11 Examples That Show That We Are Truly Living In Very Strange Days
Global events appear to be building up to a grand crescendo, and the remainder of this year promises to be quite chaotic.
By: Michael Snyder | T.H.E.
Every day, we are literally being bombarded by news stories that indicate that the world that we live in is going completely nuts. We are constantly having to deal with unprecedented political chaos, economic turmoil, escalating global conflicts, frightening pestilences and historic natural disasters. I find myself using the word “chaos” a lot these days, because that is what we are witnessing all around us. Yesterday, I shared some really crazy things that have taken place within just the past week, and today I have an even longer list of really crazy things to share with you. The following are 11 examples that show that we are truly living in very strange days…
#1 It is being reported that an unidentified celestial object that is more than 27,000 times larger than Earth is traveling through our galaxy at approximately a million miles per hour…
A “UNIQUE” celestial object has been caught hurtling through space at one million miles per hour – so fast it may leave the galaxy, according to Nasa.
The colossal object – roughly 27,306 times the size of Earth – was spotted by citizen scientists who were analysing data from Nasa’s WISE telescope.
So far, scientists have not been able to tell us what this object is or where it originated.
But everyone agrees that this is a really big deal.
The “citizen scientist” that first spotted this object was amazed that nobody had discovered it previously…
“I can’t describe the level of excitement,” said Martin Kabatnik, a citizen scientist from Nuremberg, Germany.
“When I first saw how fast it was moving, I was convinced it must have been reported already.”
#2 An extremely rare “doomsday fish” was just discovered near the coast of southern California, and there is a lot of speculation about what this could potentially mean…
Kayakers and snorkelers exploring the Southern California coast spotted an extremely rare oarfish, nicknamed a “doomsday fish” since they are seen in some parts of the world as harbingers of imminent disasters. It’s one of less than two dozen confirmed sightings of an oarfish in the state in over 120 years, according to UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
The oarfish is a “strikingly large, odd-looking fish” with a long, silvery, ribbon-shaped body, according to the Ocean Conservatory. The fish can grow to more than 30 feet long, and have large eyes and “foreboding” red spines in a crown-like cluster. Typically, these fish are deep-sea dwellers and thrive in waters that are the least explored by scientists.
#3 Did you know that mastodons once roamed the plains of Iowa? I didn’t either, but apparently they did…
Archaeologists in Iowa believe they have unearthed an ancient mastodon skull dating back to when the first humans were roaming the Earth.
Discovered in the southern part of the state, the find is Iowa’s first well-preserved mastodon, according to the University of Iowa’s Office of the State Archaeologist. Scientists and local community members recently undertook a 12-day excavation at the site, which yielded “several mastodon bones,” primarily from the skull.
#4 According to Not The Bee, an absolutely gigantic statue of a Hindu deity has just been unveiled in Houston, Texas…
This can’t be good.
A Hindu temple just unveiled a statue of their demonic Lord Hanuman … in Texas.
It is being reported that this statue is 90 feet tall.
So if you are 6 feet all, this statue is 15 times taller than you.
Apparently it is now the tallest statue of this particular Hindu deity in all of North America…
According to the temple’s website, the statue is now the largest image of Lord Hanuman the monkey god in North America.
Lord Hanuman is said to be a loyal servant of the god Rama, and one of literally millions of gods recognized in Hinduism.
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#5 It is being reported that the Secret Service is investigating an allegation that during a recent Trump campaign event in North Carolina a female agent actually abandoned her post in order to breastfeed her baby…
The Secret Service is investigating a report that a female agent reportedly left her post at a Trump campaign event in North Carolina to go breastfeed.
The Secret Service acknowledged the allegations and issued a statement to Fox News Digital stating that an investigation was underway.
“All employees of the U.S. Secret Service are held to the highest standards. While there was no impact to the North Carolina event, the specifics of this incident are being examined. Given this is a personnel matter, we are not in a position to comment further,” a spokesperson for the agency said.
#6 In Illinois, a massive outbreak of oak leaf itch mites is “creating plague-like conditions all over the state”…
Illinois saw what was described as a “biblical” arrival of cicadas earlier this year. In early to mid-May, millions of periodical cicadas began to emerge from the soil in northern Illinois for the first time in 17 years, creating plague-like conditions all over the state.
Although the winged critters have stopped wreaking havoc on the city’s streets, there’s a sting in the tail.
