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Experts Believe Mysterious Aluminium Object Dating Back 250,000 Years ‘Could Be Part of Ancient UFO’

Experts Believe Mysterious Aluminium Object Dating Back 250,000 Years 'Could Be Part of Ancient UFO'

Public Domain

By: Vicky Verma | How & Whys

The discovery of an ancient artefact known as “The Wedge of Aiud” is the most compelling evidence that hints at the ancient astronauts’ visitations to Earth over 250,000 years ago. It is said that the artefact was found in 1973 in Romania, on the bank of the Mures River. The object was found under 35 feet of sand, alongside mastodon bones (mastodons are considered to be distant relatives to elephants). The object is mysterious due to its age and composition.

The main reason why ancient astronaut theorists are interested in the Aiud artefact is the fact that it is made of aluminium, a material that was not known to mankind until the 1800s. According to tests, the object is made of 12 metals, 90% aluminium, and it was dated by Romanian officials as being 250,000 years old. The initial results were later confirmed by a lab in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The possibility that a modern-day object would be found beside the bones of a beast that went extinct more than 11,700 years ago is slim. What is more, the object is covered in patina, a coating that takes hundreds or even thousands of years to develop.

The Wedge of Aiud. Image Credit: History YouTube

As it turns out, aluminium was not created by a “modern civilization” around 200 years ago. Aluminium was first isolated in 1825 by Danish physicist HC Oersted, so the discovery of the piece of metal with such an age has been considered extraordinary by researchers.

The item was discovered in 1973 when constructors were working on the shorelines of the Mures River, in the vicinity of the town of Auid. At around 10 meters below the surface, workers were left surprised when they recovered three mysterious objects.

All of them appeared unlike anything they had seen, and seemed to be very old. Archaeologists were brought to the site and identified two of the objects as being fossil remains. However, the third piece left researchers surprised. It appeared to be a man-made artefact, composed of extremely lightweight metal. The researchers suspected at the time that it was the end of an axe.

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To confirm the theories, the objects were sent for analysis to Cluj, Romania. Experts determined that the fossils belonged to a large – extinct — mammal that died between 10,000 and 80,000 years ago.

However, the third object caused confusion among experts. Scientists determined that the object was composed of lightweight metal and was most likely manufactured due to the concavities of the object.

The Auid artefact is 20 meters long, 12.5 centimetres wide and has a thickness of 7 centimetres. The object resembled some kind of part belonging to a complex mechanical system. However, researchers were unable to determine to what it belonged.

Deputy Director of the Romanian UFOlogists Association, Gheorghe Cohal said: “Lab tests concluded it is an old UFO fragment given that the substances it comprises cannot be combined with technology available on Earth.”

However, not everyone seems convinced. Local historian Mihai Wittenberger does not believe the object belongs to a complex mechanical device left behind by ancient astronauts. In fact, Wittenberger considers the mysterious object may actually be a metal piece from a World War II German aircraft.

Giorgio Tsoukalos and Erich Von Daniken looking at the mysterious Wedge of Aiud Artefact.

More precisely, Wittenberger claimed the alleged “alien artefact” was actually part of the landing gear of a Messerschmitt ME 262, a World War II German aircraft. But there is one problem with that explanation. The mystery object is 250,000 years old.

On January 18, 2017, at the National History Museum of Transylvania, ancient astronaut theorists Giorgio Tsoukalos and Eric von Daniken were offered a rare opportunity to get a first-hand look at the Wedge of Aiud.

Swiss researcher Giorgio Tsoukalos said: “This was found at a depth of 10 meters, which is about 30 feet in the ground.” Whereas Erich Von Daniken, another proponent of ancient astronaut theory said the Aiud artefact looks like an excavator tooth. “It could have been something like this. But these excavator tubes are never made out of aluminium. They are made out of steel, especially hard steel. So it could not be that. So we have a real mystery here,” Von Daniken stated.

The mysteries surrounding the artefact have not been solved and currently, the “out-of-place” artefact resides in the History Museum of Cluj-Napoca, next to a sign that reads: “Origin still unknown.”

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Zecharia Sitchin’s Translation of 14 Tablets of Enki: Complete History of Anunnaki

Zecharia Sitchin shocked the historical and archaeological world after he published his series of books on “Anunnaki Gods” who arrived from Planet Nibiru around 445,000 years ago. According to him, these ancient astronauts touched down in one of Earth’s seas, and established Eridu, “Home in the Faraway.”

The author’s translation of fourteen tablets of Enki explains the history of the Anunnaki civilization and their full-fledged purpose for the visit to Earth. The tablets are the account of Enki, an Annunaki, from a planet called Nibiru. He was the firstborn son of Anu, the king of the planet Nibiru. Nibiru is supposed to circle the sun every 3,600 earth years.

Enki claimed [as per Sitchin’s translation] in these tablets to have come to Earth to mine gold for their home planet Nibiru. The gold was needed to repair the atmosphere of their planet. They needed mine workers so Enki created humans on Earth in their image.

Though there is a lot of sceptics in the story of Anunnaki, numerous scholars and theologians have begun to recognize that the biblical tales of Creation, of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, are in fact product of ancient texts written down millennia before in ancient Mesopotamia by the ancient Sumerians. …

The First Tablet of Lord Enki

… Click here to continue reading the article.

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READ MORE: Anunnaki Message: An Incredible Text First Revealed In 1958 Before The Work of Zecharia Sitchin

Read more on Anunnaki History: Leaked Information From NASA & The Pentagon: “The Anunnaki Are Returning To Earth”

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