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Astrology Forecast October 13th – 20th 2024 – Shadow Warrior Archetype On The Loose

Astrology Forecast October 13th – 20th 2024 – Shadow Warrior Archetype On The Loose

Tiny Buddha

By: Lorna Bevan Hare In The Moon

There is a high road and a low road. A muggle road and a magician road. A devil road and an angel road. An unconscious road and a conscious road …

Shadow Warrior Archetype on the Loose …

Expect another week of high stakes globally and personally, amped up on October 17 by yet another Super Full Moon – a Full Moon on steroids. Powering up the extreme voltage, the Full Moon at 24 Aries is sandwiched between sensitive points Chiron and Disruptor Eris in Aries in a supercharged Cardinal Grand Cross with Pluto in Capricorn, Mars in Cancer and the Sun in Libra.

This unfettered and uncontained Warrior energy on the loose-revealed so starkly during recent climate events by viral conspiracy theories from the collective shadow ID on social media -is a foretaste of 2025’s radical shift from Yin to Yang planetary power via an historic yearlong Aries stellium of Saturn / Neptune / Node of Fate / Chiron / Eris /.

(Much more on this in my: “Survive and Thrive Guide to 2025” – to be released in November.)

As my friend Feng Shui Master Richard Ashworth often observes:” Poor decisions made by groups of unsupervised men are arguably at the heart of most of the problems in the world. It is as if a spark of Fire pushes things beyond a peak.”

Take The High Road:

New! Get Your Personal OCTOBER 2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast: Your Personal October 2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast

Chandra Symbol

Chandra Symbol Super Moon ARIES 25: A great dragon asleep in a cave.

Chandra Symbol Super Moon ARIES 25: A great dragon asleep in a cave.

“Karmically held in the balance. Truly having nothing to do until waiting is fulfilled. If there should come a time when all the signal flares go off and give the go ahead, your stored up power and resources shall prove to be absolutely incredible. From way back when to the promised time, you feel a projectile of intent to hold on no matter what. In a cross between a crazy deal and the purest vows of commitment not to push the river and to wait for the universal waters to flood their banks and bring you back right on time for futures unlimited.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

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Aries Weekly Forecast

Try to reduce your commitments this week as October 17th’s Super Full Moon in your sign activates all four sensitive angles of your chart. With Mars in Cancer at the base of your chart opposite Pluto it may be difficult to keep a sense of proportion and easy to overreact emotionally.

Taurus Weekly Forecast

No matter what is going on around you, make your wellbeing your highest priority. The Super Full Moon in Aries in your hidden 12th House-the engine room of your chart-opposite Sun in your angle of health can feel debilitating. Retreat and withdraw from your usual routines and get some real rest.

Gemini Weekly Forecast

Jupiter retrograde in your own sign is taking you on a backtracking inner journey through some recent decisions and turning points. This is one of those necessary times to dig deeper into your real motivations and motives and then to make a course correction.

Cancer Weekly Forecast

October 17th’s doozy of a Super Moon is at the pinnacle of your solar chart and activating all four angles. The ever-shifting relationship between who you are, how you make a living, your chosen relationships and your tribe and family is about to change again, like a turn of a kaleidoscope. Who apart from you, needs healing and rapport?

Leo Weekly Forecast

If you are feeling drained by two recent eclipses, this week’s Aries Full Moon will give you the momentum to seek support. Talking with a trusted friend or therapist could shine a light on your inner world. Your body, your emotions and your soul are crying out for healing.

Virgo Weekly Forecast

Make a note of October 18th when Venus moves into your angle of home and family. The recent eclipses and the doozy of an Aries Super Moon on the 17th have been draining on your mind, body and spirits. Create a sanctuary with all your favourite comforts to hand and make time to retreat for a while to rest and restore yourself.

Libra Weekly Forecast

No sooner have you emerged from a wild card eclipse in your own sign, but a Super Full Moon in your opposite sign on October 17th activates all four angles-the support structures-of your chart. Give yourself a break from holding everyone else together and find some ways to release all that physical stress.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast

This week’s Yang energy around the Aries Full Moon is at odds with your Yin nature-it’s both an elemental and temperamental clash. So, withdraw, find a safe spot to observe all the others running around creating noise, drama and hot air and quietly focus on your own energy healing.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

The saving grace for you, in what is likely to be another eventful week, is Venus returning to your own sign from October 18th. The two recent wild eclipses plus October 17th’s Super Full Moon have stretched you to the limit, so take a step back and let Venus smooth your path whilst you come to terms with changed circumstances.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast

Just like Aries, Cancer and Libra, the Aries Super Full Moon on Thursday 17th is rattling all four angles of your solar chart. These are the underpinnings and support structures of your life. Once again, you’re having to adjust and re-balance career, home life, partnerships and your own needs and ambitions.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast

If you’re sensing big changes just over the horizon, that’s Transformer Pluto on the threshold of entering Aquarius for the next 20 years. Start preparing now by shedding anything that is keeping you stuck in a past that has gone dark. This could be possessions, photographs, clothing, dreams that have lost their juice to an entire belief system that has been keeping you stuck and small.

Pisces Weekly Forecast

Take advantage of all the Yang Aries energy on Thursday at the Super Full Moon to boost your finances. This could be by creating new income streams, making a case for a bonus or auditing your spending and outgoings. You are supported by Venus crossing the pinnacle of your chart on the 18th, boosting your halo effect at work and in your reputation.

New! Get Your Personal OCTOBER 2024-25 Year Ahead Forecast

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Gemini Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

If your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, it’s likely your zodiac sun sign is Gemini. In astrology, this means you were born under the sign of the airy, witty twins — and you might be curious about Gemini compatibility.

We’re talking Gemini love compatibility, Gemini friendship compatibility and even compatibility in the workplace.

Master astrologer Shannon Aganza, creator of MoonGathering Astrology and Numerology Coursework says that if you’re working with or crushing on a Gemini, be ready for a lot of talking. “Be comfortable with words,” says Aganza. “Gemini embodies the idea that the mind and body are one, and they love the intermingling of minds.”

Continue reading …

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READ MORE: Aries Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

Read more on Astrology: Taurus Compatibility In Love, Work & Friendship

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