Speaking to NBC, cicada expert Dr Gene Kritsky said: “A particular mite known as the ‘oak leaf itch mite’ can be seen in vast quantities following a cicada emergence.”
#7 A video that was posted by an unnamed farmer on social media is creating quite a stir. He says that aluminium levels in his soil are far higher than usual, and he claims that his heirloom seed crops are “failing”…
American Farmer says he’s tested his soil and it has 5x the amount of aluminium it used to have. The GMO seeds grow fine, all his heirloom seed crops are all the sudden failing
For those that have watched his video, do you believe him?
It will certainly be interesting to see if any other farmers come forward with similar accounts.
#8 As if we didn’t have enough deadly diseases to be watching for, now the CDC is warning that “parvovirus B19” is something that parents in the U.S. should be concerned about…
A respiratory disease known as parvovirus B19 is on the rise in the U.S. among all age groups, according to a recent advisory from the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC issued the health alert on Aug. 13 after European public health authorities reported “unusually” high numbers of cases in 14 countries during the first quarter of 2024, the advisory said.
The virus typically causes a blotchy rash on the cheeks that appears as if someone has slapped them — hence its nickname, “slapped cheek disease.”
#9 Do the Chinese know something that we don’t? It is being reported that they have been conducting widespread “emergency infection disease response drills”…
In recent months, local health authorities have conducted emergency infection disease response drills across China.
On Aug. 15, Dingxi City in Gansu Province, a district in Yancheng City in Jiangsu Province, and Lingchuan County in Shanxi Province carried out emergency drills for the outbreak of “pneumonia of unknown cause,” according to an official notice.
A staff member of the Gansu provincial government’s health hotline told the media on Aug. 15 that the national-level authorities had ordered officials in 10 provinces to conduct emergent infectious disease drills by the end of August.
#10 During an interview on Sunday, the president of Belarus claimed that Ukraine invaded Russian territory because they are trying to get the Russians to use nuclear weapons…
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko claimed in an interview posted on Sunday that Ukraine’s invasion of Russia is an attempt to “push” Moscow to hit it with nuclear weapons.
“Such escalation on the part of Ukraine is an attempt to push Russia to asymmetric actions. Let’s say to use nuclear weapons,” he said in an interview with local outlet Rossiya, according to a translation by BelTA. “I know for sure that Ukraine would be very happy if Russia or we used tactical nuclear weapons there. They will applaud it.”
Let us hope that the Russians keep their cool, because once nuclear weapons are used all of our lives will dramatically change.
#11 Meanwhile, the Russians continue to take more territory in eastern Ukraine. In fact, we are being told that the Russians just captured the city of New York…
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has once again admitted the situation in Ukraine’s east is “difficult” amid a continuing Russian troop advance in the Donetsk region. He said this Tuesday as Moscow announced the capture of the key town of New York, or Niu-York.
The defence ministry hailed the fresh capture of “one of the largest settlements of the Toretsk agglomeration,” calling it a “strategically important logistics hub.” It sits just south of the large industrial town of Toretsk, which has long been eyed by Moscow as a prime strategic goal in the region.
I am entirely convinced that this conflict in Ukraine is not going to end well.
Of course the same thing could be said about so many things that are going on in our world today.
Global events appear to be building up to a grand crescendo, and the remainder of this year promises to be quite chaotic.
So if you think that things are strange now, just hold on tight, because I have a feeling that they are about to get a whole lot stranger.
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Must Have: I highly recommend buying Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos”; its insightful content and engaging narrative make it a must-read for anyone seeking knowledge and inspiration.
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Life After Death Is Real! Here Are 5 Examples of People That Met Jesus During Near Death Experiences
We aren’t supposed to talk about what happens after we die. In fact, our society trains us not to even think about it. But the clock is ticking. Your body is wearing out and your time is limited. Of course the truth is that your number could be up at any time. If you died tonight, where would you go? The good news is that “the other side” is not a mystery. Countless numbers of people have been to “the other side” and have come back to tell us about it. According to a study that was conducted in 2019, approximately 10% of the entire population has had a near death experience. In this article, I am going to share 5 examples of people that actually met Jesus during their near death experiences.
#1 A 6-year-old girl named Zola Tomic was in the hospital to have her tonsils removed, but after the surgery she “began to bleed and hemorrhage for nearly ten days” due to a very rare genetic disorder. She lost a tremendous amount of blood and it was during this time that she met Jesus. After she recovered, she asked a question that absolutely floored her mother …
Zola asked her mom, “When can I go see God again?”
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