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Astrology Forecast October 6th – 13th 2024 – Karmic Chickens Coming Home To Roost

Astrology Forecast October 6th – 13th 2024 – Karmic Chickens Coming Home To Roost

Tiny Buddha

By: Lorna Bevan Hare In The Moon

October’s intense astrology and solar activity is fast tracking the evolutionary burn, deleting time-lines and installing new bandwidths of experience and possibilities as we spin towards 2025 – a year of Reckoning / Resurrection. As the month progresses, you’ll feel as if you’ve been plugged into a power grid.

NEW! Essential Resource! “SPINNING TOWARDS 2025” My 5D Report for OCTOBER 2024  Includes Master Coaching on Personal Re-orientation – a sorting / re-ordering aligning you with the new resonant timelines which are all about living from Self, Core and Personal Power.

I really appreciate your writing-it always resonates with me and is meticulously researched. Your intuitive writings are spot on and very therapeutic for navigation of this difficult world. Many thanks. ” – Nat F USA

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On October 2, a Super Moon solar eclipse in cardinal Libra revealed the fragility / convenient illusion of global peace and set us all walking along a razor’s edge. This week, the stakes are raised again as Mercury squares both Mars and Pluto; on October 9th Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini square Saturn until February 4 2025; Pluto stations direct at the Master degree 29° Capricorn on October 11.

With Pluto stationary opposite Mars, there may well be some explosions. Pluto’s station intensifies everything – whether it shows up as deep psychological work or karmic chickens coming home to roost that are the inevitable fallout from avoiding taking personal responsibility.

When Pluto makes its station on October 12th for the last time in 250 years in Capricorn:

Chandra Symbol

Chandra Symbol Pluto Direct CAPRICORN 30: Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis.

Chandra Symbol Pluto Direct CAPRICORN 30: Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis. 

“Heightened ability to bring the greater self into action. The prenatal resolve to work out all remaining karmas and be free. Intensive focus upon soul evolution. Purpose, will. You have something to grow into throughout your life. Ancient ways, unfallen heights, seeing through. Staggered by what you have taken on. Ripening on the vine. Under massive pressure from within. The path and journey of ascension, with the body honoured and the world renewed. Awakening and tapping the source for projects and tasks requires top-level clearance and the truest endowment of inward faculties to see them through and light up the world.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Aries Weekly Forecast

Its decision time for many solar Arians this month. A gathering of planets-plus the recent eclipse-in Libra at odds with Pluto at the pinnacle of your chart and Mars at the base suggests that old issues at home, in your partnerships and in your career could rise again for resolution. Don’t run from difficult conversations.

Taurus Weekly Forecast

If the recent eclipse knocked you off balance, take heart. Your own planet Venus in your opposite sign until October 18th is smoothing your path, supporting you as you nurture your physical and emotional wellbeing. Not only that but as Pluto stations at the very end of Capricorn, Awakener Uranus in your own sign reminds him to leave you a parting gift by the door.

“I’m A Time Traveller From The Year 2345, I’m So Sorry For What’s Coming”

Gemini Weekly Forecast

Lucky you! The ace up your sleeve is guru Jupiter turning backwards in Gemini until February 4th 2025. Jupiter expands and magnifies everything he touches, including your reputation, status and contribution in the world. Question what you allow in your mind and energy field as sources of information and seek knowledge instead of info bytes to make meaning out of your life.

Cancer Weekly Forecast

If you are feeling emotional, wrung out or bereft, I’m not surprisedLast week’s eclipse brought unchosen changes to your family and your sense of home and belonging. Mars is in Cancer for the long haul and you’re not in the mood to put up with or tolerate difficult relationships any longer. Pay attention to Great Eliminator Pluto as he stations direct for the very last time in 250 years in Capricorn, leaving your partnership angle never to return-his parting gift is always, always to expose the truth of a situation.

Leo Weekly Forecast

Pay attention to whatever comes up around the 11th October when Great Eliminator Pluto slows to turn direct for the very last time ever in your 6th House of routines, responsibilities and work. If the ongoing stress of taking on too much has impacted your health, don’t hide your head in the sand but book a check-up. Pluto always leaves a gift by the door as he departs-the unvarnished truth. Which roles and duties do you need to walk away from without looking back?

Virgo Weekly Forecast

The recent eclipse put money into focus. How are you managing your flow and supply? Take a close look at everything-your bank accounts, savings, possessions, debt, money loaned, income streams. Look for regular outgoing bank payments you’d forgotten about and cancel them, request immediate repayment of money owing, find ways of lowering your tax payments.

Libra Weekly Forecast

October is your month, the start of your personal New Year and what a start it is proving to be with a doozy of an eclipse last week in your own sign. Signal your upcoming reinvention by getting rid of anything that isn’t you-clothes that don’t suit you, habits that keep you small. This will be simpler than it sounds as Great Eliminator Pluto slows to turn forward for the very last time in your angle of tribe, family and belonging. It’s time to leave shouldering emotional burdens that aren’t yours to carry in your dustbin of history.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast

Whenever your co-ruler Pluto slows to change direction, you feel the intensity immediately wherever it is hitting your chart. On October 11th, not only is the Great Eliminator stationing direct at the very last degree of Capricorn but is leaving your 3rd House of connection after 15 years not to return for another 250 years. From November 19th, Pluto will begin to transit the very base of your chart until 2044 (!) Transforming your home, your family and tribe and your sense of belonging.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

Your own planet Jupiter turns retrograde this week until February 2025, emphasising the importance of close partnerships in your happiness. This is the season to start planning some sort of joint venture or adventure to give you wings next year. Luckily, Pluto is turning forward at the same time and about to permanently exit your income zone for the last time, having given your finances a total workout since 2008. Expect one last gift by the door- perhaps a bonus, a new client or a tax rebate?

Capricorn Weekly Forecast

This a rare moment of opportunity for you as a solar Capricorn. On October 11th, Transformer Pluto stations direct at 29 degrees of your sign, preparing to exit Capricorn permanently after 15 long years of turning your life upside down. Make sure you tie up all loose ends and have done the necessary psychological work ready to move forward, leaving the past firmly in the past where it belongs.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast

Are you sensing the intensity of Pluto slowing to turn forwards at the last degree of Capricorn, the sign before yours? The Great Eliminator is standing on the threshold of Aquarius preparing to transform your sense of identity from November 19th 2024-2044! Do your prep now…how have you been underusing you power or influence for the greater good by keeping yourself small?

Pisces Weekly Forecast

A beautiful flowing Grand Trine between Mars in Cancer, Neptune and Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Scorpio-all sensitive water signs-is feeding your imagination, creativity and generativity. Please don’t just sit back and enjoy it. Channel it into useful ideas as fuel for future projects at home and at work. As Pluto stations direct for the last time in your 11th House, look closely at your alliances, your networks and the groups you are part of. Is it time for a changing of the guard.

New! Get Your Personal OCTOBER  2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast

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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.

We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.

Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”

Continue reading …

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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

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