Bob Lazar Reveals The Truth – “Element 115 Is The Fuel of Advanced UFOs”
In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of the secret Air Force Base, Area 51 and the US government's work on alien space-crafts. He’s the whistle-blower who shocked the world, then went silent, until now. Lazar’s story begins with his work at the secret base located at Groom Lake in Nevada. He worked to reverse engineer alien technology from UFOs that allegedly crashed on planet Earth.
“Element 115 Is the Fuel Of Advanced UFOs” – Bob Lazar Reveals The Truth
The introduction of element 115, which will be introduced in the near future, will cause a few eyebrows for those who are familiar enough with the fringe belief system regarding UFOs to believe that there is another group. This faction is known as the “wacko fringe” of the fringe.
Bob Lazar is a name many people know. Lazar claimed in 1988 and 1989 that he was a physicist for S4, which was supposedly near Groom Dry Lake, Nevada. It is located southwest of top-secret Area 51. Lazar says that S4 is an underground military base where flying saucers or alien spacecraft can be studied and reverse engineered.
Lazar claims to be able to identify nine different alien vehicles and has detailed information about the propulsion mechanism and other specifications of the disc-shaped spacecraft that he calls the “sport model”. Lazar’s credibility was doubted after it was discovered that the “schools he was alleged had no record of him” and that others in science had no memory of ever having seen him.
Lazar’s advocates claim that Lazar was unable to prove his credentials and that he has a damaged past in order raise the credibility issues that his adversaries raised. Ununpentium is also known as Element 15.
Bob Lazar asserts that atomic Element 115 served as a fuel source for the cars under investigation. Element 115, temporarily referred to as “ununpentium” or Uup (symbol: Uup), was believed to have been used as an antigravity energy source. It also provided antimatter for energy generation during proton bombardment.
The nucleus Element 115’s nuclear force field is very strong, so the result of large-scale gravitational impacts would be a distortion of space-time or warp of time, thereby reducing the travel distance and time to reach a destination. Recent accelerator investigations confirmed the presence of this synthetic component.
It will be enough for ununpentium to receive a formal name change and formal recognition. New experiments support the discovery of one of these elements. A team of international researchers discovered an element with 115 protons in Germany’s GSI accelerator. The element is not the first to be created by a research team.
It is also known as ununpentium (Latin: one-one-five plus “ium”). Unpentium was first created by a group of Russian and American scientists in the early 2000s. They published a study in 2006 on it. However, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) did not deem that data sufficient to formally recognize—or name—ununpentium at the time.
Another step forward is the latest GSI study. Why is it that we use the term “created” or “synthesized” to refer to ununpentium created by individuals rather than “discovered”? Human experimentation is the only way that ununpentium can exist, just like other super-heavy element. It is a completely artificial element (unpentium elements: polyester fabrics?). It can’t be made in a laboratory.
It is not possible to make atoms heavier that uranium using fusion processes, nuclear reactions or any other highly specialized chemical process. This element, which has 92 protons, is the most heavy to be found naturally on Earth. Six synthetic elements have been created using the GSI accelerator with more protons that uranium. Ununpentium was created by scientists at GSI.
They attacked a thin film made of americium (a synthetic element that contains 95 protons) with calcium ions. Each of these ions has 20 protons. The bombardment links the nuclei from the calcium atoms and americium to create a new nucleus of 115 protons. An instructional GIF can be found on the GSI’s new elements webpage. Ununpentium, as all super-heavy, made elements, is fast decaying.
The 2006 announcement was made by researchers using ununpentium, which lasted from 30 to 80 milliseconds. IUPAC members are now expected to review the latest confirmation of the 2006 work to determine if it is sufficient for formal recognition of ununpentium. This was according to Lund University, Sweden. Lund researchers conducted the unpentium test at GSI.
The journal Physical Review Letters has published the results of the Lund research team. According to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory of the United States, research on synthetic elements helps scientists understand more about the fission process and confirms cool chemical hypotheses.
Unpentium is unlikely to be found in any future advanced gadgets. So far, scientists have not discovered any useful applications for synthetic elements with 100 or fewer protons. This finding does not support Bob Lazar’s fantasies.
While it is theoretically possible to create many elements that are not found in nature, it is impossible to do so in the laboratory. We can only learn a little about fusion from this discovery. There is no mention of UFOs.
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