By: Harry Boulton | UNILAD Tech
The idea of being the last person alive on Earth is really the stuff of nightmares, and one simulation posted on TikTok gives everyone a glimpse into what it’d truly be like to be alone in 2087.
Simulations give us a glimpse into situations that would either be impossible or incredibly undesirable, ranging from the horrors of a ‘euthanasia coaster’ designed to kill its riders to showing what it’d be like to be swallowed by a black hole.
Nightmares of a futuristic apocalypse or doomsday scenario is something nobody would like to find themselves in, yet one TikTok user has given us an idea of what it’d actually be like in a ‘horrifying’ recreation.
Shared by Time Traveller POV, an AI-generated video shows a first-person look at what it’d be like to wake up as the last person on Earth all the way in the distant future of 2087.
Overgrown wildlife, decaying buildings, and even the classic abandoned fairground – all more than enough to keep you up at night!
There’s even sight of an abandoned McDonald’s restaurant, although they’ve either changed their logo and name in the 62 years between now and then or we’re seeing a classic AI mistake in action.
The clip ends with a classic horror story cliche – the ringing of a phone. You thought that you were the last person alive, so then who’s that on the other end? That’s something that many in the comments found very creepy, and it would definitely send shivers down your spine if it did happen to you, even with the hope that you’re not the only one left.
@timetravellerpov POV: You wake up as the last person on Earth in 2087 #history #historytok #ai #apocalypse
Many have also made comparisons to other similar apocalyptic shows, films, and games, with names like The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, and Alice in Borderland repeatedly thrown around in the comments.
One comment even goes as far to wonder if all the animals are OK, as you can typically see birds or even wildlife roaming around fragments of destroyed civilization in similar doomsday worlds.
“I just know that call was about a car’s extended warranty” jokes one other user, and it wouldn’t be hard to believe that cold callers would still find their way to your phone even if you were the last person on Earth.
Some have pointed out that they’d be alright and that this scenario doesn’t scare them as at least you’d get a bit of peace and quiet – although others have indicated that WiFi and electricity are a necessity. Not sure that you’d be afforded such luxuries in such a devastating situation though!
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Scientists Reveal All The Evidence Adam & Eve Really DID Exist
While this might seem far-fetched, there is now a growing body of evidence which suggests that at least some parts of the story could be true.
Archaeologists have found surprising signs that Eden was not only a real place but could have been the birthplace of civilisation as we know it.
Likewise, biologists have shown that all humans alive today really do share a single common ancestor.
However, making the Bible fit with modern science requires throwing out a lot of the traditional story.
That could mean saying goodbye to the notion that God created Adam and Eve, or even questioning whether our biblical ancestors were Homo Sapiens.
A Real Garden of Eden
In the Bible, Adam and Eve live in a place called the Garden of Eden, a beautiful land of plenty and abundance.
Interestingly, the Bible also provides a relatively precise description of where this mystical garden is located.
In Genesis, the Bible states that a river flows through Eden and divides into four branches: The Pishon, the Gihon, the Tigris, and the Euphrates.
Of these, the Tigris and the Euphrates are well known and still flow through modern-day Iraq.
However, the Gihon and the Pishon are far more obscure and their locations, if they still exist, are unknown.
This has led to a plethora of suggestions as to where the Garden of Eden might have really been, ranging from Iran and Mongolia to Jackson County Missouri.
However, the most promising theory is that the Garden of Eden is located in an area called Mesopotamia.
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