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Weekly Astrology Forecast For July 4th – 11th August 2024 – Hype And Hot Air

Weekly Astrology Forecast For July 4th – 11th August 2024 – Hype And Hot Air

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By: Lorna Bevan Hare In The Moon

This week’s Memo to Self: I refuse to be caught up in August’s push me/pull you, hyped up, high adrenalin, over-reactive manufactured dramas that are proving so attractive to lower- level egos.

See right through it all, knowing that trigger happy Mars is building to a conjunction with inflationary Jupiter in Gemini-exact on August 14th – as Mercury stations retrograde at Sunday’s Leo New Moon. The struggle between What Has Been and What Must Be – Jupiter squaring Saturn-is escalating and will continue into 2025.

This is a breeding ground for cyber and physical warfare, deliberate misinformation and credulous people responding to online agitators-but all the hyperbole and exaggeration is literally hot air.

In these end days, there are signs and symbols and guidance all around and inside us, but their appearance is governed by a timeline written somewhere else.

In any way you can manage:

As fellow psychotherapist Matt Licata says: “Each of us has to discover specific and concrete, tangible practices and actions we can take to restore us to a felt sense of safety and connection, in those moments when we become triggered, activated, and overwhelmed.

It’s essential to remember that spirituality and healing is not one size fits all; we have to learn to listen to our unique bodies, souls and nervous systems to discover what is most effective, skilful and compassionate for us. What works for another may not work for us, and may even be harmful… and what works one day may not work the next.”

New! Get your AUGUST 2024-25 Personal Year Ahead Forecast: Your Personal AUGUST 2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast

Chandra Symbol 

Chandra Symbol Mercury Retrograde 3 Virgo: a woman doing delicate embroidery.

Chandra Symbol Mercury Retrograde 3 Virgo: a woman doing delicate embroidery.

“The mind being restrung slowly and systematically by erosion of what was assumed or taken as a given. Multiple worlds crying out for refinement, repair, repolarization, and release. The most sensitized and self-conscious and fine-tuned way of being imaginable. Attending to subtle, underlying echoes and resonances. Lost in time. Existing in a void or parallel world or altered state; doorkeeper between the worlds in an unlikely form. But inside the spiral, there lives a knowingness and a beingness in tune with Earth and Heaven, and it is rhythmically synchronised with the ancient and the future, the forgotten and the unknown. Be with the transition, and stay in touch throughout.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

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Aries Weekly Forecast

Keep your biggest, boldest ideas under wraps until after August 28th. Now is not the time to take risks, spend money before you have it or be impetuous. Make sure you under promise then over-deliver rather than the other way round.

Taurus Weekly Forecast

Time for some physical, mental and emotional de-cluttering at Sunday’s New Moon. With Mercury retrograde until August 28th, take a close look at your income stream and pricing to make sure you’re being paid what you’re really worth. Thanks to Mars/Jupiter, your earning cycle is at its peak potential.

Gemini Weekly Forecast

If you are over reaching or over stretching yourself in any aspect of your life, you’ll feel an immediate pushback through physical stress, unintended consequences or resistance from those around you. As your own planet Mercury slows until August 28th, do likewise.

Cancer Weekly Forecast

With Mars and Jupiter in your 12th House, be careful not to get caught up in a movement or cult that promises you heaven on earth. The urge to escape from day-to-day life through self-inflation and spiritual separation may be strong. Stay as grounded in the here and now as you can and don’t sign any contracts until the beginning of September.

Leo Weekly Forecast

Sunday’s New Moon in your sign is a time to retreat and take stock. Mercury will be retrograde in your sign throughout August, so if you do try to forge ahead, you won’t have the full picture. Pluto in your opposite sign of Aquarius is taking some getting used to, preventing you from cutting corners or using charm to get by instead of investing your time and effort.

Virgo Weekly Forecast

Despite your own planet Mercury retrograding until August 28th, August is going to be a busy month. Mars and Jupiter together at the pinnacle of your chart are lighting a fire under your career and reputation. Make sure your business partner or advisor is on board with your expansion plans.

Libra Weekly Forecast

Some of your friendships and alliances may change quite markedly, as you make plans to break free from your comfort zone and go exploring. As Mercury slows down all month, do your research, plan a trip, and apply to a program of study-anything that will widen your horizons.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast

Although you may be focused on your career, with Mercury retrograde all month, take a breather to check if your ladder is up against the right tree. There are also much bigger issues to think about connected with your closest relationship and joint assets -secrets and skeletons are tumbling out of the cupboard.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

The balloon may go up at work when you are suddenly faced with a reorganisation you didn’t see coming. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde until August 28th and make no major decisions until you have more reliable information. This is not a time to burn bridges, as there are opportunities hidden in the chaos.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast

Pay attention to your wellbeing and don’t override any physical signals of distress. The urge to keep on keeping on with your nose to the grindstone will be strong but with Mercury retrograde all month, you need to step away from your desk and look at the bigger picture. What can you let go of?

Aquarius Weekly Forecast

Changes at home continue to surprise you. You may be adapting where you live or even thinking about moving to fit suddenly changing circumstances. If it feels as if everything is shifting on its axis, take all the time you need to look at the bigger picture. No need to rush into any major decisions just yet.

Pisces Weekly Forecast

There’s a lot of energy around your home and family with Mars and Jupiter disrupting your usual routines. Some sort of big shift is underway-is it a house move, a marriage or a divorce? No matter how it plays out for you, take it seriously-you’re absolutely ready for a breath of fresh air.

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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.

We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.

Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”

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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

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