus on your spiritual practices and meditation. Venus retrograde in your sign asks you to reassess your self-image and personal values. Embrace this time for self-reflection and realignment.

Affirmation: “I gain spiritual insight and healing, embracing inner peace and balance.”

Preserved White Matter Key To Superagers’ Superior Memory: Study

Libra Weekly Forecast

Community and Vision Manifestation: Libra, this week focuses on your community and vision manifestation. The New Moon in Cancer highlights your social connections, encouraging you to set intentions for collaboration and support. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, your leadership skills are highlighted. Use this energy to inspire and guide others. Venus retrograde in Virgo invites you to reassess your goals and aspirations, ensuring they align with your true desires.

Affirmation: “I manifest my visions and inspire my community with love and leadership.”

Scorpio Weekly Forecast

Career Growth and Inner Power: Scorpio, this week is about career growth and embracing your inner power. The New Moon in Cancer highlights your professional life, encouraging you to set intentions for success and fulfilment. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, focus on your ambitions and take bold steps toward your goals. Venus retrograde in Virgo asks you to reassess your friendships and social networks, making changes that support your growth.

Affirmation: “I embrace my inner power and achieve career growth with confidence and determination.”

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

Expansion and Higher Learning: Sagittarius, this week is about expansion and higher learning. The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to explore new horizons and set intentions for personal growth. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, focus on your studies and spiritual practices. Venus retrograde in Virgo invites you to reassess your beliefs and values, ensuring they align with your true self.

Affirmation: “I expand my horizons and embrace higher learning with curiosity and openness.”

Capricorn Weekly Forecast

Transformation and Intimacy: Capricorn focuses on transformation and intimacy this week. The New Moon in Cancer illuminates your relationships, encouraging you to set intentions for emotional connection and healing. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, focus on your personal transformation and inner power. Venus retrograde in Virgo asks you to reassess your partnerships and shared resources, making adjustments that support mutual growth.

Affirmation: “I transform and deepen my connections, embracing intimacy and mutual growth.”

Aquarius Weekly Forecast

Relationships and Harmonious Connections: Aquarius, this week is about relationships and harmonious connections. The New Moon in Cancer highlights your partnerships, encouraging you to set intentions for balance and harmony. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, focus on your communication skills and clearly express your needs. Venus retrograde in Virgo invites you to reassess your daily routines and how they impact your relationships.

Affirmation: “I create harmonious connections and express my needs with clarity and confidence.”

Pisces Weekly Forecast

Healing and Spiritual Practices: Pisces, this week offers healing and spiritual practices. The New Moon in Cancer illuminates your daily routines, encouraging you to set intentions for wellness and balance. With Mercury conjunct with Mars in Leo, focus on your creative projects and self-expression. Venus retrograde in Virgo asks you to reassess your health and self-care practices, making adjustments that support your overall well-being.

Affirmation: “I heal and nurture my well-being, embracing spiritual practices and balance.”

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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.

We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.

Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”

Continue reading …

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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

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Hare In The Moon

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