Momentum And Motivation: Astrology Forecast October 3rd – 10th, 2021
What to expect this week?
By Lorna Bevan | Guest Writer
Saturn and Pluto go direct, slowing to station all week at their most impactful. Two questions emerge. What to build up and what to tear down?
On October 6th the New Moon in Libra is strong Plutonic medicine. The Sun/Moon are conjunct Mars and Mercury RX, square Pluto, opposite Chiron in Aries, trine Saturn in Aquarius and quincunx Uranus. Pluto turns Direct at 24° Capricorn square Disruptor Eris in Aries for the 3rd time this year. Given that Mercury is retrograde, time’s up for anything – relationships, institutions, toxic habits, consumerism – that has been clinging to life support.
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All of the Capricorn transits to Eris in Aries in 2020… Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto… contributed to the global lock down, in whatever manifestation endured where you live… and those transits contributed to the sense of the lost year, missed chances, isolation, exclusion and your best creative efforts not having the proper place to shine. And this year the on-going Pluto/Eris squares (which only happen every 500 years or so!) have constantly thrown a monkey wrench in the best laid plans, globally, collectively and personally.
On October 10th, Saturn turns direct at 6° Aquarius aligning with the Nodes of Fate and Awakener Uranus is a big reminder that you have the free will to act as your own arbiter, sponsor, guide, coach and mentor.
Enlightened Self-interest aka putting your own highest interests first is crucial, not just a nice slogan. The question to ask yourself is: “What if my life belongs to me?”
If you don’t want to feel shut out from your own life, then do what’s good for what ails you. No pity parties. No poor-me whinge fests.
Chandra Symbol New Moon LIBRA 14

A chariot pulled by four elephants.
“Embarking upon a highly unusual journey in which getting there is a very remote prospect. But along the way, upon the eternal road, you come upon absolutely everything that can trigger inner changes. You are granted the perfect view of the entire passing scene. And as you take it all in, the alchemy of deep process inside the soul optimizes the value and meaning of what you meet. Slowly, just underneath you become aware, in sync and steady on. And soon all is perfect. You know where you are and you recognize what is asked of those with eyes to see.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
Aries Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
With headstrong Mars and Mercury plus a New Moon in Libra, your relationships need careful handling. Pluto slows to turn forward in your 10th House of career and public reputation. It’s truth time. Are you in the right place doing the right thing for you? What do you need to permanently leave behind? All your friendships, alliances, enmities are in the spotlight. Who stays? Who goes? With Mercury retrograde, start straightening out misunderstandings and facing difficult conversations. On Sunday, Saturn turns forward bringing the need for reality checks.
No more head in the sand.
Taurus Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
For you as a Taurean, October looks busy, if not hectic. With Mars and Mercury along with a New Moon in your 6th House, the pace will quickly start to pick up. At least your own planet Venus is bringing support from those closest to you. From the 6th, when Pluto turns direct in Capricorn and the 10th when Saturn turns forward in your career zone, you’ll have energy and momentum in spades. Your focus needs to be on running your life more smoothly, more simply and more in tune with your own natural rhythms. Streamline all your routines, agendas, appointments and engagements. Practise saying a firm “No” more often.
Pace yourself as the month continues to bring demands.
Gemini Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
It’s going to be a month of necessary changes for just about everyone including you. The gathering of Mars and your own planet Mercury at the New Moon on October 6th is in your angle of self-expression and creativity, signalling something of a fresh start. As Pluto turns direct at the same time in your financial House, start thinking seriously about how you are investing your time, money and energy and whether it’s delivering the results you’d hoped for. On Sunday 10th, when practical Saturn also turns forward, look at your assets, resources and skills and use this huge shot of planetary momentum to get right back on creative track.
Rediscovering your mojo.
Cancer Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
A whoosh of energy blows through your life around October 6th at the Libra New Moon at the lowest part of your chart. Your home is in the frame all month and with both Mars and Mercury increasing the pace of events and change agent Pluto turning forward, change is not an option. You might be looking after elderly parents or young children, planning to move house, doing ancestry research or dealing with issues in the wider tribe. It looks as if a situation that has been on life support will end now. The New Moon is a time for both endings and beginnings, so as Saturn turns direct on the 10th, spend some time thinking about how to build stronger foundations.
Home is where the heart – and the action – is.
Leo Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
Your focus all month is communication, communication, communication. With Mars, Mercury plus a potent New Moon in your 3rd House on October 6th and Pluto turning direct, you’ll feel a strong boost of momentum and motivation. Despite Mercury being retrograde, use this New Moon and the days following to start some sort of publicity drive or to re-launch an initiative that fell by the wayside earlier in the year. Take another look at it, re-design and re-boot it and send it out into the world, where it might receive a better response this time around. On October 10th Saturn moves forward in your opposite sign. You might find just the right business partner or take a relationship to the next level of commitment.
