How To Make The Best Choices In Life In Line With Your Soul
How you experience and enjoy your life depends, of course, on the choices you make. How often do you find yourself trying to figure out what’s the best choice?
By Open | Contributing Writer
How you experience and enjoy your life depends, of course, on the choices you make. How often do you find yourself trying to figure out what’s the best choice? But what if at one level – that of the ego – choice is merely a complex illusion of conditioning? And beyond that, what if there’s a way of aligning with your soul that then delivers the best choices possible? It’s my observation in the Openhand work, then when people break through the illusion of choice that the ego creates, and when they align with the soul’s mainstream flow, life really takes off in the most magical of ways: you’re constantly blessed with miracles…
The Ego Is Going To Do Exactly What It Is Going To Do
I put it to you that when one is in the false self ego, choices are actually being made by a complex configuration of conditioned behaviour patterns – a conglomeration of fixed neural pathways in the brain – which work a bit like a computer: based on logic, but also with emotion and karmic filters thrown into the mix. My main point being…
That in any given situation, when you’re in the ego, you are going to do exactly what you are going to do, and although other options and pathways may have been possible, based on your current configuration, it’s highly inevitable you’d make the choice you did.
Understanding and accepting that something like this may be going on, when you think and feel into it, can bring with it an enormous amount of peace: it means you can start to let go of struggle. Work to accept that life simply ‘happens’ by your inner configuration of consciousness – that you manifest, and draw to yourself, exactly what you need at this current place on your journey – which is how The Law of Attraction truly works. When you do accept this, it then changes the focus as to where we might now need to look, in order to arrive at the best choice (defined as the most aligned one).
Regret and Awareness
Accepting that conditioned choices will happen anyway, can also bring with it enormous freedom from regret – about previous choices and pathways that you might have followed…
If you regret some of the twists and turns your life has taken, you could just simply drop all that right now – you were going to do exactly what you ended up doing. So how ever painful life’s lessons might have been, you can simply let go of any sense of regret about what happened. It’s a toxic emotion which is best to release. So close your eyes, meditate on them, visualise and see what took place, including who might have been involved. Realise you had no real choice, and completely drop the regret. Come completely into self-acceptance through forgiveness, of self, and others.
Accepting the choices you made is important, and bringing awareness into them is vital… why?
It may appear in your life as if, at times, there’s huge complexity – because your configuration of consciousness is complex and interacts with circumstances based on a complicated array of conditioning. However if you bring awareness into all the choices you daily make, then a lot of this complexity will start to naturally fall away, because the inner density that requires some external ‘fix’ starts to unravel. You find a natural pull to simplify your life.
Gain Openhand Facilitation Support in Simplifying Your Life for Better Soul Choices
Making the One True Choice of Life – In Any Given Situation
I put it to you that the soul doesn’t make choices as such, because it is not an identity, with an intention to do a particular thing, other than experience itself through the journey of life.
In the Openhand Approach, the one true choice that we can ever make, in any given situation, is to recognise the rightness of the soul, and then to align with it – in other words, to make the choice of your highest truth, which is always aligned with your soul.
The key is the feeling of ‘rightness’ – the soul simply flows from the source as a streaming river of consciousness that feels ‘right’, just as the river flowing down the mountain or the wind blowing through the trees. In this ‘one moment of now’, the flow can only be spontaneous, although there is consistency in the flow, as one moment shapes into another, and there is direction. This is because the whole of the Universe moves as one – so there can always be just one moment, yet with directional movement.
So the soul is a streaming flow of consciousness, without intention. It’s just acting as an expression of being and this shapes the creative path. The most fulfilling, rewarding and authentic choice we can truly make, is to align with it!
Here’s how to Fine Attune Your Spiritual Compass with Openway
Choices Are an Invitation to Discover Something Deeper About Yourself
In the Openhand Philosophy, the concept of a choice only really happens where there’s confusion about what to do. If there was no internal confusion, the path (of higher self) would become obvious, without need of a choice (other than to align) – rightness simply unfolds and expresses itself in a particular direction.
The idea of ‘Choice’ happens where there is some internal convolution – some disharmony. It happens because the flow of the soul within, gets stuck in density, which then manifests alternate possibilities.
So in any difficult choice, you’re hitting internal density. In which case, what’s really being invited is how to liberate the soul. This happens by realising what expression of soul is now being invited – for example, whether strong and courageous, or soft and surrendering, open and flowing. Just expressing different qualities of soul within a ‘choice’ will greatly affect the outcome. If you understand the various qualities that the soul can express, then look for a new expression of beingness wanting to come through – and express that – then the choice of ‘rightness’ will make itself. In the events that Openhand runs, unleashing the qualities of your soul, always figures highly, because it’s what defines a successful and fulfilled life of clarity.
Here is Openhand’s view on the various qualities of the Soul
Unraveling the Soul from the Ego within Choice
To complicate things, in any given moment, you could have both the false self-ego and the soul creating at the same time. Imagine it this way:
you have a toy aeroplane with an elastic band up the middle which connects to the propellor. You wind up the propellor, which builds twisted knots in the elastic band. When it’s fully wound up, you throw the aeroplane into the air, upon which it flies, seemingly with directional purpose. But it is the unwinding of the knots that generates this directional purpose in how the plane flies.
So it is with the ego and soul. As you cease trying to make false self-choices based on conditioning (because you’re feeling the soul more strongly), then you’re bringing awareness to your internal configuration of consciousness and why you do the things you do. Awareness challenges the old conditioning. And so the ego starts to unwind – just like the knots in the toy aeroplane. This provides energetic impetus forwards and the soul takes to flight, expressing itself with grace, lightness and flow, just like the aeroplane. On the Openhand level 2 course 5GATEWAYS, we help people apply the process Openway to unwind conditioning so as to give wings to the soul.
Feeling Liberated and Free In Your ‘Choices’
What can we take from all this? How does it make life easier and more aligned?
It means that you don’t have to beat yourself up about the choices! Simply do what you feel to do and then bring awareness to why you did it. If you feel tightness about the choice or sense of doubt or regret, ask: “What was I attached to?” “How did I need it to go a certain way?” Then challenge whether the attachment actually serves you. Does it serve you to be governed by fear and control? Does it serve you to be small?
All of these questions begin to bring you into the abode of The One, which needs nothing from any particular situation, and can readily accept that all situations arose from itself; that the only thing truly going on, is the expression of self – you are self-realising/self-actualising through the events and circumstances of your particular flow. So relax, let go, unwind. Give wings to your soul and let it fly!
If you resonate with my sharing and feel it important to follow the path of your soul in life, then consider getting involved with our 5D Ascension Program. It’s perfectly crafted to support that aim…5D Ascension Program
About the Author
Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.
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