Think before you speak – you don’t want to overwhelm people with your intensity.
Virgo Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
Yes, your personal planet Mercury is retrograde for the 3rd time this year, until October 18th The Messenger is working with fiery Mars and a potent New Moon on October 6th to nudge you to make some long overdue upgrades and improvements to your resources and income. At its root, it’s time to re-assess your values and to ask: what has outlived its purpose and what do I need to build upon? Helpfully, Pluto turns forward again boosting your creativity and inspiration, followed by practical Saturn on the 10th. Evaluate your worth and adjust your prices accordingly. Remember, people will take you at your own valuation. If you are employed, make an evidence-based case for a pay rise.
Be pro-active on your own behalf.
Libra Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
As a Libran, October has your name all over it, so if you’ve been feeling as if you were in limbo, take heart – life is about to look up! Around the 6th, just feel the whoosh of energy as action planet Mars joins communicator Mercury at the potent New Moon in your sign. This is the time to put yourself forward, to re-boot your appearance, your habits and regimes and to capitalise on being right back in your own element. Pluto turns forward and any issues connected with home or family will re-surface. This time around, you’ll have the energy and motivation to deal with them once and for all. Knowing that the positive momentum will continue right through October, what are you waiting for?
Putting your own highest interests first.
Scorpio Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
Frame the first 3 weeks of October as a time to re-charge your batteries ahead of the Sun returning to your own sign on the 21st. Each year at this time, your energy levels dip, as part of the natural solar cycle. Don’t try to push through it – that would be counter-productive. Your personal planet Pluto turns forward on October 6th at the Libra New Moon in your deep 12th House – a day when intensity builds. This New Moon nudges you to look at the spiritual side of your life, at your night time dreams and your unconscious defences and drivers. Take some quiet time to be alone, to reflect and to listen to that still small voice inside you that always has your highest interests at heart.
New information may come to light – just absorb it and let it percolate until after October 18th.
Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
For you a Sagittarian, October looks set to be a month of exciting opportunities, when your usual optimism and joie de vivre finally return. Your personal planet, gift bringer Jupiter turns forward on October 18th but right from the start of the month stations at his most helpful in Aquarius, your angle of communication. Your mind will be buzzing with innovative ideas. The days around October 6th the New Moon in Libra, when Pluto turns forward in your income zone, is your chance to shine. Make sure that you engage with as many people as possible, sharing your ideas and inviting their collaboration and input. You may be writing, launching an app or a website, making a public presentation or a podcast – anything to create momentum with your plans.
All singing, all dancing.
Capricorn Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
October for you is all about furthering your career and expanding your public reputation. Both Mars and the Sun are crossing the pinnacle of your chart and, as Mars only returns here once every two years, you need to make the very most of this planetary momentum. Mercury is also in this part of your chart but retrograde until October 18th – make sure you are as flexible as possible around contracts, agreements and appointments. There is yet more good news. On October 6th at the New Moon in Libra, Pluto in your sign turns forward after months of slow motion. Think of it as switching your personal power back on to full throttle. Then on October 10th reality planet Saturn turns forward in your financial zone, increasing the odds of extra income.
Keep the end in mind.
Aquarius Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
October delivers a change of energy and direction to Aquarians. After months of slow motion, both Saturn and Jupiter turn forward in your sign on the 10th and 18th, giving you the green light to move ahead with plans or projects that are close to your heart. Adding another boost to your momentum, at the New Moon in fellow Air sign Libra on October 6th Pluto also turns direct. This is a fantastic time to kick-start something new, especially a programme of study, travel or becoming a mentor or coach. Publishing, broadcasting, podcasting are all very well starred.
Share what you know, add value and get paid for it.
Pisces Weekly Forecast: 3rd – 10th October, 2021
The New Moon in Libra on October 6th conjunct Mercury and Mars is shining a light right into your deep 8th House of finances, secrets and intimacy. Not only that but Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, also turns forward on the 6th excavating anything that needs to be brought into the light of day for healing or repair. You might complete a loan repayment or an inheritance process or decide to start a financial issue afresh after a root and branch clear out. With Mercury retrograde here, make sure you know the ins and outs of all contracts, agreements and partnerships, especially divorce documents.
Looking at what’s going on behind the scenes.
Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.
About the Author
Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.
I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.
You can learn more about my work or contact me at:
- https://www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
- https://www.facebook.com/hareinthemoonastrology
- https://www.twitter.com/LornaBevan1